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Archive 12-23-2007 08:04 AM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>barrysloate</b><p>Those were the private emails I was getting on a daily basis- blaming me for being part of a clique that was insulting Peter and trying to get him kicked off the board. Frankly, I thought I was supportive of him, and certainly more civil than many.

Archive 12-23-2007 08:04 AM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Rich Klein</b><p>I have from now until Wednesday with NO obligations -- and the entertainment value of this thread is good <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br />In all seriousness; however, guys (and Joann) can't we declare an holiday truce; shoot the soldiers in World War I could do so; why can't we? See link below<br /><br /><a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow"></a><br /><br />I propose a holiday season truce on personal attacks on this board. Does anyone wish to be a second<br /><br />Regards<br />Rich

Archive 12-23-2007 08:14 AM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Dave S</b><p>Rich--just jumped thru this thread for the 1st time. What started as a totally appropriate topic to alot of guys and gal on here, twisted unbelievably into childish B.S.<br />I'll gladly second...but doubt what good it'll do..

Archive 12-23-2007 08:25 AM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>barrysloate</b><p>I think parts of this discussion are worthwhile because there is a troll coming on this board anonymously and disturbing threads, and we are trying to figure out who it is and why he is doing it. The conversation has been civil so far (except for the troll himself).

Archive 12-23-2007 08:27 AM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Steve</b><p>Ok now I am confused. I thought all along jeff was replying to Steve M.<br /><br /><br />I'll end my postings as Steve D from now on.<br /><br /><br />Steve D

Archive 12-23-2007 09:25 AM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>pas</b><p>Reinstate Julian!!

Archive 12-23-2007 10:17 AM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Eric Brehm</b><p>If I could interrupt for a second to re-visit something Red said Friday night ... because I think he made an astute observation, that may not have been fully appreciated here.<br /><br />Seems to me that when an item is in high demand but low supply, auctioning it is often more effective than setting a (high) fixed price for it, because the auction process itself may reveal to potential buyers, as Red suggested, what the 'market value' of the item really is. That may partly explain why auctions (on eBay and elsewhere) typically receive a lot more attention, and in many cases even bring higher sales prices than, fixed price BIN listings or dealer inventories. I realize that those who participate in 'bidding wars' may be operating with a false sense of security about the price level that is reasonable to bid for a particular item (i.e. that could likely be realized again in the future if the item were re-sold), and that the whole process can spiral out of control on occasion, but that is all part of the game.<br /><br />I'm sure the auction format is also popular with many buyers because they may hope to get an item for less than it has sold for in the past, if a particular auction for some reason doesn't attract a lot of bidders. But I think that is fairly unlikely to occur with high demand, low supply items such as I am talking about. (Usually all you need are at least two people who really want an item to get the bidding to rise to at least the 'market' rate.)<br /><br />From a selling perspective, I realize there is some risk that if you auction an item you won't recoup your investment. But I still find it puzzling that so many sellers on eBay use Buy It Now with unrealistically high prices, or run auctions with very high starting bids (which is practically the same thing). Most of the time the stuff just sits there, with no action. It cycles through and you see the same listing over and over again. It has been suggested that these sellers are just patiently waiting for the right (impatient, ignorant, or rich) buyer to come along and pay their price. Perhaps I am missing something?<br /><br />edited to add: Red's post on this subject was actually Thursday night - way back in this thread

Archive 12-23-2007 11:26 AM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>dstudeba</b><p>This is the most disgraceful thread I have read in a long time. Just incredible.<br /><br /><i>Steve, you're right: "Julian" started the "Reinstate Chaos" thread as well and in it claimed I was feeilng inferior about going to a lesser law school than Chao (I went to Duke -- I'm deeply ashamed). </i><br /><br />Mark was not the only person to see this or remember it, just the only person to post about it. I am as likely to be Julian as the next guy.<br /><br />For any personal attacks : I am a computer programmer who went to Northwestern.

Archive 12-23-2007 11:36 AM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Kenneth A. Cohen</b><p>I go out Xmas shopping and miss what I guess is a jurisprudential pot shot taken at Jeff by one anonymous "Julian," aka idiot. I feel like I'm trying to follow an episode of 24 after missing the preceding couple of episodes. That'll teach me to put off my Xmas shopping till the last few days. Anyway Jeff, I'm sure you don't need me to defend you.

