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KMayUSA6060 07-29-2020 05:32 AM

Rumor is the Marlins went out to a club in Atlanta.

What role does accountability play, and what kind of emphasis should be put on it? Season suspension?

1952boyntoncollector 07-29-2020 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by KMayUSA6060 (Post 2003820)
Rumor is the Marlins went out to a club in Atlanta.

What role does accountability play, and what kind of emphasis should be put on it? Season suspension?

they need to share the video of what the saw ..!

I am sure if they were at a club someone would have sold a video snippet of it as Im sure they would get paid 50k for it..and could buy a 1952 Mantle

If you see a stripper who buys a 1952 Mantle, we will know she got it a lot easier than by doing lap dances..

bigred1 07-29-2020 06:33 AM

i heard that rumor about Atlanta, young men with money, not totally surprised. Might explain a little more.

Shoeless Moe 07-29-2020 06:42 AM

Maybe they should make these games they are missing forfeits, IF they violated any MLB Covid 2020 season rules.

BOOM instant punishment. Not delayed.

earlywynnfan 07-29-2020 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003798)
Here's an article from a doctor that has treated 699 Coronavirus patients with the "miracle drug," all with 100% effectiveness. The article is 4 months old, so I'm sure the numbers are much larger now.

Hey, maybe you can try to discredit this doctor too as it's obvious you don't have anything useful to add.

I'm not sure why looking into the credentials or background of someone who touts a cure that is a departure from most agreed-upon medical research is not "useful"?? I don't particularly trust the government (either side) or media (either side,) but before completely trusting someone highly touted by the far-right or far-left, how about some research?

As I said before, I'd be thrilled if some sort of chloroquine cure would work for everyone, or even most. But when a big pharma company that actually sells the drug says "hey, we don't want this touted as curing covid because there is no research to say it does," that gives me pause. When research groups from the US cancel trials because they feel there is danger, it's easy to say "politics." But what about when researchers from OUTSIDE the US say the same thing? I've heard zinc and vitamin D is great for helping people, but if you go back before covid, you can find many articles showing how too many people lack zinc and vitamin d in their daily diets, so maybe that's part of the problem?

As for Dr. Zelenko, he claimed to have treated and cured xxx amount of covid patients, depending on the source. However, he also states that early on in the pandemic, he didn't even bother testing his patients, he just gave his cocktail to anyone at risk, even if they were asymptomatic. I don't think that gives credence to his numbers. Also, it does not appear that he has gone on to save "much larger numbers."

"Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, family practitioner and major proponent of the use of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin to treat COVID -19. Among his claims is that he treated anywhere from 300 to 1450 COVID-19 patients. Of 405 high risk patients treated early in the course of their illnesses, there were “2 deaths, four on respirators. The rest recovered fully.” Those are mighty impressive numbers, but no one else has seen the data. It should come as no surprise that the fact checking website Snopes was unable to substantiate his claims.

After community leaders in the town where he practiced criticized him for spreading misinformation, Zelenko decided to leave his practice—destination unknown." It appears now he has written a book and is starting a website.

drmondobueno 07-29-2020 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Den*nis O*Brien (Post 2003660)
.....In rural Northern Wisconsin the "Culture War" is in full bloom. Wearing a mask is inviting scornful looks. But confederate flags fly freely from pick up trucks. A local grocery store, the only one in a small community, has never had the essential workers wear masks or installed plexi glass shields at check out. We had a check out worker ask us last week "Where do you buy masks?" Talking to someone taking the virus seriously is Rare.

I live in a small town in the eastern sierras about 200 miles northeast of the L A sprawl. Our town has a small, and I mean small, grocery store sitting on Highway 395, the only one we have. This means every traveller out of southern california goes through town, stopping for food, gas, etc etc. and fucking up our people.

Since the shelter in place order has been lifted in California, and people are free to move around, the infection rate has doubled in our area and increased FIVEFOLD in Mammoth Lakes, CA. So our local store has a no mask no entry no service policy. And they enforce it. I was in the store checking out when some unmasked road warrior entered the store, no mask of course, and ignored the clerk. So the clerk 911’ed the guy. So you all know, I am fine with that. We have very few resources up here; half the town, including me, are retired seniors, mostly educators, and our emergency service people are all local volunteers. Our local school is also very small and has decided to reopen as usual, using masks, social distancing, etc. and the school is too small to field a football or baseball team. Hunh. I am OK with that as I have seen how the locals have responded to COVID. All I can say to dirtbags not respecting the locals is you deserve what you get. Don’t come through, piss on our gate and expect a shrug and a pass. Patience up here is gone.

