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Old 07-19-2018, 10:22 PM
Robinsol1887 Robinsol1887 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 44

Originally Posted by Dto7 View Post
According to my uniform database the 1884 Wilmington Quicksteps wore light gray uniforms and caps with Purple Stockings and trimmings. So I don't think the photo is the Wilmington team.
Originally Posted by Leon View Post
To me, who isn't a photo expert but looks at a ton of them, almost all of these men aren't even remotely close to who they are supposed to be resembling. My main test is simply by looking at the 2 people in question. The quicker my brain says, nope, the more likely it isn't whom it is thought it could be. On these none of them really needed a second glance....

btw, the Ty Cobb possibility is a bit comical. I mean it could be Ty's second cousin but its not close to being Ty. Almost no resemblance whatsoever to me. Maybe I am being to critical of the pics but just pointing out what I see in them.


I sent you all of my photographs including (Photo comparisons of photos and links to my research notes. You only included two pictures in the thread, could you please include the rest? Again, thank you for offering to post these photographs in a new thread. I appreciate any and all input that I can get
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