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Dpeck100 01-03-2016 07:33 AM

1982-83 Wrestling All Stars PSA Graded Cards
I haven't posted much on this board but have been active on others. My primary collecting focus is the Wrestling All Stars sets in PSA graded form. I have been having some fun pulling my sets off the wall and re-scanning some of my better cards with the black background. I will update the thread with more scans over time.

Here are some of my better cards in no particular order.

Dpeck100 01-03-2016 07:33 AM

Dpeck100 01-03-2016 04:41 PM

Dpeck100 01-04-2016 04:41 PM

I just got this in the mail today. Very pleased I was able to win this card.

Dpeck100 01-09-2016 07:30 PM

Some fresh scans.

Dpeck100 02-20-2016 09:11 AM

I had not bothered to create any digital albums because I only had the front of the cards scanned and not the backs so the album would be incomplete. I am in the process of scanning all of the cards from the 1982 and 83 Wrestling All Stars sets for PSA's card facts site so I decided I would create the albums now that I have fresh front and back scans.

It is a really cool feature and a great way to display your cards online. I am 2/3 of the way done and still need to scan the 1983 set.

Here is the album for the 1982 Wrestling All Stars Series A. I think it looks awesome!

Dpeck100 02-21-2016 09:45 AM

I stayed up late last night and finished the third set. Here is the complete album.

Dpeck100 02-21-2016 06:13 PM

begsu1013 02-22-2016 10:35 PM

new scanner looks good!

sucks having to rescan, but they look so much better...

KCRfan1 02-22-2016 11:03 PM

Those are so cool! The names of the wrestlers take me back to high school. Thanks for posting them, loved it!

Dpeck100 02-23-2016 06:36 AM

Thanks for the comments guys.

I purchased an Epson V600 recently and the scans finally do the cards justice.

begsu1013 02-24-2016 10:21 PM

i have the v550 and have loved it since i got her outta the box.

still cant figure out how to do front/back scans at the same time w/ a black background.

if you ever figure out, shoot me a text!

Dpeck100 02-27-2016 10:06 AM

I went through my large stack of magazines and programs and pulled out one of each of the adds that feature different wrestlers to scan. They ran the adds numerous times and featured different performers based on the program or magazine that was offered in the various territories. I chose one of each. There are a few missing that I have scanned with my old scanner but need to find them and will add those at some point.

This was ran for example only in three programs from the AWA.

This was ran for the CWA in Memphis.

This was for the WWF.

From Mid South.

The AWA.

Introducing the 1983 set.

The 1983 set in an AWA program.

The 1983 set in Mid South.

Dpeck100 03-02-2016 05:52 PM

Reading about the very rare back Ty Cobb got me to thinking about this card.

So far the only known blank back Andre The Giant. PSA wouldn't grade it so I sent it to SGC.

Dpeck100 03-05-2016 09:22 AM

I recently finished scanning and loading the images into the PSA digital album feature that is offered in the PSA set registry. The sets now feature commentary and are complete.

If you have a second please check them out as it is a great trip down memory lane and features some really nice cards.

Wrestling All Stars mega set.

1982 Wrestling All Stars Series A

1982 Wrestling All Stars Series B

1983 Wrestling All Stars

Dpeck100 03-09-2016 06:18 PM

I just got these back today in the mail. They were signed in NY at the wrestling convention. I try to get the best centered raw cards I can signed.

Dpeck100 03-10-2016 03:01 PM

It didn't take long for the second Moolah in a PSA 9 to hit EBAY. The centering on this card is spectacular. I wondered why it wasn't a 10 and the upper right corner on the reverse is barely touched. A truly beautiful card.

You can barely see the white in the upper left corner.

Dpeck100 03-25-2016 09:35 AM

I have been trying to track down one of these programs for my collection at a reasonable price for awhile and finally got one. I first became interested in it because it features the photo used for the Harley Race card but soon realized it is the program that features the debut of The Fabulous Hulk Hogan in Madison Square Garden from December 17th 1979 where he takes on Ted Dibiase. A great artifact from wrestling history.

Here is the link to the match.

Dpeck100 03-25-2016 09:48 AM

Here are the programs that Hogan was featured in prior to his debut in MSG.

From Memphis. Terry The Hulk Boulder.

From GCW

Just days before working as Sterling Golden.