I was fortunate to finally get back fusion done in Carson City after nearly a two year wait compounded by COVID. No one got inside this hospital without masks and temp checks AND being on a list of scheduled patients. Meanwhile, back in L A, my nieces decided after weeks of isolation to have a family get together, share some time, food, etc. and eight of eleven are now COVID positive. We may lose a nephew. No one seems to know who was the source. Not funny at all.

I know this is all anecdotal but this is NOT the flu. It is NOT OK if some 80 year old dies of COVID. It is NOT OK to ignore Local health ordinance. As for baseball, play the damn season. Shut down a team like the Marlins for a couple weeks, enforce a quarantine, and let this thing play out. Maybe the MLBPA needs to be held accountable for any breach, I don’t know, but an outbreak should not get a pass. Lock the f*ckers up. No travel, no clubbing, no grab ass, no nothin’. Playing is a privilege, not a guaranteed right. Enjoy your stay at Holiday Inn.

MooseDog 07-29-2020 08:09 AM

You do realize that Al-Arabiya is basically the Fox News of Saudi Arabia and owned by the Saudi Royal Family.


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003798)
Here's an article from a doctor that has treated 699 Coronavirus patients with the "miracle drug," all with 100% effectiveness. The article is 4 months old, so I'm sure the numbers are much larger now.

Hey, maybe you can try to discredit this doctor too as it's obvious you don't have anything useful to add.

vintagetoppsguy 07-29-2020 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003847)
I'm not sure why looking into the credentials or background of someone who touts a cure that is a departure from most agreed-upon medical research is not "useful"?? I don't particularly trust the government (either side) or media (either side,) but before completely trusting someone highly touted by the far-right or far-left, how about some research?

As I said before, I'd be thrilled if some sort of chloroquine cure would work for everyone, or even most. But when a big pharma company that actually sells the drug says "hey, we don't want this touted as curing covid because there is no research to say it does," that gives me pause. When research groups from the US cancel trials because they feel there is danger, it's easy to say "politics." But what about when researchers from OUTSIDE the US say the same thing? I've heard zinc and vitamin D is great for helping people, but if you go back before covid, you can find many articles showing how too many people lack zinc and vitamin d in their daily diets, so maybe that's part of the problem?

As for Dr. Zelenko, he claimed to have treated and cured xxx amount of covid patients, depending on the source. However, he also states that early on in the pandemic, he didn't even bother testing his patients, he just gave his cocktail to anyone at risk, even if they were asymptomatic. I don't think that gives credence to his numbers. Also, it does not appear that he has gone on to save "much larger numbers."

"Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, family practitioner and major proponent of the use of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin to treat COVID -19. Among his claims is that he treated anywhere from 300 to 1450 COVID-19 patients. Of 405 high risk patients treated early in the course of their illnesses, there were “2 deaths, four on respirators. The rest recovered fully.” Those are mighty impressive numbers, but no one else has seen the data. It should come as no surprise that the fact checking website Snopes was unable to substantiate his claims.

After community leaders in the town where he practiced criticized him for spreading misinformation, Zelenko decided to leave his practice—destination unknown." It appears now he has written a book and is starting a website.

Loud hand clap of applause for amazing copy and paste skills. But do you have an original thought of your own?

A quick internet search reveals that Dr. Zalenko moved his practice to another location within the same city, but his practice is still open for business. You can call and verify it if you want (845) 782-0000.

Destination unknown? Another quick internet search shows Dr. Zalenko is currently in the hospital undergoing cancer treatment.

You'e look ridiculous trying to discredit Dr Immanuel. You continue to look ridiculous by trying to discredit Dr. Zalenko.

I'll give you one more shot. How about trying to discredit the Michigan State Rep who credits her recovery to Hydroxychloroquine?

vintagetoppsguy 07-29-2020 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by MooseDog (Post 2003861)
You do realize that Al-Arabiya is basically the Fox News of Saudi Arabia and owned by the Saudi Royal Family.

