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Old 07-20-2016, 05:22 AM
polishman polishman is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 33

I know some guys do great prospecting, but opening new packs/boxes and hoping to flip or hold cards until they increase in value is almost always a bust. Buying prospect autos off Ebay or sites like this can work, but you have to judge when the right time to sell is. Ive held cards too long that I thought were going to go up and ive sold cards too quickly and left money on the table. How I have funded my collecting is flipping cards on ebay. Not necessarily prospects, mostly vintage, but can be done with any higher value cards if you are patient and take a lot of time to research prices and look at newly listed cards on ebay. I have found that auctions are not always the best to buy or sell cards. Over the years I have turned a very small investment of money into a decent collection and almost always only use money from card sales to buy new cards and do not have to invest anymore of my personal money. PM me if you have any questions
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