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billyb 10-24-2014 05:22 PM

Now you have me speechless.
You got it big guy.
Just as soon as I pick myself off the floor.............Again, the very best of luck to you.


billyb 10-24-2014 05:44 PM

Now that I have regained my senses a bit, Thanks goes out to LordStan and Asoriano, Way to step up guys.


1880nonsports 10-24-2014 06:20 PM

I'll take 128 spots!
er um I mean one more :( Sorry - I just got caught up in all the excitement.
A thought for the next piece might be to let a little more time pass between offererings. I don't think it's the increase in cost from the last lottery causing the sluggish pace - rather it's the somewhat limited pool from which we're drawing. Maybe as I hope it's much ado about nothing and it all goes as planned.

billyb 10-24-2014 06:46 PM

One it is.
I am in the process now of notifying some of the members who were in the last one, that I have not heard from for this 2nd event. Hope it will bring out some more interest.
I posted in the info thread some time ago, that the next one will be about a year or so from now. Graig is backed up a bit and it would be good to give everyone a little breather from the first two. I also would like to meet everyone at the national next July.


old13man 10-24-2014 10:16 PM

Please put me in for one.


billyb 10-24-2014 10:29 PM

Charles, your in

repsher 10-25-2014 05:28 AM

Please put me in for another one. Thanks.

billyb 10-25-2014 08:15 AM

Ryan, you now have another


irishdenny 10-25-2014 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by billyb (Post 1337221)
Now that I have regained my senses a bit, Thanks goes out to LordStan and Asoriano, Way to step up guys.


"SiR BillyB!",

These GentleMaN are Very InSpirinG!!!
Soooo... Gimmy 2 MoRe oF Doz Bad Boyz ~

billyb 10-25-2014 10:33 PM

My pleasure Denny,
Good Luck of the Irish to you


parker1b2 10-26-2014 06:10 AM

I wil take one. Thanks.

billyb 10-26-2014 08:30 AM


Thanks, got you onboard.

Good Luck


Jacklitsch 10-26-2014 08:36 AM

I'll take 2. Payment on the way.

billyb 10-26-2014 09:18 AM


You're in for two,

Good luck,


doug.goodman 10-26-2014 12:00 PM

I'll take 4, please.

Payment sent.


billyb 10-26-2014 12:07 PM

Thank you, 4 it is.

Good Luck


Lordstan 10-26-2014 12:28 PM

I sent payment.

BTW Graig,
I love your paypal name "Painting The Corners"

billyb 10-26-2014 12:43 PM


Graig just sent the message, will mark you pd.


balltrash 10-26-2014 02:51 PM

one more please
Will send payment for this latest one in a day or so.

billyb 10-26-2014 03:29 PM


No problem.


rvc 10-26-2014 06:35 PM

I'll take 7 more please

billyb 10-26-2014 07:35 PM


Just a moment, let me get back off the floor again, WOW.


The very best of luck to you


thecatspajamas 10-28-2014 07:19 AM

I'll take one more (disregard my erroneous post on the card side).

We're on the back side of this, guys. Let's push to get it closed out here so we can find out who won and move on to arguing over the image selection :D

billyb 10-28-2014 08:42 AM

You got it Lance,

Thanks and Good Luck


LEHR 10-28-2014 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by thecatspajamas (Post 1338282)
Let's push to get it closed out here so we can find out who won and move on to arguing over the image selection :D

Just thought I'd give this one friendly bump to the top. There has only been one spot sold in the last two days and at this rate the game Graig selects may be next years All-Star game.:D

But never fear, if I win there will be no arguing over an image selection. I've had an image picked out for 2+ years and Mr. Fred Clarke will be coming to life....Kriendler style.:)

billyb 10-29-2014 01:43 AM

Please be patient for just a little longer. I know this is a long delay, but everyone will know more by the end of the weekend.


irishdenny 10-29-2014 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by LEHR (Post 1338583)
Just thought I'd give this one friendly bump to the top. There has only been one spot sold in the last two days and at this rate the game Graig selects may be next years All-Star game.:D

But never fear, if I win there will be no arguing over an image selection. I've had an image picked out for 2+ years and Mr. Fred Clarke will be coming to life....Kriendler style.:)

2 Days!!!

Gimme Anothar!
(I feel Like its the Ole' Days, Last Call & I just order'd anothar Pint :rolleyes: )

Tankz Boyz...!

billyb 10-29-2014 02:31 AM

Thank You
More Irish luck your way.


