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Archive 04-14-2009 04:47 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Steve</b><p>Paul<br><br>Didn't mean anything by it. I was just trying to confirm what you said.<br><br>When you said (website) some people might have taken it at face value.<br><br><br>Photobucket is easy, using them as a host will be a breeze.<br><br>Sorry again.<br><br>Steve

Archive 04-14-2009 04:49 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Dan Bretta</b><p>You don't need any photobucket or other hosting site account to post photos on the new board. You can upload a photo straight from your &quot;my pictures&quot; folder on your computer. It works basically the same way as attaching a photo to an email.

Archive 04-14-2009 04:54 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Steve</b><p>Dan<br><br>Thanks for the clarification. So basically the new forum self hosts.<br><br>Steve

Archive 04-14-2009 05:01 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Dan Bretta</b><p>You got it Steve...and actually you can create albums with up to 60 photos in your profile area. I am certain that with patience anyone can learn to use the features on the new board. It may seem like too much, too fast for some people, but the good news is you don't have to use a single bell or whistle to post and read there.

Archive 04-14-2009 05:03 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Steve F</b><p>Fast, slow, old or new... As long as Marshall ain't here, I love em both.

Archive 04-14-2009 05:04 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Jim VB</b><p>I just went through this today with Matt, but yes, there are a variety of ways you can post images on the new site. One is self hosting. You can just download a picture from your computer. It also interfaces very easily (once someone with a brain explains it to an idiot like me) with other hosting sites like Photobucket.

Archive 04-14-2009 05:16 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Mark</b><p>Crap (can I say that here?) I loved the new Board, outside of the seemingly random slowness issues. Could they not remedy that? If that periodic sluggishness could only be fixed, the decision to migrate seems like a no-brainer.<br><br>Regardless... I would like to thank Leon, Dan and Matt for all of the tremendous help, time, effort and support they put in. It is very much appreciated!

Archive 04-14-2009 05:38 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>John K</b><p> I have used the forums format for other things (musical artists, politics). There were always glitches. But I said that before.

Archive 04-14-2009 05:53 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>David</b><p>Sounds like the Beckett fiscal in August.

Archive 04-14-2009 06:01 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Fred C</b><p>Is this the appropriate time to say:<br><br><b>MORE COWBELL!</b>

Archive 04-14-2009 06:18 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Rob D.</b><p>I think the new board will be reopening Monday.

Archive 04-14-2009 06:26 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>dan mckee</b><p>I want to be pegged officially as a whinning A$$HOLE and I will shut my PIEHOLE if we stay here where it is much better. <br>

Archive 04-14-2009 06:39 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Adam</b><p>Arguments along the lines of the following &quot; . . . but I also knew it was unlikely I would use too many of the features . . . &quot; miss an important point ---- you didn't have to use any of the new features if you did not want to. What you did end up successfully doing, however, is prevent others who may have wanted to use new features from even having them available. It's really a shame.

Archive 04-14-2009 06:44 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Marc</b><p>Leon, if you are going back to the old board which is ok is there anyway that you can use the new boards way to do pictures and bring it to the old board? It is so simple to add pictures to the new board. i still have not figured out how to use the photobucket, but the way the new board is is GREAT! Thanks, Marc

Archive 04-14-2009 06:48 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>leon</b><p>This major glitch was 100% my fault. I continued to get hammered over the slowness and Vbulletin was pointing the finger at Yahoo (our web host). There were several forums on the new board that were literally broken AFTER the install team (Vbulletin) started trying to fix the issue. Instead of pushing a &quot;repair&quot; button, to fix the broken links, I pushed a &quot;restore&quot; button. That wiped out the last 5-7 days of work in its entirety. I feel bad for Matt, Mike and Brian as they really put some time into it. We will devise a better plan next time. The thing is, is that no one knew what was going to happen, performance wise, until we put a load on the servers. You can't do that with 5-10 people. As of this moment I am arguing with Vbulletin and they are still pointing the finger at Yahoo. One thing is for sure, the next time we go it will be rock solid and then maybe we will put a load on the servers in increments. I don't foresee us leaving this board for the next few weeks or more....Thanks for all of the kind words. I am really upset with myself over this. ....regards