Bored5000 03-25-2016 09:25 PM

Always enjoy reading your wrestling posts, Mr. Peck. They bring back so many memories. I had seen the line-up for that MSG card before on one of the wrestling boards I read, but that really is a fabulous card In addition to the Backlund WWF title defense, you get Race vs. Dusty for the NWA title, Hogan's MSG debut, Inoki and a young Dynamite Kid.

Dpeck100 03-26-2016 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Bored5000 (Post 1519292)
Always enjoy reading your wrestling posts, Mr. Peck. They bring back so many memories. I had seen the line-up for that MSG card before on one of the wrestling boards I read, but that really is a fabulous card In addition to the Backlund WWF title defense, you get Race vs. Dusty for the NWA title, Hogan's MSG debut, Inoki and a young Dynamite Kid.

Thanks for checking out my posts. I was born in 1979 so it is a lot of fun to go back in time from an era I didn't get to see when wrestling mattered. A neighbor's parents were in town this week and they saw some of my collection on the wall and went nuts. They are from upstate New York and said that wrestling was just huge in the 1970's there and loved seeing so many of the wrestlers they saw perform. I love the nostalgia of these cards and what they mean to wrestling history.

I have quite a few wrestling DVD's and was watching a match last night between Backlund and Harley Race from the Garden. Man Backlund was strong. It was amazing seeing two real pro's go at it. They did such a great job of making it believable. The moves, the ring psychology all told a story and the crowd reactions from the Garden are just awesome. I love seeing those old matches.

When I looked at that card sheet I said damn that card was stacked. No wonder people turned out in huge numbers to see it.

Bored5000 03-26-2016 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dpeck100 (Post 1519355)
Thanks for checking out my posts. I was born in 1979 so it is a lot of fun to go back in time from an era I didn't get to see when wrestling mattered. A neighbor's parents were in town this week and they saw some of my collection on the wall and went nuts. They are from upstate New York and said that wrestling was just huge in the 1970's there and loved seeing so many of the wrestlers they saw perform. I love the nostalgia of these cards and what they mean to wrestling history.

I have quite a few wrestling DVD's and was watching a match last night between Backlund and Harley Race from the Garden. Man Backlund was strong. It was amazing seeing two real pro's go at it. They did such a great job of making it believable. The moves, the ring psychology all told a story and the crowd reactions from the Garden are just awesome. I love seeing those old matches.

When I looked at that card sheet I said damn that card was stacked. No wonder people turned out in huge numbers to see it.

I was born in 1972, and I may have written on here before but I grew up going to WW(W)F television tapings every third Wednesday at the Hamburg (Pa.) Fieldhouse and occasionally every third Tuesday at Allentown's Ag Hall when I could talk my father into making the 45-minute drive to Allentown on a work night.

One of my most vivid childhood memories is of my father bitterly complaining when the general admission tickets went from $3 to $4 at Hamburg. :D

I was a huge wrestling fan when I was in elementary school and used to pore over the various mags detailing far-off territories every month. I would get so excited when a guy like Mil Mascaras, who was hyped to the moon in the "Apter mags," would make an occasional appearance at Hamburg. It was only decades later that I read online how difficult he could be to work with at times and how he often refused to allow his opponent any offense. It is amazing to read online now and in some of the better wrestling autobiographies the back story of various title changes/angles and what various guys from that era were really like. When I was a kid, I had no idea what a drunkard Andre was. ;) As a kid of 8-9, I was legit terrified that George Steele would attack my father or me when he would leave the ring and come into the stands at Hamburg. I would have never imagined that he has a master's degree and was actually a phys. ed. teacher in real life.

It always seemed crazy to me when I would look at old MSG cards and see that Dusty occasionally traveled in for a five-minute squash match (in addition to the '77 WWWF title match against Superstar Graham). But I have read that Rhodes loved New York City and wrestling at the Garden.

I have not yet read Backlund's book, but from everything I have seen online and in reviews, it is supposedly an amazing read -- right up there with Mick Foley's first book, Dynamite Kid's book and Bret Hart's book.

Even as a kid, I knew the atmosphere and how emotionally invested fans were in what they were seeing was amazing -- and Hamburg/Allentown were certainly no MSG or Philadelphia Spectrum. Just the sight of Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson walking out of the dressing room and toward the broadcast table to signify that each hour was about to begin would be met with a huge pop from the crowd.

