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Old 04-16-2018, 02:45 PM
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Larry More.y
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 1,987

A few years ago, I started a site (believe it was through Big Commerce?) to sell off many of my extras. It was a typical shopping cart site. Once the store was set up, which was not too difficult, it was even easier to add inventory to it. I used CSV files and was able to add image links to the CSV files...I self hosted the images. I could add approximately a 1,000 (presorted) cards an hour to the site. Very painless and inexpensive to set up. That is the good.

The bad is all I heard were crickets. I included with all of my ebay mailings a business card promoting the "new" site, but I did not advertise any other way. My regular ebay customers continued to buy through ebay and not my site. I decided that the cost of advertising would just be offsetting what I paid on ebay. So after a few months of crickets, I closed it down.
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