Archive 04-14-2009 06:49 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Steve Murray</b><p>My only objection to the new site was the download time. Figured that could have been worked out eventually. Surprised to see it shut down. Boys put a hell of a lot of work into it. <img src="/images/sad.gif" height="14" width="14" alt="sad.gif">

Archive 04-14-2009 06:51 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Dave F</b><p><br><br>Tis' ok Leon. I kicked over a trash can and elbowed an old lady. <img src="/images/happy.gif" height="14" width="14" alt="happy.gif">

Archive 04-14-2009 06:52 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>leon</b><p>This software is literally 10 yrs old and we are absolutely maxing out its capabilities right now. There is no more functionality to be had.

Archive 04-14-2009 06:53 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Joe D.</b><p>There is a new forum?<br>

Archive 04-14-2009 06:54 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Dave F</b><p><br>Joe, <br><br>No, there's not.

Archive 04-14-2009 06:56 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>JimCrandell</b><p>You are too tough on yourself Leon. I did not see anyone &quot;hammering&quot; you over the slowness--it was just information. Anyway cheer up, have a beer and let me know what vintage card or cards I can buy you in the REA auction.<br><br>Jim

Archive 04-14-2009 06:57 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Dave F</b><p><br>&quot;let me know what I can buy you in REA&quot;<br><br><br>If only the rest of us could get a sugar-daddy like you Jim. <img src="/images/happy.gif" height="14" width="14" alt="happy.gif">

Archive 04-14-2009 07:01 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>David R</b><p>I think I am in the Barry Sloate camp in that I like the look and feel of this old board better. But I will go happily to the new board when it's fixed.<br><br>

Archive 04-14-2009 07:31 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>JimCrandell</b><p>Dave,<br><br>You already have a lunch or dinner from me. If you called me Jim all the time instead of Crandell maybe I'd bring along a T206 or two. <img src="/images/happy.gif" height="14" width="14" alt="happy.gif"><br><br>Jim

Archive 04-14-2009 07:35 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Fred Y</b><p>I would like to applaud Leon &amp; his TEAM for the effort &amp; time put forth to secure a new &amp; better site.<br><br>I have liked this one &amp; certainly will like and adjust to a new one, whenever &amp; whereever.

Archive 04-14-2009 07:59 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Al</b><p>I for one sincerely appreciate your efforts and those of your associates to make the new board a success. Simply put, sometimes you're the bug, sometimes you're the windshield, AKA $*** happens. Hell, I don't even collect pre-war cards, I just enjoy reading the threads and learning from the members.<br><br>As for those busting your chops over speed on the new board, etc, etc, I for one would put up with that for about a half-nanosecond, then nuke their access. Last time I checked this website was free, so they don't have much room to B*tch about anything.<br><br>Don't let the frustration get to you, chill out, have a coupla cold ones and kick back. You and your team will get things fixed soon enough. Life's a very short ride, don't beat yourself up over this too much.

Archive 04-14-2009 08:08 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Ed Hans</b><p>Agree completely with what Jeff posted above. Thanks to Leon and everyone that has spent countless hours trying to make things better. Keep swinging; it'll all work out in the end.

Archive 04-14-2009 09:04 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Tim Cathey</b><p>I agree with Jeff as well.<br><br>Things will get better. The new site will eventually be worked out and be a vast improvement to this place.<br><br>What's funny to me is how people could complain about the new site when it was no more difficult than using this site. Sure there were a lot more bells and whistles, but you didn't HAVE to use them.<br><br>To be so self important to think that no effort should be made on the part of the individual to spend a few minutes learning something new for the good of the group as a whole is sad and a slap in the face to those working so hard behind the scenes that your time is more valuable than theirs.<br><br>