Duluth Eskimo 03-26-2016 06:59 PM

I was a kid in the 70's and grew up in Minnesota where the AWA was headquartered. I love watching the shows on the weekend mornings. A number of the AWA guys were from Minnesota. It was king in its day. It's funny you mention being afraid of the wrestlers because the wrestlers used to be afraid of the crowds. Those cards are great.

Abeabe 03-26-2016 07:35 PM

Glad to see other die hard old school wrestling fans. I grew up in NY too with the wwwf/wwf. I too love watching the shoot interviews. Can you imagine a fan coming to the ring and stabbing blackjack mulligan while he wrestled Pedro morales in Boston garden. Talk about a time when wrestling was "real".

Bored5000 03-26-2016 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Abeabe (Post 1519584)
Glad to see other die hard old school wrestling fans. I grew up in NY too with the wwwf/wwf. I too love watching the shoot interviews. Can you imagine a fan coming to the ring and stabbing blackjack mulligan while he wrestled Pedro morales in Boston garden. Talk about a time when wrestling was "real".

When I was a kid attending television tapings in Hamburg and Allentown, no one terrified me like George Steele coming into stands and "attacking" fans. But I wasn't real comfortable when Blackjack Mulligan would wrestle some hapless jobber like a Frankie Williams or Steve King, either.

The WWF of the time did a fabulous job building up Mulligan as fearsome heel by using a huge, red "X' across the television screen every time Mulligan would apply the claw so that viewers at home would not be traumatized by the sight of gushing blood. I can remember my friends coming over to my house and we would sit about one inch from the television screen and try to see around the "X" for any signs of blood when Mulligan would apply the claw. ;)

Like I said, I was a voracious reader of wrestling magazines as a kid. My friends and I would seemingly take turns reacting with righteous indignation if any of us would express even the slightest unfamiliarity with wrestlers or territories from other parts of the country or the world.

I can remember how furious I would get as a kid when valuable time on the weekly television broadcasts would be wasted by showing a women's match. ;) Little did I know at the time the reason why Moolah was the women's champion for decades. The occasional midget match with the inevitable spot where one (or more) of the combatants would bite the ref in the ass was only slightly more palatable.

Dpeck100 03-27-2016 07:30 AM

I started watching wresting when I was in diapers and probably realized what I was watching at four or five. Growing up in Orlando my dad went to a lot of the matches in the 70's at the Orlando Sports Stadium later named the Eddie Graham Sports Stadium. Once he had a few kids his days of attending the matches were over. My favorite story growing up that he told countless times was the night that Buddy Colt broke the arm of Johnny Walker. He and his friends loved the action but naturally questioned its authenticity but on this night there was nothing fake about it. Sitting ring side and witnessing Colt hurl Walker into the ring post and seeing his arm break severely right in front of them left them feeling it was real! I bought him a signed Buddy Colt photo and Johnny Walker and gave him a graded Mr. Wrestling II which was Walker's latter gimmick. He loved it.

We didn't have cable so we got to watch wrestling on Sunday's and many times our mom forced us to turn it off when Kevin Sullivan and his Army of Darkness would come out with the satanic story lines. I can remember my dad quoting the late great Gordon Solie and saying he turned his face into a crimson mask. When church was over at noon we did our best to get home as quick as possible and only miss the first few minutes of the show.

Once Hulkamania hit I was beyond hooked and never stopped watching. What great memories so many have from wrestling.

Dpeck100 03-27-2016 07:33 AM

If there are any cards you want to see just ask and I will post them. I made fresh scans not too long ago of all 108 cards front and back.

You can also check out my little show and tell website that has tons of the programs and images from them at

Filthy 04-04-2016 07:28 AM

I'm not really even a fan of wrestling, but these cards are just awesome!

Dpeck100 04-04-2016 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Filthy (Post 1523085)
I'm not really even a fan of wrestling, but these cards are just awesome!

Thanks for taking the time to check them out. I realize a lot of people aren't big wrestling fans but they are super cool cards and have a very unique story behind them. I love the simplicity of the design and they did a nice job on the bio's on the back. The photos used date as far back as 1973 so there are a few cards like the Bruiser Brody where in 1982 he didn't look anything like the picture that was used for the card but it is neat to find the magazines or programs that date back much further then when the cards were distributed.

begsu1013 04-04-2016 08:30 PM

break out the "blanked back giant" for 'em....

(usually don't covet much fellas, but this is a cool one)

Dpeck100 04-05-2016 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Dpeck100 (Post 1510832)
Reading about the very rare back Ty Cobb got me to thinking about this card.

