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Old 06-08-2015, 04:24 PM
JCU JCU is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 9
Default 1948 Ted Williams Nabisco Ring Variations

I got this about 25-30 years ago from an lady who said her son ordered it and then he gave it to her to take care of. She found it in the box in her drawer took it to a friend of mine who wasn't interested in it so I bought it from her. She said she threw away the box and wrapper because she didn't think it was worth anything. Bummer

I've noticed that there are a few for sale now and then, probably 1 or 2 every few months on ebay and other auctions. I put it up for Auction a couple years ago and someone contacted me and said they thought it was a copy because it didn't have the rivet in the base.

I've never seen or heard of replicas, I've also seen Philip Weiss and Hunt Auctions sell them without the rivet.

The ones without the rivet are very few and far between, I see maybe one every year or two at the most.

Does anyone have any info on these?

The top one is mine the next is the rivet base and the bottom is from auction house sites.



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