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ibuysportsephemera 03-13-2022 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by maniac_73 (Post 2205408)
Ya’ll are spending a lot of time and emotion writing massive posts that convince people of nothing and accomplish nothing. All energy that could be spent more productively.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

This is the best post about this thread (and a few other threads that have nothing to do with sports in anyway). For those who fill up my screen with link after link of nonsense and crazy conspiracy theories...Why work so hard to convince others that you are correct? Is it because you need the validation from others? This is a sports site....if I wanted to argue about politics I would visit those type of sites.

Jeff G.

tschock 03-14-2022 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by AustinMike (Post 2205278)
Good question, but I don't think the answer, which you've posted, gives us any idea regarding the effects of Covid on the US death rates. Although one would expect a larger increase in the growth rate between 2019 and 2020, I don't see that. It's interesting that the death rate growth declined pretty much every year between 2014 and 2021. It's also confusing that they have 2022 data in the list. We're only 2 months into the year and I'm surprised they would have anything for it. One obvious reason for a growth in the death rate is the aging population. But it's curious that there was a big jump in the growth rate between 2013 and 2014. What happened then?

I also need to point out that I left out a key word in my previous post. It should have read, "Tell that to the 1,670 people, on average, who died of Covid in the US every day for the last 28 days."

Here's a correction for you. They did NOT die "of COVID". They did WITH COVID. Just one of a number of ways that inaccurate information keeps getting pushed. And it is a valid distinction.

Do I get this from FOX News? No, from the CDC itself.

vintagetoppsguy 03-14-2022 07:46 AM

Pfizer CEO now says a 4th dose is necessary.

I can see it now. In 10 years, people will still be dying with Covid and all their friends and loved ones will say, "If he'd only had his 32nd booster it might have saved him."

Go get your shots sheeple...errr, I mean people.

frankbmd 03-14-2022 09:39 AM

[QUOTE=maniac_73;2205408]Ya’ll are spending a lot of time and emotion writing massive posts that convince people of nothing and accomplish nothing. All energy that could be spent more productively.

Yup. Collecting baseball cards is the definition of productivity, along with learning the economics of supply and demand, sniffing out the fraudulent altering of cardboard for profit, and the posting of cards that most of us cannot afford to get a few "attaboys" on pick up threads.:cool:

It would be a better world if Putin, Zelensky, Fauci, Xi and all the other pols were productive members of our hobby community. Who in their right mind would consider the invasion of Ukraine more important than the MLB CBA.;)

I pray this post isn't too political for our fearless leader Leon.:eek:

Peter_Spaeth 03-14-2022 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by tschock (Post 2205523)
Here's a correction for you. They did NOT die "of COVID". They did WITH COVID. Just one of a number of ways that inaccurate information keeps getting pushed. And it is a valid distinction.

Do I get this from FOX News? No, from the CDC itself.

Massachusetts recently revised its numbers downward fairly significantly.

There is this take though:

Kzoo 03-14-2022 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 2205466)
I would appreciate more details on dosage, was it just one dose or multiple? Did any of you get any of the side effects? How much zinc did you take with it? How fast did it start working with Covid symptoms? I like info from someone who actually took it over random internet searches.:)

I done a little research today just on it with out Covid in the search to avoid any bias. It seemed that it was very safe to take and any side effects where mild for most.

Hey Ben..... Glad to hear I'm not just some random internet source, LOL, although some would probably argue that. :D

I'll have to double check with her about when she had pneumonia, but I know she was taking a double dose each day (so, I believe that was 6 clicks per day). I'll ask her tonight how many days in a row she took it. I'm thinking it was probably 4 or 5.

For Covid we were taking one dose (3 clicks for her, 4 for me) every other day for a total of 4 doses (over the course of 8 days), along with the Zinc and Vitamin D. She also takes other vitamins on a daily basis, but I believe those were the main ones.