Archive 04-14-2009 09:23 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Tim Kindler</b><p>It is too bad to hear about all of the troubles that the new sight is bringing to all of those who are working so hard at it. I second the toughts of others who are thankful for a site to go to for the discussion of vintage baseball and cards whether it is this one or the new one that Leon, Brian, Dan, Mattt and Mike have been working on. I am very ignorant when it comes to technology and it will take me a while to get used to a new forum/board, but that is my problem and I will eventually adapt and get it just like I did the old one. It was a little slow, but I sure wasn't going to complain when I knew that Leon and the others were working on technology problems that I couldn't even begin to understand. I'm pretty sure all of the guys above mentioned receive no or little compensation for the amount of time and effort they put into maintaining this board or creating and maintaining the new one, so I certainly wouldn't ever complain. Will it take some time to get used to...sure, but complain about an awesome sight like this and the future site... are you kidding me?<br><br>Thanks Guys, Keep up the good work with improving the board!<br>Tim Kindler

Archive 04-14-2009 09:24 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Bottom of the Ninth</b><p>It is each individual's choice to migrate to a new site or not. Not sure it has anything to do with being self important. That is their loss if they decide they don't want to learn how to use it. And it is their choice if they want to protest the change. <br><br>Leon did not scrap the new site due to a small fraction of members not making the migration. <br><br>Greg

Archive 04-14-2009 09:27 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Ed Cavagnaro</b><p>I too love the old board and it will be hard to leave, but sometimes you need to leave an overloaded boat - before it sinks... So I will follow &quot;The Captains&quot;, wherever they choose to lead...

Archive 04-14-2009 09:34 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>JimB</b><p>Count me as one who is excited to get to the new board and grateful for all that Leon and the crew have done to make it a reality.<br>JimB

Archive 04-14-2009 10:18 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>davidcycleback</b><p>I liked the new site and, beyond the relatively minor load issue, thought it worked well. One doesn't have to use all the bells and whistles if he doesn't want to. You can be old school and simply read and post just as you do here. Even with the bells and whistles, it's still just a message board for posting and reading messages.<br><br>I remember my grandmother got confused by the tens of buttons and knobs in her new car, so she taped over the ones she didn't use or need. The car still drove. I don't blame her either. I rented a car and there were about 20 different options just for the front windshield wiper.

Archive 04-14-2009 10:19 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Fred C</b><p>Leon -<br><br><font size="+2," color="#FF0000"><b>YOU'RE FIRED!!!</b></font><br><br>What's that you say? No more hair to pull out. Nobody else dumb enough to take the mental abuse of your minions? Can't put up with the mental anguish that goes with putting up a new bull board? Ah crap, go ahead and stick around and abuse yourself. We're all laughing with you (and at you) <img src="/images/happy.gif" height="14" width="14" alt="happy.gif">

Archive 04-15-2009 01:33 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>John</b><p>Jeff is 100% on the money.<br><br>And as far as inputing that the speed was slow I see no harm in giving feedback. And as for the comments above I don't think Leon should be nuking anyones access for giving feedback.<br><br>I think it was Leon all along who said this was all of our board not just his, it has nothing to do with being free or it being the Leon show. I would also hope that the adverts are at least compensating Leon for at least a bit of the time he and the other mods spend on here. Which by the way I think all of us appreciate right?<br><br>&quot;As for those busting your chops over speed on the new board, etc, etc, I for one would put up with that for about a half-nanosecond, then nuke their access. Last time I checked this website was free, so they don't have much room to B*tch about anything.&quot; <br><br>But I'm most likely wrong....LOL<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>John

Archive 04-15-2009 02:13 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Steven Finley</b><p>I know you guys are working overtime on this so best of luck in the endeavor.

Archive 04-15-2009 02:25 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Jerry Hrechka</b><p> Bring back Ma Bell &amp; The Rotary Phone!!!!!!!

