Thread: Greg Morris
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Old 06-23-2019, 03:24 PM
Marchillo Marchillo is offline
St3phen M@rchillo
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 693

I bid/buy a lot of cards from Greg Morris and have a relatively high bid percentage with them. Why?

I do a lot of 50’s/60’s set building and he does multiple set breaks of the same set in a given week. He gives me a week to make as many purchases as I want and charges me the same shipping rate. So when I open the Greg Morris (can of worms) as I like to call it, I bid on a ton of stuff that week. I’m also willing to pay 10-15% more with them because I always get an accurate grade, combined shipping, and the convenience of looking at the cards I need in a given break in number order etc.

I’ve paid less with other sellers and done well. I’ve also been burned on false advertising of condition and will pay more with Greg Morris.

I’ve never consigned with them, retracted a bid, or returned an item.

Thanks Greg for being a great eBay seller.
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