Truth is truth no matter the source. I just linked one source, there are many others. You should check them out.

earlywynnfan 07-29-2020 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003864)
Loud hand clap of applause for amazing copy and paste skills. But do you have an original thought of your own?

A quick internet search reveals that Dr. Zalenko moved his practice to another location within the same city, but his practice is still open for business. You can call and verify it if you want (845) 782-0000.

Destination unknown? Another quick internet search shows Dr. Zalenko is currently in the hospital undergoing cancer treatment.

You'e look ridiculous trying to discredit Dr Immanuel. You continue to look ridiculous by trying to discredit Dr. Zalenko.

I'll give you one more shot. How about trying to discredit the Michigan State Rep who credits her recovery to Hydroxychloroquine?

Since you can't seem to read my words about hydroxychoroquine, how about you go ahead and tell me what thoughts you've posted here are original?

vintagetoppsguy 07-29-2020 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003867)
Since you can't seem to read my words about hydroxychoroquine, how about you go ahead and tell me what thoughts you've posted here are original?

My original thoughts? Easy. That thousands of doctors have had success prescribing Hydroxychoroquine for treating their patients. They have no motive in disclosing their results, but yet they're being shut down by social media.

They're touting a drug (Hydroxychoroquine) that costs $.83 and has had success for their patients, compared to another treatment drug (Remdesivir) that costs $3120. Follow the money.

earlywynnfan 07-29-2020 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003883)
My original thoughts? Easy. That thousands of doctors have had success prescribing Hydroxychoroquine for treating their patients. They have no motive in disclosing their results, but yet they're being shut down by social media.

They're touting a drug (Hydroxychoroquine) that costs $.83 and has had success for their patients, compared to another treatment drug (Remdesivir) that costs $3120. Follow the money.

OK, and MY original thoughts were that this drug shows some promise, but there are reams of information showing either it does nothing or it can be harmful. My original thoughts, as I stated, were I sure wish it would work. My original thoughts are the very first doctor you supported and linked to has some extreme, almost crazy medical views which, as I stated, taints her expertise in my mind. My original thought, stated here for the first time, is I'm happy that thousands of doctors have had positive results, but what percentage of US doctors is that? Seems like thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of doctors don't consider it a viable source? My original thoughts, as stated before, are that I feel there is a lot that we don't know that could/should be explored, like the lack of vitamin D and zinc in most people's systems.

These are some of my original thoughts. I have stated them clearly, without jerkiness of any kind. Feel free to respond without the arrogant, condescending attitude.

Shoeless Moe 07-29-2020 10:11 AM

Covidiots!!!!! Who say the season sucks....

Suck this:


drmondobueno 07-29-2020 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2003893)
Covidiots!!!!! Who say the season sucks....

Suck this:


The ‘stros have this coming all year. Wait until the fans get back in the stands. Dodgers-Astros playing is like being at a NASCAR race. You know the big wreck is just around the next turn.....this was nothing.

vintagetoppsguy 07-29-2020 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003884)
OK, and MY original thoughts were that this drug shows some promise, but there are reams of information showing either it does nothing or it can be harmful. My original thoughts, as I stated, were I sure wish it would work. My original thoughts are the very first doctor you supported and linked to has some extreme, almost crazy medical views which, as I stated, taints her expertise in my mind. My original thought, stated here for the first time, is I'm happy that thousands of doctors have had positive results, but what percentage of US doctors is that? Seems like thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of doctors don't consider it a viable source? My original thoughts, as stated before, are that I feel there is a lot that we don't know that could/should be explored, like the lack of vitamin D and zinc in most people's systems.

These are some of my original thoughts. I have stated them clearly, without jerkiness of any kind. Feel free to respond without the arrogant, condescending attitude.

I give you names of 2 doctors that are using Hydroxychoroquine and you try to tear down their credentials and make them look stupid and I'm the one with "jerkiness" and an "arrogant, condescending attitude?" Pot meet kettle.

Not only doctors are claiming that it works, patients are as well. Go read the comments of the Michigan State Representative.
  • "It went from the headaches being severe to fluid building up in my lungs, to sweats breaking out to the cough and my breathing being labored."
  • "It all happened in a matter of hours."
  • "For me, it saved my life.”
Let me ask you a simple question. Let's say you're diagnosed with the Virus and your doctor tells you he/she is going to prescribe you Hydroxychoroquine. Do you take it? Yes or no?

