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Griffins 04-25-2017 07:52 AM

Been to Netherlands, and also Cuba

bnorth 04-25-2017 08:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Anthony those are awesome pics, especially like the one with the chicken on the guys head.

Here is my only pic from Canada. I am guessing I was around 13. Of the 6 of us that went this was the first fish any of us caught.:)

frankbmd 04-25-2017 12:17 PM

Good lord, I think we are still in Jamaica.

Canada, the Netherlands and Cuba wiil have to wait despite the nice photos.

bnorth 04-25-2017 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1654293)
Good lord, I think we are still in Jamaica.

Canada, the Netherlands and Cuba wiil have to wait despite the nice photos.

How are we still in Jamaica. Paul posted he was in Jamaica and Canada. I went from Canada to the Netherlands and Anthony went from the Netherlands to Cuba. Frank were you in the Netherlands with me?;)

Griffins 04-25-2017 12:42 PM

Ok, been to Jamaica!

Should I edit to add Cuba in, or another country?

tedzan 04-25-2017 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1654131)

first the USSR becoming the "Stan" brothers.

Then Greenland is really just Denmark without Copenhagen

Georgia used to be a state north of Florida, now it's a country north of Somalia.

Have you been to Yugoslavia? You thought so, but since it doesn't exist anymore you say you now have been to Croatia, before it even existed. Really???

And lest we not forget Denny went to Hawaii and thought it was a foreign country.:D

So if Jordan was part of Greece, how many countries were just Byzantine?

If I owe Ted an apology, it is offered.

Being the umpire in this game will continue until someone in the stands starts yelling, "Kill the Umo".:eek:

Hey Frank......your "apology" is not accepted......simply because it was not necessary :)

Carry on !

And, take care, good buddy.


Bocabirdman 04-26-2017 12:25 PM

I once watched with a tear of laughter in my eye as Adenoid Hynkel's Tomainian dictatorship imploded.........

Bocabirdman 04-26-2017 12:32 PM

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Attachment 270948

Griffins 04-26-2017 05:29 PM

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Starting to fill in!

egri 04-26-2017 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1653330)
Agree. If you took no photos in a country you visited, at least post a postcard if you have one.

I haven't had the time to pull the pictures off my old phone yet, but one of my friends who was on the India trip with me is a film major, and he made a documentary about it, on YouTube here.

frankbmd 04-26-2017 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 1654295)
How are we still in Jamaica. Paul posted he was in Jamaica and Canada. I went from Canada to the Netherlands and Anthony went from the Netherlands to Cuba. Frank were you in the Netherlands with me?;)

Who reads the titles to posts, not worthy of a title?

Not worthy Paul, without a picture of Jamaica, but they have been added, so I guess we're in Cuba, but your guess is as good as mine. Oy vey!!!

bnorth 04-26-2017 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by egri (Post 1654863)
I haven't had the time to pull the pictures off my old phone yet, but one of my friends who was on the India trip with me is a film major, and he made a documentary about it, on YouTube here.

Thank you for sharing. Really like the demonstration of 3 color printing on the piece of cotton.

frankbmd 04-29-2017 07:53 PM

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Are we stuck in Cuba?

El Duque got out.

I have seen Cuba from the deck of a cruise ship. Does that count?

If so, I would add Russia

Attachment 271395

Attachment 271399

tedzan 05-04-2017 04:55 PM

Hi Frank....after 6 days, it's time to give this thread a friendly bump.

And. I would like to thank you for posting the picture of the Church of the Resurrection in St. Petersburg (Russia). It is a well-renown and historic Cathedral.

I meant to post these pictures in my post #33 here.

Aerial view of the Acropolis in Athens......

A scene from the Island of Rhodes. One of my favorite movies, The Guns of Navarone (circa 1961), was filmed on Rhodes. Shown here is the location
of the cliff-climbing scenes with Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn, David Niven, etc. in this movie. The film won the Academy Award for Special Effects.
If you've seen this movie and have visited Rhodes, you'll appreciate why it won this Award.


Griffins 05-04-2017 06:55 PM

wait, we're back in Greece again?
I'm so confused:confused:

egri 05-04-2017 07:25 PM

I thought I took a lot of pictures in India, but looking through it, it seems like I didn't take that many. Here are some of the highlights:

This girl was one of the first beggars we saw; I took this one on the bus leaving the airport. She had just crawled out from underneath that sheet on the left when I took the picture.

