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Old 02-21-2013, 09:44 PM
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thecatspajamas thecatspajamas is offline
L@nce Fit.tro
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Franklin, TN
Posts: 2,433

If it's a replacement for a previous card that there were issues with, why would you agree to accept it as a replacement without seeing the JSA cert. yourself? And again, if you yourself are questioning whether the signature is good, why would you agree to accept it as a replacement regardless of what certification it comes with? Just get your money back, and then shop around for one that is acceptable. Without knowing how much you're into this transaction for, you have to ask yourself, "If this was the first signature offered to me, would I have purchased it at that price?" If the answer is "no," (and judging by your misgivings, it is), then it's not an acceptable substitute.

As a seller, I have never been comfortable with the scenario of locking a buyer into accepting "store credit" for something they had to return. Just get the item back, give them their money back, and then let them decide whether to use that money to continue to do business with you.
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