Shoeless Moe 07-29-2020 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by drmondobueno (Post 2003897)
The ‘stros have this coming all year. Wait until the fans get back in the stands. Dodgers-Astros playing is like being at a NASCAR race. You know the big wreck is just around the next turn.....this was nothing.

LOVE IT!!!! Not a huge fan of throwing at a guys head, but if you are precise enough to just miss it, then all good. Prefer though they just drill 'em in the back.

And wouldn't mind one thrown in their dugout every now and then.

Love good baseball drama.

Covid drama not so much. Like The Donald said "one day it will just, poof, disappear"........he failed to mention that one day may not be until 2021 or 2022.....but oh well, we'll get there. Good to have Bean Balls to keep us amused until then.

1952boyntoncollector 07-29-2020 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2003911)
LOVE IT!!!! Not a huge fan of throwing at a guys head, but if you are precise enough to just miss it, then all good. Prefer though they just drill 'em in the back.

And wouldn't mind one thrown in their dugout every now and then.

Love good baseball drama.

Covid drama not so much. Like The Donald said "one day it will just, poof, disappear"........he failed to mention that one day may not be until 2021 or 2022.....but oh well, we'll get there. Good to have Bean Balls to keep us amused until then.

yep Trump info was wrong he doesnt say that now. A lot of World leaders said that too. However when he closed air travel to china everyone said thats ridiculous and prejudicial. So we get things wrong and right in life..

Like saying Rayshard Brooks was shot for just sleeping, well he was DUI and also shot a taser at an officer but people say he was 'shot for sleeping' Doesnt mean the shooting was right or wrong, i just pointing out the bias the way people present information. Just saying Trump said would go away is not the whole picture. I know I didnt believe him, just as I dont believe Biden on a lot of things

Not sure why everyone trusts politicians, next I will hear how used car salesman are honest and all their cars were driven to church by old ladies...

earlywynnfan 07-29-2020 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 2003929)
yep Trump info was wrong he doesnt say that now. A lot of World leaders said that too. However when he closed air travel to china everyone said thats ridiculous and prejudicial. So we get things wrong and right in life..

Like saying Rayshard Brooks was shot for just sleeping, well he was DUI and also shot a taser at an officer but people say he was 'shot for sleeping' Doesnt mean the shooting was right or wrong, i just pointing out the bias the way people present information. Just saying Trump said would go away is not the whole picture. I know I didnt believe him, just as I dont believe Biden on a lot of things

Not sure why everyone trusts politicians, next I will hear how used car salesman are honest and all their cars were driven to church by old ladies...

You know he said that 10 days ago, right?
I'd like to amend one of your statements: "Not sure why ANYone trusts politicians." On either side.

Tabe 07-29-2020 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003798)
Here's an article from a doctor that has treated 699 Coronavirus patients with the "miracle drug," all with 100% effectiveness. The article is 4 months old, so I'm sure the numbers are much larger now.

Hey, maybe you can try to discredit this doctor too as it's obvious you don't have anything useful to add.

You mean the guy being investigated by federal prosecutors for lying about a study being approved by the FDA?

earlywynnfan 07-29-2020 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003902)
I give you names of 2 doctors that are using Hydroxychoroquine and you try to tear down their credentials and make them look stupid and I'm the one with "jerkiness" and an "arrogant, condescending attitude?" Pot meet kettle.

Not only doctors are claiming that it works, patients are as well. Go read the comments of the Michigan State Representative.
  • "It went from the headaches being severe to fluid building up in my lungs, to sweats breaking out to the cough and my breathing being labored."
  • "It all happened in a matter of hours."
  • "For me, it saved my life.”
Let me ask you a simple question. Let's say you're diagnosed with the Virus and your doctor tells you he/she is going to prescribe you Hydroxychoroquine. Do you take it? Yes or no?

No, I don't. But to be fair, I rarely go to the doctor, and I am very anti-pharma by nature.

As for your Michigan state rep, she has a great story, and I am truly glad this worked out for her. Now what about mr. Bergen's story, it didn't work out so well for those poor people. Please respond to his story.