I wanted to take a ride in one of those rickshaws...then I actually did. Riding in one of those will keep my cardiologist in business for a long time. They don't have shock absorbers or anything to protect you in a crash, and they sit lower than just about everything on the road. Riding through Delhi rush hour traffic in one of those was an experience.

The Taj Mahal, in Agra. We got there right as the sun was setting. As an engineer, it's incredible to think they built it without calculus.

frankbmd 05-04-2017 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Griffins (Post 1658062)
wait, we're back in Greece again?
I'm so confused:confused:

Ted never said he had been to Jordan, so Santorini (Greece) was not added to the list.

This time he at least implied that he had been to the cathedral of the spilled blood, so Greece was added.

Many of you may not realize that Ted participated in the first marathon during the Peloponnesian Wars. I believe he came in second, which is understandable considering he carrying his camera.

Furthermore if I don't add Greece now, it will continue to pop up.

Note: Moderating this thread is not as easy as I make it look. A raise would be welcomed.

Note also: We are still in Greece as Scott's photos supplement country #2 INDIA. OY VEY!

egri 05-04-2017 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1658069)
A raise would be welcomed.

Ask and you shall receive, Frank; your salary will be doubled:D.

This increase does not affect the pay you receive for moderating the Monster Number thread. Increases there have to be negotiated separately, and need Leon's approval.:D

RyanCollier 05-05-2017 10:23 PM

Out of Greece and into Poland
2 Attachment(s)
I can get us out of the aforementioned Santorini, Greece (the photo is one I took on my wedding day of my wife) and move us into 24 different countries but let's go to Poland - specifically Gdansk.

Attachment 272163

Attachment 272164

Michael B 05-06-2017 03:12 AM

7 Attachment(s)
If Poland is the next country. This is Warsaw.

Buildings on Plac Zamkowy just outside the Royal Castle

Next block on Plac Zamkowy. There was a Pizza Hut there.

Pod Blacha Palace, part of the Royal Castle complex

Stained glass window inside St. John's Cathedral. The church was build in the 15th Century.

Kanonia - small square behind St. John's. The bell was cast in 1646.

St. Casimirs Church in the New Town section. Around the corner from Marie Curie's birthplace.

Next Fiji

Beach on Denarau Island which is part of the main island of Viti Levu.

pawpawdiv9 05-07-2017 02:03 PM

Can I add 'Fantasy Island' as I visit Wonder Woman on Saturday 8pm?

Griffins 05-07-2017 05:53 PM

Ok, been to Fiji (and going back in a few months) and also been to Indonesia

Enfuego 05-07-2017 07:50 PM

Net54 Around The World
I had the the pleasure of visiting the following:
- Japan
- Afghanistan
- Iraq
- Korea
- Kyrgyzstan
- Germany
- Thailand
- Spain
- Netherlands
- Canada
- Ireland
- Mexico
- Australia

Thanks Army and USMC!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

frankbmd 05-07-2017 08:51 PM

I had the the pleasure of visiting the following:
- Japan
- Afghanistan
- Iraq
- Korea
- Kyrgyzstan
- Germany
- Thailand
- Spain
- Netherlands
- Canada
- Ireland
- Mexico
- Australia

Thanks Army and USMC!

