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Old 03-25-2013, 05:01 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
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Originally Posted by Fuddjcal View Post
probably one of the worst and least informative, one way slanted jack asses that run that site. Where 75-90% of what you read on sites like this might be true, there is usually 1-2% truth coming from that bashing, slanderous one way blog. That article is sickening. The fact that Travis doesn't condemn it is also telling about his overall character. Very angry and unhappy individual to not condemn that article on every level.
you are being ridiculous, i have nothing to do with it, and asking me to condemn it by singling me out is what is sleazy, it implies i am somehow guilty. ask all hundreds of members of net54 then if everyone is equally innocent? by singling me out you are implying i have more to atone for than anyone else, when i have nothing to atone for.

arnold shwarzenegger is innocent and has nothing to atone for but to single him out and insist he specifically condemn nazism because his dad was an austrian police chief and a member of the nazi party is to brand arnold as somehow guilty of other peoples actions. It's sick, ridiculous and shameful and if arnold wanted to tell people where they could go with their sleazy guilt-by-association games that they play that would be alright with me and the same applies here.

you need my condemnation like you need a condemnation from all hundreds of members here on net54 but I don't see hundreds of demands or invitations for EVERYBODY to do so. Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the community party? McCarthy witch hunt! I got boxing to do, I don't need this straw man argument.

If I don't then I am guilty, if I do, then you claim the guilty has confessed. Have you heard of innocence? It's a railroad and a few are at the controls with their hands held tight to a dead mans switch so others get the impact no matter what. play amongst yourselves in your little witch hunt. We don't know who writes it. Insinuating that I know and have a special need to condemn it is very low indeed.

Last edited by travrosty; 03-25-2013 at 05:04 PM.
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