Archive 04-15-2009 06:13 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Marty Ogelvie</b><p>I liked the new board a lot but the speed did concern me. If its slow now, it surely wasn't gonna speed up when hundreds of more users joined. I don't know the specs, but it might be better to go with a Dedicated server vs a shared server.. <br><br>marty

Archive 04-15-2009 06:26 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Jimmy</b><p>I have not problems either way, and will just go with what ever is working for the time being. The new site did have problems, but all of them can be worked out. I am use to computer problems and work with them all day. The more time the moderators spend on the new site, things will get better and get back on track. These things just take time and effort and all of us should just sit tight and use the old site as we did before. We should all be thanking them for their efforts and just move on and talk about baseball and other sports.<br><br><br>Jimmy<br>

Archive 04-15-2009 07:18 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Alan</b><p>I'm sorry that I was one of those people that said that I was just as happy with the old board.

Archive 04-15-2009 07:19 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>leon</b><p>This wasn't meant to be a pity party for me though I appreciate the kind words thrown my way and the way of the other guys who helped so much. Others above said it was each members right to voice an opinion. Of course that is 100% correct. This board is nothing without the members. I didn't see anyone saying they hated me for trying or hated me for the new site. They were merely giving their opinions and that was (it really was) appreciated. How can I or the other mods know if you don't say? The same questions over and over got a little tiring but it wasn't the end of the world. I tried and said repeatedly the slowness WAS a show stopper for me and in the end it was a self fulfilling prophecy. For the record Yahoo had over 350,000 domains on our server that hosted our new site. That's right the new board shared a server with over 350,000 sites(domains). That was the problem. I don't think it was ever going to work so maybe it was for the best that it cratered (sour grapes?) sooner than later. I certainly could not have lived day to day with the slowness nor did I expect anyone else to. It was interesting to see almost 700 members sign up in 2-3 days. That was indeed quite a few!! I will be a bit smarter the next time around. We will probably stay with that software and find a much less used host which will cure the speed issue. My apologies if I blew a gasket but it was either sort of funny (how serious is this in life, really?) or really frustrating. The latter was a reality for me for yesterday...<br><br>One other thing so there is no misunderstanding. I do get compensated through the banner ads as well as Brian M gets a bit for his help. That total is probably about 25k-28k a yr and then I have about 6k-9k of expenses, per yr. I also spent about 20% of that (myself) on the Net54 National dinner last year. The funds have certainly helped in that endeavor. All together it works out to about a buck twenty two an hour but it is still something and I don't want folks to think differently. It also helps fund some of my card purchases and is appreciated. <br><br>Today is a new day and the sun came up. Lets talk some vintage cards guys and girls......Ya'll are good folk!! <br><br>edited gramma

Archive 04-15-2009 09:21 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Tom Boblitt</b><p>who the Somali Pirates use for tax preparation............?<br><br><br><br><br><br><b r><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><b r><br><br><br><br><br>H &amp; ARRRRRRR Block<br><br><br>Okay, bad pirate joke..............<br>Thanks for all the hard work. I wondered about the throughput that you could get from Yahoo. Granted they are huge but, like you said, they have TONS of domains on every server. It should be easy to work out the hosting issue. The software is good though.<br>

Archive 04-15-2009 09:27 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Dan McCarthy</b><p>For the record, I can't wait for the new board to come around. I think it's funny that people prefer this old board vs the new &quot;high tech&quot; one. I don't know how long this version of Net54 baseball has been around for but the vBulletin software that the new site used (will use?) should be rock solid and forums with many hundreds of thousands of members use it. I can remember sites at least 5 years old (I wasn't on the internet much, before then) running on very similar platforms. I'm amazed that anyone who has been on the internet for any length of time hasn't come across another vBulletin forum. As far as new features, there really aren't even that many, and those that do exist WILL be used by everybody. For example, the search feature will be much more useful. Someone like myself who is relatively new to the site will be able to easily navigate to discussions about rarer subjects, like Ferguson Bakery BF2s and W600s. If you've been able to figure out buying and selling on eBay, I don't think that it will be too difficult to figure out the new forum. The slowness was obviously an issue but I'm sure Leon and crew will get it worked out, and I can't wait! I just wanted to demonstrate my support for the new site and appreciation for all the hard work that went in/is going into it! Also, I don't blame those who prefer this version of the site. After all, it is dedicated to the discussion and appreciation of very old things; once the &quot;new&quot; new site is up, however, please be patient and give it a couple of weeks and I'm sure that you'll love it. It'll be just like the DH, interleague play, and the &quot;this-time-it-count&quot; All Star game!!!! (just kidding... )<br><br>Now, back to baseball: here is further proof that baseball can metaphorically relate to any aspect of life.<br><br>The current site: was once top-of-the-line, still somewhat reliable but terribly old &amp; outdated<br><img src="" alt="[linked image]"><br><br>The &quot;old&quot; new site: powerful, great, but sssslllloooowwww as hell<br><img src="" alt="[linked image]"><br><br>The future new site: speed, reliability, and power all rolled into one!<br><img src="" alt="[linked image]">