We didn't have any side effects. None. I remember that about an hour after my first dose last August when it was like 90+ degrees outside here, I had a weird 'clearing of the fog' feeling and felt great for several hours after that. That kind of went away later in the day, but each dose I took thereafter helped. My lingering Covid symptoms after finishing the Ivermectin were just tiredness/exhaustion that lasted a couple weeks. The Ivermectin didn't really eliminate that aspect, but it's possible it helped diminish it without me knowing. The exhaustion was the worst part for me.

tschock 03-14-2022 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2205605)
Massachusetts recently revised its numbers downward fairly significantly.

There is this take though:

Thanks for the article. I generally agree with the premise of the article. A couple of things, not that I disagree with, but to clarify where I'm coming from.

The subtitle: "Modelling suggests that by the end of 2021, some 18 million people had died because of the pandemic"

And also in the article: "But he stresses that such estimates also include deaths from other causes. More research is needed, he says, to separate deaths caused directly by COVID-19 from those that are the indirect results of the pandemic, such as those of people who did not have COVID-19 and died because of inadequate medical care in overwhelmed hospitals."

But I also think the more accurate take wouldn't be because of the pandemic, but because of how we handled the pandemic. When you warehouse COVID positive patients with other elderly patients, you don't get a good outcome. When you negatively impact peoples lives by limiting their ability to perform their jobs in a relatively safe environment (ie those working outdoors), the stress of 'where does the next paycheck come from' has a definite health impact. I could list many other examples of the impact of COVID that needs to be appropriately balanced against the absolute numbers of the 'death toll' side.

I will say it again that measuring deaths alone and even factoring in excess death models does not give the complete picture. What we leave out of the other side of the equation is the negative impact of the 'years lost' of those who were negatively impacted by the policies that were put in place to address the pandemic. And there were a number of stupid ones that we put in place even within the context of what we knew at the time. It will be years down the road before we'll even be able to model all the 'years lost' of people who did not die with COVID.

irv 03-14-2022 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by ibuysportsephemera (Post 2205501)
This is the best post about this thread (and a few other threads that have nothing to do with sports in anyway). For those who fill up my screen with link after link of nonsense and crazy conspiracy theories...Why work so hard to convince others that you are correct? Is it because you need the validation from others? This is a sports site....if I wanted to argue about politics I would visit those type of sites.

Jeff G.

Is your invisible friend, who forced you to come into the Watercooler Talk "Off Topics" thread and post what you did, in the room with you right now?

Peter_Spaeth 03-14-2022 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by tschock (Post 2205639)
Thanks for the article. I generally agree with the premise of the article. A couple of things, not that I disagree with, but to clarify where I'm coming from.

The subtitle: "Modelling suggests that by the end of 2021, some 18 million people had died because of the pandemic"

And also in the article: "But he stresses that such estimates also include deaths from other causes. More research is needed, he says, to separate deaths caused directly by COVID-19 from those that are the indirect results of the pandemic, such as those of people who did not have COVID-19 and died because of inadequate medical care in overwhelmed hospitals."

But I also think the more accurate take wouldn't be because of the pandemic, but because of how we handled the pandemic. When you warehouse COVID positive patients with other elderly patients, you don't get a good outcome. When you negatively impact peoples lives by limiting their ability to perform their jobs in a relatively safe environment (ie those working outdoors), the stress of 'where does the next paycheck come from' has a definite health impact. I could list many other examples of the impact of COVID that needs to be appropriately balanced against the absolute numbers of the 'death toll' side.

I will say it again that measuring deaths alone and even factoring in excess death models does not give the complete picture. What we leave out of the other side of the equation is the negative impact of the 'years lost' of those who were negatively impacted by the policies that were put in place to address the pandemic. And there were a number of stupid ones that we put in place even within the context of what we knew at the time. It will be years down the road before we'll even be able to model all the 'years lost' of people who did not die with COVID.

Just speaking neutrally, yes there are always trade offs. There has been a great cost, particularly I think among young people, of social isolation, for example.

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