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Old 09-18-2012, 08:29 PM is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 64

They also did Football. If you got them all you got a football. I got all but about 30 of them. So I DREW those in and my mom and dad drove me somewhere in CT to a redemption place. At first they werent going to give me the football because I didnt have all the caps. But my mom convinced them that it was too much to ask for a 7 year old and told them how hard I had tried.

I got the YA Tittle football and this will come as no surprise to this bunch but I still have the football...although its far from mint.

One of the ways I got more caps is that our church had a Coke machine. People would buy a Coke and then snap off the cap on the little bottle opener on the machine. The cap would drop down into a hole. I tied a magnet to a string and then I hung around after church (my parents were Sunday school teachers). I stuck the string down the hole and pulled up the caps one by one.

Dont get me started with what I did in 1975 when Hostess had the cards on the bottom of boxes.
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