As for your doctors, feel free to follow them, I don't care. But if you have the right to post on here a video of a doctor giving advice, I have the right to post that she also believes reptilian creatures are running our government. Or a doctor who says he's cured 600 people, yet doesn't see a point to testing, and was asked to leave his community because of his comments (not what I'd expect from the neighborhood savior). Some might feel it adds some context. If you don't think it matters, you can ignore me.

God forbid, if you were to catch the virus, and you take this particular cure, I hope it works for you. I hope you have better results than many have had.

Question for you: do you wear a mask when in public, even if not mandated?

slidekellyslide 07-29-2020 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003902)
I give you names of 2 doctors that are using Hydroxychoroquine and you try to tear down their credentials and make them look stupid and I'm the one with "jerkiness" and an "arrogant, condescending attitude?"

LOL. One of those doctors today said that if Facebook doesn't put her video back up then God will destroy them.

Seriously, this is the doctor you're hanging your hat on? If Obama or any Democrat trotted this woman onto the national stage you'd be laughing your butt off (Rightfully so) and you know it. LOL, I mean, I've always known you were partisan, but you're really hitching your wagon to alien DNA and demon pregnancies? This is hilarious.

Tabe 07-29-2020 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by KMayUSA6060 (Post 2003820)
Rumor is the Marlins went out to a club in Atlanta.

What role does accountability play, and what kind of emphasis should be put on it? Season suspension?

This would be why the NFL & NFLPA agreed to a ban on "going out" and severe punishments for those that violate the ban.

cannonballsun 07-29-2020 12:51 PM

Confederate flags in the north

Originally Posted by Den*nis O*Brien (Post 2003660)
.....In rural Northern Wisconsin the "Culture War" is in full bloom. Wearing a mask is inviting scornful looks. But confederate flags fly freely from pick up trucks. A local grocery store, the only one in a small community, has never had the essential workers wear masks or installed plexi glass shields at check out. We had a check out worker ask us last week "Where do you buy masks?" Talking to someone taking the virus seriously is Rare.

I'm from Louisiana. I understand why many people do (as well as many don't) like and wave the Confederate flag. I don't get why anyone up north would like and wave a Confederate flag.
I can only think of one reason. It seems to be a proud proclamation that the Confederate flag waver up north is a racist. Am I wrong ? What would the other reasons be ?

Shoeless Moe 07-29-2020 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by cannonballsun (Post 2003966)
I'm from Louisiana. I understand why many people do (as well as many don't) like and wave the Confederate flag. I don't get why anyone up north would like and wave a Confederate flag.
I can only think of one reason. It seems to be a proud proclamation that the Confederate flag waver up north is a racist. Am I wrong ? What would the other reasons be ?

Dukes of Hazard fans

slidekellyslide 07-29-2020 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by cannonballsun (Post 2003966)
I'm from Louisiana. I understand why many people do (as well as many don't) like and wave the Confederate flag. I don't get why anyone up north would like and wave a Confederate flag.
I can only think of one reason. It seems to be a proud proclamation that the Confederate flag waver up north is a racist. Am I wrong ? What would the other reasons be ?

I have an 18 year old second cousin who was posting all kinds of Confederate flag memes on facebook. He was trying to argue that it was his "heritage". I had to remind him that his family wasn't even in this country until the early 20th century. He blocked me.

vintagetoppsguy 07-29-2020 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003950)
Now what about mr. Bergen's story, it didn't work out so well for those poor people.

I already addressed that. Heart problems are a possible side effect of Hydroxychoroquine. All drugs have possible side effects.


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003950)
Question for you: do you wear a mask when in public, even if not mandated?

I do.

vintagetoppsguy 07-29-2020 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by slidekellyslide (Post 2003953)
Seriously, this is the doctor you're hanging your hat on?

No, sir. Re-read my first post. I only said the was the latest doctor to be taken down by social media for touting Hydroxychoroquine. There have been many.

1952boyntoncollector 07-29-2020 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003947)
You know he said that 10 days ago, right?
I'd like to amend one of your statements: "Not sure why ANYone trusts politicians." On either side.

right he said will go away eventually and eventually will be right he didnt say it the way you implied.......if/when Biden is in will be a lot of things he says that will be made fun of and even exceeding trump which i thought would be impossible..but biden makes it possible....he did fake his degrees and how he finished in school ..its not like he is known for telling the truth either.