This post reminds me of Johnny Cash

Feel free to sing along

I was totin' my pack
Along the dusty Winnemucca road
When along came a semi
With a high and canvas covered load
"If you're going to Winnemucca, Mack
With me you can ride."
So I climbed into the cab
And then I settled down inside
He asked me if I'd seen a road
With so much dust and sand
And I said,
"Listen, Bud I've traveled
Every road in this here land."
I've been everywhere, man
I've been everywhere, man
'Cross the deserts bare, man
I've breathed the mountain air, man
Of travel, I've had my share, man
I've been everywhere.
Been to Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota,
Buffalo, Toronto, Winslow, Sarasota,
Wichita, Tulsa, Ottawa, Oklahoma,
Tampa, Panama, Mattawa, La Paloma,
Bangor, Baltimore, Salvador, Amarillo,
Tocopilla, Barranquilla, and Padilla, I'm a killer.
I've been everywhere, man
I've been everywhere, man
'Cross the deserts bare, man
I've breathed the mountain air, man
Of travel, I've had my share, man
I've been everywhere.
Boston, Charleston, Dayton, Louisiana,
Washington, Houston, Kingston, Texarkana,
Monterey, Ferriday, Santa Fe, Tallapoosa
Glen Rock, Black Rock, Little Rock, Oskaloosa,
Tennessee, Hennessey, Chicopee, Spirit Lake,
Grand Lake, Devil's Lake, Crater Lake, for Pete's sake;
I've been everywhere, man
I've been everywhere, man
'Cross the deserts bare, man
I've breathed the mountain air, man
Of travel, I've had my share, man
I've been everywhere.
Louisville, Nashville, Knoxville, Ombabika,
Shefferville, Jacksonville, Waterville, Costa Rica,
Pittsfield, Springfield, Bakersfield, Shreveport,
Hackensack, Cadillac, Fond do Lac, Davenport,
Idaho, Jellicoe, Argentina, Diamontina,
Pasadena, Catalina, see what I mean, sir;
I've been everywhere, man
I've been everywhere, man
'Cross the deserts bare, man
I've breathed the mountain air, man
Of travel, I've had my share, man
I've been everywhere.
Pittsburgh, Parkersburg, Gravellburg, Colorado,
Ellensburg, Rexburg, Vicksburg, Eldorado,
Larrimore, Atmore, Haverstraw, Chattanika,
Chaska, Nebraska, Alaska, Opelika,
Baraboo, Waterloo, Kalamazoo, Kansas City,
Sioux City, Cedar City, Dodge City, what a pity;
I've been everywhere, man
I've been everywhere, man
'Cross the deserts bare, man
I've breathed the mountain air, man
Of travel, I've had my share, man
"I know some place you haven't been."
I've been everywhere."

Only two rules exist

Visiting the prior country (currently Indonesia)

And pictures of your addition.

Am I upset with Enfuego? Hell no.

He's not the only rule breaker,;)

And sooner or later we are going to need Kyrgyzstan :eek::D

danski496 05-10-2017 06:45 PM

Tunisia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Iceland - all in the military, some fun, some not so. I didn't read all the posts so don't know if they were already covered.

ullmandds 05-10-2017 06:52 PM

boy has this thread evolved! i've been to about 48 countries...nice try frank!

Griffins 05-11-2017 08:05 AM

the rules didn't seem that complicated

Michael B 05-11-2017 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Griffins (Post 1660228)
the rules didn't seem that complicated

They aren't, but people do not want to read. Just like putting together a child's bicycle, bookcase or desk - "I don't need no damn instructions I know where everything goes!!"

We are stuck in Indonesia for those who are confused.

nat 05-11-2017 05:35 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Since I didn't include any Australia or Brazil pictures in my original post, here they are. Now, I think we're still on Indonesia.

The first two pictures are in Australia. The third is in Florianopolis, and the fourth is an abandoned palace (now home to squatters) in Rio.

nat 05-13-2017 04:55 PM

Also, we should talk strategy. It's probably a mistake to save the obscure places for last. The probability that there's someone here who has been to both Turkmenistan and Kiribati is pretty low. The odds that some has been to Turkmenistan and Germany, and someone else has been to Germany and Kiribati, is much higher.

bnorth 05-13-2017 05:28 PM

10 Attachment(s)
Some vacation pics that are not from the US.:)

EDIT: Per Franks request These pics are from Europe. Most I am sure are the Netherlands. I know the last pic was my ride and cabin during a stay in the Amsterdam Bos(forest). We used to get blasted beyond belief and ride the ICE trains all over Europe and get on and off whenever we decided. EuroRail passes are the best.:) I have 100's if not a few 1000 pictures I know are from Europe but no idea what country.

ullmandds 05-14-2017 07:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Its a free for all!!!!! Here's my group shot from trip to egypt last dec/jan.

frankbmd 05-14-2017 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1661240)
Its a free for all!!!!! Here's my group shot from trip to egypt last dec/jan.

Have we collectively visited every country on the planet?

#22 CUBA
#26 FIJI

The conehead in Egypt is incorrect. World travel is not a free for all.

