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Old 06-05-2007, 10:44 AM
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Default WSSCA card show June 2-3 in Seattle, WA

Posted By: Russ Bright

That's disappointing to hear... I was unable to make it either day to this show because I was working. This is pretty much the ONLY vintage card show in seattle. PERIOD.

There's a card show at the totem late mall every month or so which is all Pokemon and shiny stuff and one at the everett mall which is the same. The WSSCA show is "the oldest and best of it's kind in the country"

I had actually been e-mailing with Mark Mcrae, who had an AMAZING list and TONS of Zeenuts, but not really any T205 or T206 cards - He's one I would have liked to meet at the show.

I'm still for trying to organize something (Pacific Northwest-y) for this board and maybe starting with a Monthly lunch thing and eventually maybe renting a conference room and tables and advertising to get some of the public interested in the Pre-War - We could start our own show - and if we can keep the shiny stuff OUT...

Logistics... hmm... thinking... I tried to get a group together last year frmo the NW and got a pretty good response but it never turned into anything - It might be time to start organizing these things again... E-mail me if anyone wants to try to get together.

p.s. i guess i just hijacked this thread - i may re-post in another thread in an hour or so when I feel like C+P-ing... lol

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