Shoeless Moe 07-29-2020 01:15 PM

I think it's safe to say
Nobody knows anything, neither side.

Someone comes up with a vaccine that works....then finally someone who knows something, until then nobody knows anything. Guesses, hopes, opinions.

Most have agendas.

We just have to ride this out until someone comes up with a vaccine.

You have only one goal - survive.

Don't count on anyone else. Don't blame anyone else, well you can, but see where blaming others gets ya.

Only count on yourself, and survive!

1952boyntoncollector 07-29-2020 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2003982)
Nobody knows anything, neither side.

Someone comes up with a vaccine that works....then finally someone who knows something, until then nobody knows anything. Guesses, hopes, opinions.

Most have agendas.

We just have to ride this out until someone comes up with a vaccine.

You have only one goal - survive.

Don't count on anyone else. Don't blame anyone else, well you can, but see what blame gets ya.

Only count on yourself, and survive!

Even after vaccine will still have tons of issues that i wont bother to discuss again.. but.....wont be a quick will see

Shoeless Moe 07-29-2020 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 2003983)
Even after vaccine will still have tons of issues that i wont bother to discuss again.. but.....wont be a quick will see

Didn't say it would be a quick fix. But it will be the start of getting on the right path.

I just said basically "this doc knows this, this doc said that" is for the most part pointless. Show me a vaccine that works then I'm in.

In the meantime it will be nice when Sleepy Joe and The Teflon Don square off in the Octagon this November and we get this stupid election over with.

Two of the worst candidates EVER. Like watching the Marlins play the Nordiques (Hockey fans) for the championship of Jai Lai. 4 years and this is the best the Democrats can come up with. It's like asking Marve Levy to take over your football team at this point in his life. And the Prez is a narcissitic idiot, I can't spell that word.

But at least one will win and we don't have to listen to this crap for a few years.

1952boyntoncollector 07-29-2020 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2003988)
Didn't say it would be a quick fix. But it will be the start of getting on the right path.

I just said basically "this doc knows this, this doc said that" is for the most part pointless. Show me a vaccine that works then I'm in.

In the meantime it will be nice when Sleepy Joe and The Teflon Don square off in the Octagon this November and we get this stupid election over with.

Two of the worst candidates EVER. Like watching the Marlins play the Nordiques (Hockey fans) for the championship of Jai Lai. 4 years and this is the best the Democrats can come up with. It's like asking Marve Levy to take over your football team at this point in his life. And the Prez is a narcissitic idiot, I can't spell that word.

But at least one will win and we don't have to listen to this crap for a few years.

Eh after trump won all we heard was about how he has to go and impeach....will be the same thing with biden unless dems win both houses.

Marlins are not in the same company of Nordiques.....

vintagetoppsguy 07-29-2020 02:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2003982)
Nobody knows anything, neither side.

This I absolutely agree with. From the beginning, many were labeled as "experts," but how can one be an expert in something of which very little is known? And the opinions keep changing. We hear one thing, then later we're told something completely different - by the experts.

The W.H.O., who is supposed to be the expert of experts, originally tweeted on January 14th that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission - which we already had evidence otherwise coming out of China.

1952boyntoncollector 07-29-2020 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2004005)
This I absolutely agree with. From the beginning, many were labeled as "experts," but how can one be an expert in something of which very little is known? And the opinions keep changing. We hear one thing, then later we're told something completely different - by the experts.

The W.H.O., who is supposed to be the expert of experts, originally tweeted on January 14th that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission - which we already had evidence otherwise coming out of China.

Right Biden said will follow the experts..if did that planes would have been coming into the States from China through April among other things...

if you listen to expert and they wrong, you are blamed...if dont listen to expert and you wrong you are blamed the same way.. Experts in one things doesnt make you an expert in other things....decisions are being made that impact many areas...there is no expert to cover all those areas

Den*nis O*Brien 07-29-2020 03:00 PM

Howdy Wayne,

Originally Posted by cannonballsun (Post 2003966)
I'm from Louisiana. I understand why many people do (as well as many don't) like and wave the Confederate flag. I don't get why anyone up north would like and wave a Confederate flag.
I can only think of one reason. It seems to be a proud proclamation that the Confederate flag waver up north is a racist. Am I wrong ? What would the other reasons be ?

