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Old 02-13-2014, 11:05 AM
The Nasty Nati The Nasty Nati is offline
B. Schneid.
Ben Sch.neider
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: New York, NY
Posts: 672

A great "starter" subset that should hold it's value, are the T206 players that were involved in the 1919 Black Sox Scandal. It's an easy subset since there are only 3 cards: Eddie Cicotte, Chick Gandhil, and Bill Burns. And if you want to expand the set you could also include Hal Chase, who is rumored to have been involved. Which brings the total to 8 cards.

Another easy starter subset would be to collect the horizontal cards. There's only 6 in the set: Birmingham, Mullin, Murphy, Pattee, and Pelty. Only Pelty should run you over $100. It's a beautiful set, and collectors from any card era like collecting horizontal cards, so they should hold their value.

I'm currently working on a Cincinnati team set, and it's been a lot of fun. I originally started out buying random HOF's that caught my eye, but I felt there really wasn't a focus. With a team set it's easy.

Also, I'd suggest you pick up the book, "The T206 Collection: The Player & Their Stories" by Tom Zappala. It's a great book for learning about the players from the set.

Hope this helps.
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