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Old 07-04-2013, 08:58 PM
Jlighter Jlighter is offline
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Originally Posted by EvilKing00 View Post
Along these lines - I have had some ideas for many years now to punish the most heinous criminals. (IMO) child moseltors, people who have killed kids. These people should not go to jail and live off our tax dollars.

There should be public hangings, held in Times squair (NYC) that is also on PayPer View. This will not only rid the offender from ever doing it again, but also save money in our tax dollars not housing and feeding them forever AND with the pay per view raise ALOT of funds to lower my taxes. Damn we may even pay off out national debt in a few years.

I know with all the liberals this would never happen but I still think its a great idea.

No need for gas chambers, injections, electric chairs or even firing squads all that costs money. A rope can be re-used over and over.

Think about the deterrent this would be as well, lol
I can see your point, don't necessarily agree with it, but I do want to address it.

I think what might happen in your plan may have an adverse effect, albeit unintended, on homicide rates.

Why not go out in a public spectacle. A final blaze of unearned glory. Your name on front page headlines. Seems better then the alternative.

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