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Old 06-18-2018, 10:31 AM
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1880nonsports 1880nonsports is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
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Default Great article Jerry

Did you write it? Perfect opportunity to post it. I might suggest while it's true that cards were initially produced and put into packs to stimulate sales - what precipitated their inclusion into packs was that there was an increasing outcry at the "scandalous" and suggestive LARGE photographic and chromolithographic advertising pieces that were being displayed in shop windows. Putting their advertising INTO the product was a way of getting around this and therein fulfilled a dual purpose. Now perhaps there's some conjecture involved - but I have read contemporaneous accounts of such righteous indignation.

I have only read part of the article but did notice the Yum Yum tin. I know there was a paper notice referring to base ball cards being included attached on the bottom? Was it the rectangular tin or the pail or perhaps both?

adding: I agree that the four base hits likely came in a similar package to the Kalamazoo as I have 2/3 examples that are similar for different brands. I think packaging WILL be found.
I think it's conceptually a mistake to call the Gold Coin a "pack" as I think it most likely was a paper PACKAGE although I have no concrete evidence. Because of that, a couple redemption offers for the labels, and the graphics are flat - we may never find an actual package. As I write this - I'm thinking that might not even be the appropriate package. I'll get back to you :-)

Last edited by 1880nonsports; 06-18-2018 at 10:46 AM. Reason: adding
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