So far the only known blank back Andre The Giant. PSA wouldn't grade it so I sent it to SGC.

Here you go Bob.

Dpeck100 04-12-2016 05:40 PM

I saw the preview today for the up coming PWCC auction that starts April 21st and it looks like the third PSA 9 is finally coming to market via EBAY. It will be interesting to see where that card finishes.

The Andre card is a very unique one as it is the first card in the set and was exposed to the direct impact of the cellophane. I purchased numerous copies that were graded by BGS and every single copy didn't cross in the holder and why I learned to crack out cards from their holders. Each graded lower when sent to PSA and a few two grades lower.

Here is the background on the Andre photo. The picture comes from a shot taken with him and Dusty Rhodes holding up the NWA Tri State titles they won in a 10 man tournament the night of December 25th 1978. It was Andre's first title and they vacated them immediately as Andre had traveling commitments.

Here is my copy in PSA 9 mint condition.

The Dream Team. This magazine is from March of 1979.

This is from February 22nd 1979 where they battled The Assassin and The Angel.

The photo was cropped and used on numerous other programs to promote his mega bouts with Hulk Hogan.

begsu1013 04-15-2016 07:25 AM

bumped evan's hogan:

Dpeck100 04-15-2016 08:23 PM

I thought that card in a PSA 7 with how sharp it is was harsh. An 8 seems right.

Nice purchase on your part.

There are 2 of the 14 PSA 9 Hogan's coming to market through PWCC next week with the Andre. It will be interesting to see how they do.

I won two cards in the recent auction and will post scans once I get them. Two very nice additions to my collection.

Dpeck100 04-16-2016 09:36 AM

I honestly never thought this card would surface. When PSA interviewed me years ago I was asked to highlight some of the best cards and I naturally chose the Kerry Von Erich. In the article I stated I didn't think a PSA 10 would ever surface and I was wrong.

Growing up in Orlando without cable television in the early 80's the only wrestling content we got to see was Championship Wrestling From Florida and by 1985 the WWF had made it on network television. My parents bought me a paperback copy of a wrestling book and it had this incredibly muscular wrestler on the cover holding the NWA Heavyweight Title belt. I had no clue who it was and finally put two and two together a few years later when my neighbor let me watch wrestling in his room on ESPN. It was none other then Kerry Von Erich. I followed his career from that point forward until his unfortunate death at 33.

This was the only centered copy I really had ever seen.

Since I started collecting the cards in 2009 there was really no other high grade copy I wanted more and remember going all out on the first PSA 9. I self subbed the second and then the PSA 8.5. My heart sank when I got the text from the collector who owned this card and was sending it in to PSA because it was without question the best copy I had ever seen and I wanted it.

Unexpectedly the doorbell rang this morning and the two cards I just won Thursday night were being delivered. I am so excited to add this card to my collection.

Here are other magazine clippings that feature the photo used for this great card.

Dpeck100 04-16-2016 09:40 AM

I have worked really hard to track down the best copies of every card in the Wrestling All Stars sets. I have countless copies of this card and it is plagued by terrible top to bottom centering, a black line that runs through the W, damaged corners and a lot of ink smudging by his name.

This is a tremendous example and had there not been an ink spot by the T perhaps the first PSA 10.

I got stretched to the limit winning the Kerry Von Erich card and had to tap out and not put in my high bids on a few others but was fortunate enough to take this one home at a solid price and knock off another card needed in top grade.

sixpointone 04-29-2016 12:56 PM

Hi Dpeck100,

Awesome collection. To summarize, I was once heavily into pro wrestling, more specifically on the independent level. But that is a different story for a different day. Of all your cards I most like the one of my all-time favorite Bob Backlund. Very cool and in such great condition.


Dpeck100 05-01-2016 08:21 AM

Thanks for checking out the cards. I recently scanned all of the fronts and backs for PSA and here are the scans of the Backlund card. I love watching his old matches from the Garden. Man he was strong!

sixpointone 05-04-2016 09:00 AM

Hi Dpeck100,

Agreed, Bob’s conditioning and strength are beyond amazing. I’ve had the chance to know him since the early 1990’s. He keeps in great shape, even to this day. In case you might not be aware, he has an autobiography that was released last year.

Quick card question. Might you know how many PSA 10 cards there are of Backlund, and what the estimated value might be?