LEHR 10-29-2014 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by billyb (Post 1338596)
Please be patient for just a little longer. I know this is a long delay, but everyone will know more by the end of the weekend.


Oh, I'm patient. No worries, Bill. Just wanted to give this a bump.:)

murphusa 10-30-2014 09:01 AM

add another for me thanks

billyb 10-30-2014 09:19 AM

You got it


baseball tourist 10-30-2014 12:08 PM

What the heck. Great opportunity! Put me down for 3 more please Bill.

billyb 10-30-2014 12:37 PM


Smart man.

Good luck


yanks12025 10-30-2014 02:44 PM

Let's go people and fill this thing up.

I'll take two more. Thanks b

thecatspajamas 10-30-2014 02:47 PM

And one more for me. That should get us down to double digits remaining.

billyb 10-30-2014 02:51 PM

Me to, I will take another one

Thanks Lance and Brock


billyb 10-30-2014 03:09 PM


ENDING DATE AND TIME: Sun. Nov 9th at 8PM Eastern

PAYMENTS DUE BY: Monday Nov 17th

DRAWING DATE: If all paid by due date, we will choose an event for the following weekend, either Sat the 22nd or Sun the 23rd, to determine the winner (event to be announced)

The final deadline to reserve entries for the raffle is November 9th at 8 PM Eastern. As you may have noted, sales of the second half of the available entries have slowed to a crawl, and the raffle shows serious signs of not selling out. Graig has decided that, regardless of whether the raffle sells through, there will be a winner of the full 20x28 painting originally announced. Please be aware though that if the raffle does not sell through (meaning Graig winds up cutting his rates substantially for this painting), this may be the last time he offers his work via raffle. No doubt Graig has a heart bigger than Yankee Stadium, and he is not doing this for the money, but he's still got to eat! So when I say this is your final chance to enter a raffle for a customized Graig Kreindler painting, it may be just that.

Good luck to all.

Bill, Lance and Graig

yanksfan09 10-30-2014 03:37 PM

2 More for me please. sending payment momentarily. Thanks

effe 10-30-2014 03:37 PM

Payment sent for 2. I decided to add one more entry.

billyb 10-30-2014 03:49 PM

Yankees fan and Effe.

Good luck to both.

Effe is going for the repeat.


chris 10-30-2014 03:51 PM

I'll take 4

billyb 10-30-2014 03:56 PM

Thanks Chris
Good luck


ibuysportsephemera 10-30-2014 04:21 PM

I'll take 2, thanks Bill.


billyb 10-30-2014 04:33 PM

OK Jeff, You are in for two.

Good Luck


LEHR 10-30-2014 08:08 PM

Very classy of Graig to do the drawing regardless of a sell out. Hopefully it sells out or at least gets close.

billyb 10-30-2014 08:22 PM


That is my hope also.
He is one classy guy.


CW 10-30-2014 08:37 PM

I will take one more, please. Thanks!

1880nonsports 10-30-2014 08:48 PM

while this weeks ebay sales are at a crawl
I haven't put the meat on yet so - I'll fire one more shot over the bow from my hope chest! Payment to follow.......
as primarily a 19th century nonsports guy - should I win - it will be an interesting decision to have to make. Much of the depth I find in Greg's paintings lends itself to a more "modern" look.

billyb 10-30-2014 09:24 PM

CW Thank You, one more it is.

The best of luck to you



Thank you so much

Good luck to you.


Tigerden 10-31-2014 10:54 PM

Bartender Bill I will have another. What the heck make it a double. Two more for me. Adam (Tigerden)

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