I am happy to engage in a conversation with You on this most important subject. Thank you for your interest!!! You are not wrong that the display of the stars & bars is a completely racist expression. Not only in display but verbal expression. Allow me to tell you that when George Wallace ran for President in Wisconsin's Presidential Preferential Primary , in the early , 1970's-------in Price County and Emery Township specificly George Wallace reigned supreme.. That sentiment is pervasive to this day. It will not go away or evolve into modern day thinking. I will share with you that I moved here from Ann Arbor Michigan---"The Harvard Of The Midwest" to meet this culture head on. And surviving ,at gun point,this "Back Woods Ignorance" I remain A warrior for social justice. Hey the goobers lost the war ( as they should have) . but some neanderthals didn't get the news in a timely fashion. Very sincerely, Dennis

earlywynnfan 07-29-2020 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by cannonballsun (Post 2003966)
I'm from Louisiana. I understand why many people do (as well as many don't) like and wave the Confederate flag. I don't get why anyone up north would like and wave a Confederate flag.
I can only think of one reason. It seems to be a proud proclamation that the Confederate flag waver up north is a racist. Am I wrong ? What would the other reasons be ?

Well, I graduated HS in the '80's. We were the South Rebels, which geographically didn't make much sense because if you walk directly north out of our town you will be swimming to Canada. So back then we all flew our Rebel flags, because it was our HS and we didn't know any better. (Needless to say, we were almost 100% lily white, too. I had a black buddy there who jokingly referred to himself as "The Token.")

Sometime by the early 90's the flag went away, the crowd murmured "Hey!" and life went on. A while back, the simple drawing of a Confederate soldier disappeared. A few people went "hey."

Now I look back and wonder what the heck we were thinking??

howard38 07-29-2020 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Den*nis O*Brien (Post 2004029)
I am happy to engage in a conversation with You on this most important subject. Thank you for your interest!!! You are not wrong that the display of the stars & bars is a completely racist expression. Not only in display but verbal expression. Allow me to tell you that when George Wallace ran for President in Wisconsin's Presidential Preferential Primary , in the early , 1970's-------in Price County and Emery Township specificly George Wallace reigned supreme.. That sentiment is pervasive to this day. It will not go away or evolve into modern day thinking. I will share with you that I moved here from Ann Arbor Michigan---"The Harvard Of The Midwest" to meet this culture head on. And surviving ,at gun point,this "Back Woods Ignorance" I remain A warrior for social justice. Hey the goobers lost the war ( as they should have) . but some neanderthals didn't get the news in a timely fashion. Very sincerely, Dennis

That's pretty close to where I spent a week fishing ten or fifteen years ago, Spider Lake. I don't remember seeing any confederate flags & frankly they wouldn't have caught my attention anyway, but I was disturbed that my neighbor flew a nazi flag from a huge flagpole in front off his house.

Not many people fly the stars & bars though as it's pretty dull:

The design so popular today was used as a battle & navy flag.

nolemmings 07-29-2020 04:28 PM

Peter Navarro, White House Trade advisor, defended the President’s mention of these doctors at briefing yesterday and told CNN today that he {Navarro} stands by hydroxychloroquine and is “sitting on millions of doses of it”. Well then, why is that?

If the drug works, is safe and that readily available, why the hell aren’t you handing it out left and right to help bring this virus under control? In fact, you shouldn’t be sitting on much of any of it at all. Start the process to make more, and do it immediately. You’ve already bypassed several FDA testing protocols and other quality control regimens to move to a vaccine at “warp speed”, so there should be no delay in making more, particularly as it is already a known quantity and you are satisfied it’s safe and effective. What could possibly be the hold-up? In the words of the Exalted One, “What have you got to lose?” You're the federal government, take charge.

It must be those pesky, meddling health providers throughout the country who don’t share the views of Dr. Demon Seed and the White House. Those damn Never Trumpers–elitist, leftist fanatic, antifa, anarchist, probably-born-Chinese, socialist, hate this country physicians who cleverly formed a cabal to rig the election. There can be no other explanation.