Archive 12-23-2007 02:51 PM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Mark M</b><p>Jeff, I am not your anonymous poster. I barely read n54 since I asked Leon to delete me from the members' list a couple of months ago, I have not posted on here since then and I haven't thought of you since then. I could care less about your opinions on sellers' practices, I would not have opened this thread if your remarks were not brought to my attention. I did take issue with your over-the-top attacks toward peter c., I'd had dinner with Peter and Steve Murray around the time that you suggested the unabomber might have blown off one of his arms. I didn't use an anonymous login then and I have not done so now (actually, I've never used an anonymous login on any forum). About the same time I had my membership deleted, I did email Barry to delete my auction account solely because he was friends with you. Perhaps that seems odd to you, but I couldn't see paying buyer/seller commissions to a friend of yours while you were periodically posting similar statements about me being a 40 year-old associate carrying briefcases for senior partners. There simply are other places to buy and sell cards.<br /><br />Your statements about me are untrue and I believe that makes them defamatory. You've suggested to any client or potential client who might read this thread that I am a low-level associate (world's oldest..haha), passed over for promotion, who fetches food for senior attorneys. These statements are all untrue. I was promoted to Special Counsel earlier this year. And of course I'm not doing junior associate work as you imply. By using my full name, I have to think you are purposely posting these inaccuracies in an attempt to adversely affect my ability to get clients and/or my status at my employer. Again, I believe that's defamation.<br /><br />Leon, thanks for tracing the IP address. I know, per your email, that you are reluctant to delete Jeff's posts, but anything you can do to help get him to stop posting about me would be appreciated. I already tried quitting the forum, but that doesn't seem to have helped.

Archive 12-23-2007 03:01 PM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Jeff Lichtman</b><p>Mark, nice to see you using your full name. I think I'd be more impressed if not for your repeated "deranged" emails to Barry Sloate in which you attacked him for being my friend. Sorry, I consider Barry to be about as normal as they come and as he has noted your behavior was bizarre. As for your apparent threat of legal action please be advised that there will be a countersuit -- and based on our relative incomes I would argue that I have the potential for more damages. You can't disparage me on an internet chat board and then cry when you get it back. If I recall you started it many months ago and then ran away, complaining loudly to Leon via emails, Barry, etc. when your nose was bloodied. I rarely initiate an attack but I usually finish quite well.

Archive 12-23-2007 03:19 PM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Al Simeone</b><p>WOW! Im going to go hide on the memorabilia side for awhile and talk to Dan B. about his Wagner decal bat! I can see myself getting in a lot of trouble over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Archive 12-23-2007 03:28 PM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Keyway</b><p>I am a fairly new poster on this board, but after reading this thread I wonder why the person in charge does not delete it. Let all the kiddies go to a kiddie board an mouth off to eachother. It really has no place here.

Archive 12-23-2007 03:30 PM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>barrysloate</b><p>Since my name is in the middle of this I guess I should say a few things.<br /><br />Mark- I never knew you well but we had a cordial relationship and did some business. To ask to be deleted from my mailing list because I am friends with Jeff was very strange to say the least. Second, you accused me of being in a clique with Jeff and others to disparage Peter Chao. I always felt I was respectful to Peter and when he was attacked, which was often, I just stayed out of it.<br /><br />And you thought I was rude for criticizing Peter's grammar because English is in fact his second language. Well, about a week later Peter was having trouble with something he wrote on the board and actually asked for my help, publicly no less.<br /><br />So I think you treated me unfairly, and sent me more emails than was necessary for such a trivial matter.<br /><br />With that, I will let you and Jeff duke it out (hey Jeff, get the pun "Duke" it out).

Archive 12-23-2007 03:37 PM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Al Simeone</b><p>That was a good one Barry! That deserves a bowl of Cherrios at midnite! 2 smileys one for you one for Jeff taken from Peter Cs. Smiley account!!!!!!!!!!!!

Archive 12-23-2007 03:40 PM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>barrysloate</b><p>I'll save my Cheerios for tomorrow's breakfast. <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14>

Archive 12-23-2007 03:47 PM

O/T Pet Peeve on Best Offers (Ebay)
Posted By: <b>Al Simeone</b><p>I understand completely! Those late night snacks at our age can have some dire consequences at 4am!!!!!!

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