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packs 06-27-2016 10:15 AM

Pretty surprised at how much that finale packed in.

I wonder about Varys. He seemed to hint he was taking a risk in his journey, but what was he risking? He united the Tyrell's and the Dornish people against a common enemy. I guess the risk was in the travel? Not sure why he hinted at never coming back.

clydepepper 06-27-2016 12:17 PM

Link to Recap of Finale:
from The Wall Street Journal:

bravos4evr 06-27-2016 01:24 PM

The Battle of the Bastards may have had all the adventure and excitement, but I think the finale might have been the greatest episode of the entire series. So much happening, so many things settled and so much setup for the final 2 seasons!


chaddurbin 06-27-2016 10:38 PM

assuming kingslayer jamie gonna take care of cersei...we have jamie leading lannister army and the fallen frey house, up north we have jon/sansa/tommy carcetti with the northern army, wildlings, and vale army, and sailing west we have daenarys stormborn, theon/asha greyjoy with the dothrakis, iron fleet, dorne/tyrells and 3 big-ass dragons. am i missing anyone? all the baratheons are dead, boltons are gone, and the freys are no more. when you play the game of thrones, you win...or you die.

and the winner gets to meet the night king with his undead army and the white walkers for all the realm. seems like the tv showrunners are not sick and a masochist like GRRM, so they're actually giving the viewers some satisfactory payoffs. looking forward to the stark children reunions and bran breaking the news about R+L=J to the family. gonna be awkward when jon is revealed to have more of a stake in the iron throne than his current title of king of the north.

packs 06-28-2016 07:07 AM

Technically Gendry is still alive and is Robert Baratheon's bastard. He is the true heir to the throne but last time we saw him he was just rowing away.

I'm kinda bummed we didn't get to see Margery's plan play out at all. She gave her mother the rose drawing to hint at her faking her allegiance for some purpose, but it never really came to be anything.

the 'stache 06-28-2016 07:35 AM

Jamie Lannister is going to face an incredibly difficult decision at some point during the next season (or two). He is going to be forced to choose between his sister, and his brother.

Jamie obviously loves Tyrion. He knows that Tyrion was not responsible for Joffrey's death, though I do believe he knows that their father died at his hands. He helped Tyrion escape the dungeons, which, of course, is explicitly against Cersei's wishes, as it means he cannot be tried for the King's poisoning. And, we know just how strong his bond is with Cersei. He's always known she was a monster, but she's always acted in a manner that protects their family. So, Jamie might have rationalized her evil acts that way. But, how does he rationalize what she just did in blowing up hundreds of people with wildfire? Jamie has no love loss for House Tyrell, or the members of the Faith of the Seven. But he's going to learn of Lancel's death, and trace it back to his sister. Even though he'd turned into a holy roller, he was still a Lannister. And, Cersei's killing of the many, including Queen Margery, is directly responsible for King Tommen's suicide. That's their son. Jamie has now lost Myrcella and Tommen in close proximity. Are his feeling for Cersei slowly changing, and does Brienne have anything to do with it? I can't help but laugh at the possibility of Jamie and Tormund fighting for her affections.

Danerys has named Tyrion Hand of the Queen. This is a remarkable honor for the would be rightful heir of Westeros to bestow on a Lannister. And Tyrion clearly respects, and believes in her. If Cersei wasn't pissed off at her brother enough for what she perceives is his role in killing her son, Joffrey, how much more do you think she's going to hate him once she finds out he is the chief adviser to the woman who will come to remove Cersei from the throne?

Then there's Olena Tyrell. She's met up with Ellaria Sand, and has the help of the Dornish people in taking back Westeros. Obviously, after Cersei killed her whole family, Olena cannot wait to get some payback.

How do you think she's going to feel when she learns that Danerys Stormborn's Hand is Cersei's brother?

So many interesting subplots exist for next year. Nine months is too long a time to wait.

aaroncc 06-30-2016 02:13 PM

So any guess who will eventually take the throne? I have heard people speculate Jon Snow and Daenerys. But since Jon's her nephew guess that won't happen...

pokerplyr80 06-30-2016 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by clydepepper (Post 1555296)
That's the most awesome 10-year-old actress in the world!!!

Lots of stuff to look forward to next season![/SIZE]

Agreed she is great. My guess is they're setting up John Snow to end up on top. If he's a Targaryen he should be able to control the dragons.

clydepepper 07-02-2016 06:16 PM

Sneak Peak at Season 7?
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