Shoeless Moe 07-29-2020 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by nolemmings (Post 2004068)
REO: 48 years ago.....
Golden country your face is so red
With all of your money your poor can be fed
You strut around and you flirt with disaster
Never really carin' just what comes after
Well your blacks are dyin' but your back is still turned
And your freaks are cryin' but your back is still turned
You better stop your hidin' or your country will burn
The time has come for you my friend
To all this ugliness we must put an end
Before we leave we must make a stand

Why do you have an REO Speedwagon quote? and give me the Cliff Notes version of what it means, please.

REO has been around over 48 years? Where does the time go.

Speaking of....well not really, but anyone remember Dian Parkinson from the Price is Right, pretty sure you do, can you believe she is now 75!!!!!

She should be getting residuals from Kleenex.

nolemmings 07-29-2020 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2004087)
Why do you have an REO Speedwagon quote? and give me the Cliff Notes version of what it means, please.

REO has been around over 48 years? Where does the time go.

Speaking of....well not really, but anyone remember Dian Parkinson from the Price is Right, pretty sure you do, can you believe she is now 75!!!!!

I have always liked that song, since I was a teenager, and the "You get what you play for" double album, although expensive for a youth of little means, was one of the best music investments of the decade for me. As in, it cost me about 2 cents for every time I played it by the time it warped out. Son of a Poor Man was my favorite on that LP.

Like much music, the song is in the ears of the beholder. Personally, I find it poignant; to me it's one of those some things haven't changed lyrics.

Shoeless Moe 07-29-2020 05:26 PM

I hear ya. I think REO had to be the most played music of every Jr High and High School Dance in the 80's.

That Hi Infidelity must have sold a gazillion records, but I know you are talking Pre-that REO.

nolemmings 07-29-2020 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2004099)
I hear ya. I think REO had to be the most played music of every Jr High and High School Dance in the 80's.

That Hi Infidelity must have sold a gazillion records, but I know you are talking Pre-that REO.

The 80's took them a bit too top 40 for my tastes, much like Chicago after Terry Kath died, but there was still good music, and yes, it was played all over. I was glad for them hitting it large--they would basically play anywhere in the earlier days--small bars (not clubs), ballrooms and county fairs-- we didn't use the word "venues" then--places that just really resonated with loud rock and roll. Definitely a band that paid its dues.

vintagetoppsguy 07-29-2020 09:40 PM

The same people that are discrediting Dr. Immanuel for her weird beliefs are the same people who praise doctors that claim men can become women.

Let that sink in.

steve B 07-29-2020 11:29 PM

Also this link

packs 07-30-2020 10:34 AM

Phillies visiting clubhouse attendant has tested positive for COVID.

Shoeless Moe 07-30-2020 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by packs (Post 2004272)
Phillies visiting clubhouse attendant has tested positive for COVID.

That's funny, even though its not. how'd you like that job, Marlins clubhouse attendant for the one weekend they're in town.

He's gotta be like "30 teams in the league and I get the Marlins".

sox1903wschamp 07-31-2020 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by nolemmings (Post 2004106)
The 80's took them a bit too top 40 for my tastes, much like Chicago after Terry Kath died, but there was still good music, and yes, it was played all over. I was glad for them hitting it large--they would basically play anywhere in the earlier days--small bars (not clubs), ballrooms and county fairs-- we didn't use the word "venues" then--places that just really resonated with loud rock and roll. Definitely a band that paid its dues.

I too, wore out my "You Get What You Play For" double live album and then Tuna Fish and 9-Lives. Rest in peace Gary Richrath. Keep chugging Kevin, Bruce and especially Co-Founder Neal.

1952boyntoncollector 07-31-2020 07:22 AM

Marlins favorite rock group in the past was Phish...drum roll

seanofjapan 08-03-2020 05:23 PM

Now the Cardinals are out. End of the 2020 season?

Shoeless Moe 08-03-2020 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by seanofjapan (Post 2005645)
Now the Cardinals are out. End of the 2020 season?

No, but it could be the end of the NFL.

Not like you could have double-headers in football if a team misses 2 Sundays.

And football has more un-naturally big big guys.......and when 2 of Brady's 300 lb. linemen opt out is Tom gonna want to be protected by some scab backups.

At minimum Football should delay the start until Oct or Nov 1........Super Bowl in March/April.

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