Archive 04-15-2009 11:30 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Fred C</b><p>I think people are looking for a site that is easy to operate (even a brainless monkey can operate it) with lots of power (even if it's enhanced) - something like the following:<br><br><img src="" alt="[linked image]"> <br><br><a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow"></a>

Archive 04-15-2009 03:31 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Bob</b><p>Leon- I wouldn't care if you get 100k for the banners, this is a thankless job and I'm glad someone else (besides me) is doing it. I haven't weighed in on the old board vs. new board discussion because I'll go whereever we end up but yes the dragging and slowness was a bitch. <br>My personal feeling was that the new site was great but the ease of the old board makes it so much more user friendly (at least until the bugs are worked out).<br>I do appreciate your (and Brian M.) giving it a shot.<br>Thanks,<br>tbob

Archive 04-15-2009 03:42 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Noel</b><p>Glad to have a fun and friendly forum to be able name call, post on and voice our opinions as eloquently as we would like.

Archive 04-15-2009 05:16 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Ricky Y</b><p>Brian, Matt, Mike, Dan, Leon..and whomever is working on the new site...Thanks a million for your efforts.<br><br>I enjoy coming to this site to read, learn, buy and sell..and I appreciate you guys taking time away from your regular jobs and/or doing other non hobby things to do this. <br><br>I'm sure I will continue to enjoy being here whether its on the new format or this old one. <img src="/images/happy.gif" height="14" width="14" alt="happy.gif"><br><br>Ricky Y<br><br>

Archive 04-15-2009 06:56 PM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Mike H</b><p>Back to the new board Leon. I gaurantee the poutey complaining group will come around. If not they can go back to watching Matlock. Please don't let them kill the dream. <br><br>Change is inevitable, misery is optional.

Archive 04-16-2009 04:09 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>Joann</b><p>Hmmmm. I guess I don't understand the reactions here.<br><br><br>I don't know why it seems like there has to be one camp or the other. I don't think that someone saying they like this board or even prefer this board is somehow not appreciating the work that went into the new one. <br><br>I bet most people here have something in their life that they miss, even if what they currently have to replace it is &quot;better&quot;. Old jobs, first house (my case), first car - things like that. So why such the dismissive treatment for those that simply say that this place feels more comfortable than the new board? Or that it may be a bit harder for some people to get acclimated to?*<br><br>And the bottom line is that this board is a lot - a LOT - simpler to use. That is plain fact. Yes - the ease of use is tied to the lack of features, etc. But why, again, are some people so dismissive of the fact that adjusting to the more complicated interface of the new board is an issue for others? Great - it works for you. But do we have to call other people names because it doesn't seem as straightforward to use?<br><br>Oh well. Stay the course Leon. We do need the new board. But we can all help by not acting like people that have contributed here for years - who have helped make it a board worth moving - are somehow jerks because they prefer this format.<br><br>Joann<br><br>*And Barry - this whole paragraph should be declared a Grammatical Disaster Area with the incorrect pronoun use and ending sentences with prepositions and everything else. <img src="/images/happy.gif" height="14" width="14" alt="happy.gif">

Archive 04-16-2009 04:50 AM

the new board is being scrapped for the time being
Posted By: <b>barrysloate</b><p>Joann- I can live with it. I'm cool. <img src="/images/happy.gif" height="14" width="14" alt="happy.gif">

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