Of the four complete pyramids shown, I believe Pete's head is the third from the left.:D

Still waiting for Indonesia, but it has been 7 days, so Anthony may add #28 if he chooses.

ullmandds 05-14-2017 09:33 AM

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ive been to's ecuador!

ullmandds 05-14-2017 09:37 AM

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oh and did I mention I was on a boat in the galapagos with 15 women...did I mention that!!!!!!!!! Yes I realize there are only 7 in the pic!!!

bnorth 05-14-2017 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1661240)
Its a free for all!!!!! Here's my group shot from trip to egypt last dec/jan.

This thread did need more pics.:D Post them if you got them.

If I can find them I will post some Keukenhof pics where the flowers have so much color they seem to glow.

chaddurbin 05-14-2017 06:11 PM

pete--compliments on being the most striking figure in every photo you're in, even with all the ladies. you'd make a great subject for anthony's photography!

Griffins 05-14-2017 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by chaddurbin (Post 1661399)
pete--compliments on being the most striking figure in every photo you're in, even with all the ladies. you'd make a great subject for anthony's photography!

Good thing I'm not an antidentite!

ullmandds 05-14-2017 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by chaddurbin (Post 1661399)
pete--compliments on being the most striking figure in every photo you're in, even with all the ladies. you'd make a great subject for anthony's photography!

thx...I think!!!!!:eek: Personally Im partial to the lass on the extreme right!!!!!

barrysloate 05-15-2017 01:13 PM

I've been to Israel twice, in 1970 and in 1975. I probably have pictures somewhere but I would have to take my closet apart to find them.

I've been to many others, but I'm not sure the rules allow me to post more than one.

Griffins 05-20-2017 10:22 AM

Pete- looks like everyone is skunked on Ecuador, post up another!

ullmandds 05-20-2017 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Griffins (Post 1663056)
Pete- looks like everyone is skunked on Ecuador, post up another!

I could post another country but that would be against the rules !!

frankbmd 05-20-2017 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1663200)
I could post another country but that would be against the rules !!

You must be referring to the 7 day rule, but you are more than welcome to legally add a country tomorrow as Ecuador was introduced on the 14th.;)

ullmandds 05-21-2017 08:35 AM

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Per the 7 day rule...building off about Portugal?

nat 05-21-2017 10:39 AM

Portugal to Tonga
7 Attachment(s)
Portugal is great. I hope you had a chance to visit Sintra. Next up, Net54 is off to Tonga. I had to leave Australia for a while for visa reasons, and thought about going to Fiji. Everyone I knew said that it's overrun with tourists. So my wife and I went to the next island group to the east.

Portugal first: a view of Lisbon, and some castles.
Then Tonga: a wonderful beach, the view from an 8-seat plane, a banyan tree, and a path down to the ocean.

ullmandds 05-21-2017 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by nat (Post 1663345)
Portugal is great. I hope you had a chance to visit Sintra. Next up, Net54 is off to Tonga. I had to leave Australia for a while for visa reasons, and thought about going to Fiji. Everyone I knew said that it's overrun with tourists. So my wife and I went to the next island group to the east.

Portugal first: a view of Lisbon, and some castles.
Then Tonga: a wonderful beach, the view from an 8-seat plane, a banyan tree, and a path down to the ocean.

Sintra was amazing!!!!!!

Griffins 05-21-2017 08:39 PM

Been to Tonga (Vava'u) and now on to Honduras:

These were all in Roatan, which is mostly a diving location.

frankbmd 05-21-2017 09:08 PM

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I've been to Honduras, but found nothing there worthy of a picture on land, and I am not a diver.

I will add a few pictures from a new country

Attachment 273956

A Golfer's Urinal typical of this country's humor (?)

Attachment 273957

This is actually a three story high functioning water clock in the atrium of a shopping mall.

Attachment 273958

East meets West at Checkpoint Charlie many years ago.

Attachment 273959

Unless you preferred to jump the wall.

We are now in GERMANY

Griffins 05-21-2017 11:55 PM

Frank, you're probably correct about Honduras, at least topside.
Visited Germany when I was a kid, so that leads us to Viet Nam.

buymycards 05-26-2017 11:01 AM

Viet Nam
I spent 18 months in Viet Nam. Let's move on to Japan.

There seems to be a lot of millennials on the board. Has anyone been to Millenia?

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