Dpeck100 05-04-2016 09:16 AM

The Bob Backlund is a Pop 2 in a PSA 10.

I am in this one which was the first to hit for $650. The second one came out and at auction went for $441.

sixpointone 05-04-2016 01:32 PM

Hi Dpeck100,

Wow, that is very cool that you own one of only 2 of the card rated a PSA 10! I'm pleased it is in the hands of a true fan.

Best always,

Dpeck100 05-06-2016 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by sixpointone (Post 1535273)
Hi Dpeck100,

Wow, that is very cool that you own one of only 2 of the card rated a PSA 10! I'm pleased it is in the hands of a true fan.

Best always,

I was very excited to add this card to my collection when I did. It had been a little over a year since I had an upgrade to the set.

If there are any other stars from that era you like here is the 1982 A set.

Dpeck100 05-12-2016 08:08 PM

I love how these look with my new scanner. I added some to my Photobucket account and here are some of the recent scans.

Dpeck100 05-12-2016 08:10 PM

Dpeck100 05-12-2016 08:11 PM

Dpeck100 05-12-2016 08:13 PM

Dpeck100 05-27-2016 08:13 AM

So far it looks like the Dale Murphy set has me beat in the contest PSA is running for the best digital album.

If you haven't voted yet and like my set I would appreciate any support to try and capture the gold.

The Murph has got Hogan on the mat. Time for Hulkamania to Hulk up and drop the big leg on the 6'4 210 pip squeak from Portland.

If that doesn't work maybe Andre can run in and give him a big splash for the win!

pawpawdiv9 05-27-2016 12:03 PM

Link to PSA/CU board link:

Above are the judges’ nominated albums for the 2016 PSA Set Registry Awards for BEST DIGITAL ALBUM OF THE YEAR. Criteria for excellence includes completion, quality of images, and owner’s comments. You have only one vote so choose carefully! (Note, you must be logged in to the message board to see and participate in the poll.) Voting closes May 31st at 5pm EST (2pm PST).

Josh Alpert - Los Azules '67 - 1967 Venezuela Retirado

Paleocards - 1974 Laughlin Old-Time Black Stars - 1974 Laughlin Old-Time Black Stars

Benjamin Whitener - Dale Murphy Basic Topps Set - Dale Murphy Basic Topps Set

Steve Wolfe's Mr. Cowboy Set - Bob Lilly Basic Set

Bert Caverson - 1954 Parkhurst Master Set Collection - 1954-55 Parkhurst – Master

Kelly's first hockey set - 1973-74 Topps

GretzkyCards' All-Time Leafs - All-Time Toronto Maple Leafs

The Stock Car Museum - 1989 Winners Circle

masterbashie - 1961 Nu-Cards Horror Monsters

dpeck100 - 1982-1983 Wrestling All Stars Complete Set

wrestlingcardking 05-27-2016 06:51 PM

Good luck, looks like you are up by only one vote!

pawpawdiv9 05-28-2016 10:51 AM

I voted for the wrestling cards.
I saw on the CU boards where the Murph guy is trying to get people to sign-up just to vote for him- what a douche move. Let the sets talk for themselves and earn it fairly.
I saw those cards on EBay's last auction of the Hogan and Andre cards, almost wanted to bid on them, but the prices were 'shockin' to see. Good Luck with the contest.

Dpeck100 05-28-2016 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by pawpawdiv9 (Post 1544021)
I voted for the wrestling cards.
I saw on the CU boards where the Murph guy is trying to get people to sign-up just to vote for him- what a douche move. Let the sets talk for themselves and earn it fairly.
I saw those cards on EBay's last auction of the Hogan and Andre cards, almost wanted to bid on them, but the prices were 'shockin' to see. Good Luck with the contest.

Thanks for the vote!

When I first learned I was in the contest I put a post on my Facebook page about it and said I hope I win. My mom and a few others chimed in inquiring how they could show their support and vote for me. I said you have to be a PSA message board member and I had no interest in getting people to sign up just to vote and wanted to win or lose fair and square.

After a couple of weeks of seeing the Murp posts and seeing his totals rise quickly I figured I had no choice but to start a thread too on CU. Whomever the person is has started like six or seven threads on various boards looking for votes and while I would never consider doing so it is obviously his choice. Recruiting friends and family to vote seems under handed and my hope is it will back fire on him and get others like you to vote for me. Time will tell.

