Thread: The Dress
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Old 02-27-2015, 01:24 PM
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Eric Perry
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Philadelphia Suburbs
Posts: 3,428
Default The Dress

We have the Internet. It is a wonderful resource with tremendous potential. People from around the globe can share ideas, conduct commerce, access treasure troves of knowledge, and much more.

We can hear our favorite music, communicate with loved ones far away, or even get together as a community of people who have a shared passion such as collecting baseball cards.

Yet, with all of this potential, the World Wide Web has suddenly become fixated on whether a dress is white/gold or blue/black. People are commenting on, debating, over explaining, and even arguing vehemently over this.

So, fellow members, I ask: has the Internet jumped the shark?

Perhaps I am overreacting. Maybe it only jumped the llamas.

Best regards,

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