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Old 06-22-2016, 12:58 AM
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mouschi mouschi is offline
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Default My ENTIRE Jose Canseco Collection - In Pictures!

This last weekend was not only Father's Day; it was also the weekend of the card show! As always, I set out to hunt for some Canseco cards for my collection. As I got there, I could immediately tell that this was a hopping place.

Something was much, much more different though. There must have been something in the air, because the show-goers seemed to dress a bit odd.

The selection seemed a bit slim...

But TONS of people flocked to the quarter bins...

Hey, at least there were some decent signers...

I knew something was off when I asked this dealer if he had any rare Canseco cards, and he decided to strike a pose while singing with his shirt off.

In case you didn't know already, this was not the card show. It was COMICPALOOZA. Yes, friends. I have apparently stepped over to the dark side. I chose a comic-con over a cardboard-con. A very good friend of ours who works the show as a sign language interpreter bought us tickets.

(This is her and Lou Ferrigno at the show.)

I definitely hold firm to the belief that the world would be a better place if we all dressed up in the "real world" like people do in places like this! The dashing young man getting arrested by the 501st Legion is my son.

It was quite possibly 10 times the size of the card show, and possibly 10 times the entertainment ... and that is just talking about watching the show-goers!

Our friend knows Ming Chen from Comic Book Men (Remember this booklet I made a few months back? Yeah, that Ming Chen! She didn't know him when I made it.)

He was a signer at the convention so she introduced us to him. (This is my son and wife.)

So while I didn't go to a card show to pick up any cards for the collection, I did make some. (Go figure!)

First up, is one I did a while ago, but finally decided upon the player worn patch piece to go with it.

The next one is a card that never was. Jose's first card was a 1983 Fritsch. What many people don't know is that he played for a team called the Idaho Falls A's (and a minor league team named the Miami Marlins, too!) back in 1982. The 1982 TCMA Idaho Falls set didn't included him.

Well, now he has one.

Coming up with old pics are tough as nails, so I used a picture from his high school yearbook.

Swap out "Coral Park" for "A's"

Remove the parking lot and coach's truck in the background

And voila! A 1982 TCMA Idaho Falls rookie card of 17 year old Jose Canseco.

continued ....
Tanner Jones - Author, Confessions of a Baseball Card Addict - Available on Amazon
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