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Old 02-22-2015, 12:26 AM
TAVG TAVG is offline
J Ryan
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Southeast Missouri
Posts: 163

last year I had 2 Severe inner ear infections....before those i never had problems with my ears.
not really pain but the sense of it made me feel like I was dying. constant virtigo, black out spells, anxiety etc.

ever since then the hearing in my right ear hasnt been the same, almost slightly muffled.

when i was in 7th grade we were cleaning off the church my dad pastored. we were using a powerwasher (dirtroad.dust.dirt grime..etc) It was very hot, so stupid me willingly told one of the other kids to spray my hair (was kinda long) That sucker sprayed me almost point blank in the side of the head. this 2600 psi washer split my skin in a horseshoe shape around my left ear, blood was running down the back of my head, the church leaders freaked lol.

in 10th grade me and my brother were seeing who could jump the farthest off of our trampoline. we were marking our distance with a plastic trash can, well it was my turn and i landed on it. broke my ankle

.... 2 years later Christmas eve, it was and my brother went to Walmart to get last min gifts, after shopping we were running back to the car and I rolled my ankle and broke it again. Here I am limping across the parking lot, my brother yelling " stop faking and run". go to the docs and yep, it was broken again.
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