It obviously isn't the end of the world if my set doesn't win but in reality I don't know anyone who likes to lose and I certainly don't.

My set it truly one of a kind and houses many very low pop cards and as you mentioned the prices of many can get quite high for a 1980's set. I scanned the cards for PSA to use in their card facts site and did the digital album after as I had back scans and figured I might as well give it a try. I think the album looks great and I also did one for each of the three sets on their own.

Win lose or draw it has been fun to follow and as I type this the set is up by two votes but I will need more as I see he has recruited another friend to join to vote.

For those reading this that have voted for my set I do appreciate the support.

bswhiten 05-28-2016 05:13 PM

I really don't think I'm a douche but oh well. The people that I typically deal with on all of my other Murph collections aren't members of CU so yes I asked if they would vote but honestly I don't think any did because it is a pain to sign up... Anyway, good luck to you. I just thought it was cool to be selected.

Dpeck100 05-30-2016 12:30 PM

OMG OMG. This is turning into an all at war!!! Just when Hogan thought he had Murphy under control here comes Ty Cobb running into the ring and he is wearing his spikes!!

Cobb is trying to stomp a mud hole in Hogan and just spit a huge wad of tobacco in his face!!! Hogan is realing and signals to the back for help.

Brody. OMG its Brody!!! And the wild man is running to the ring swinging his chain!!!

Dpeck100 06-23-2016 04:59 AM

This is really exciting. Rob and I helped with the article and Kevin did a great job writing it.

I am anxious to get my copy.

Dpeck100 06-28-2016 05:02 PM

Here are the scans of the article.

Dpeck100 07-29-2016 10:50 AM

I love adding cards like this to my sets. I already have a few other high grade copies but purchased this as it has tremendous eye appeal. A great looking card!

Dpeck100 10-24-2016 06:05 PM

Some fresh additions.

Dpeck100 11-19-2016 06:58 AM

Nice to see the Wrestling All Stars get some press on the PSA Twitter feed.

Dpeck100 12-12-2016 07:10 PM

I picked up a nice raw set and really like the centering on this Flair.

My only raw Hogan.

Terry Funk a super tough dude. This one is nice.

Dpeck100 01-03-2017 04:36 PM

Finally after over seven years of actively collecting the cards I tracked down a Mint copy of The Chrusher! The card is a real beauty and I now have every card from the 1982 A in Mint or higher grade.

bnorth 01-03-2017 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dpeck100 (Post 1616739)
Finally after over seven years of actively collecting the cards I tracked down a Mint copy of The Chrusher! The card is a real beauty and I now have every card from the 1982 A in Mint or higher grade.

Awesome card David. I remember The Crusher and other AWA stars coming to the small town I live in back in the 70's and putting on shows.

Dpeck100 01-03-2017 05:09 PM

Thanks for the comment. Anytime I am going after a card I end up watching a related DVD that covers the wrestler and so last week I naturally watched the AWA one. It really was a great promotion and especially in the 70's. It must have been so exciting to see and follow as there is now a plethora of things to watch but back then the choices were so much more limited and wrestling was so great.

Dpeck100 01-22-2017 03:26 PM

I picked up a few sets this week off EBAY hoping the 1982 A set was as nice as it looked. It looked strong in the scans and I did get some nice cards. Here are the better ones.

Dpeck100 03-10-2017 07:44 PM

I just happened to check and my order was done.

Total Items: 15
Date Received: 3/1/2017
Date Shipped: N/A
Order Status: OK

Line # Item # Cert # Grade Description Type
1 1 26913387 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 18 Tommy Rich Card
2 1 26913388 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 20 Bruiser Brody Card
3 1 26913389 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 34 Jerry Lawler Card
4 1 26913390 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 22 Wahoo McDaniel Card
5 1 26913391 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 24 Ivan Koloff Card
6 1 26913392 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 6 Dusty Rhodes Card
7 1 26913393 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 26 Pat Patterson Card
8 1 26913394 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 2 Hulk Hogan Card
9 1 26913395 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 27 Ric Flair Card
9 2 26913396 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 27 Ric Flair Card
10 1 26913397 EXCELLENT-MINT 6 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 1 Andre the Giant Card
11 1 26913398 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 30 the Crusher Card
12 1 26913399 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 28 Ivan Putski Card
13 1 26913400 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 25 Tony Atlas Card
14 1 26913401 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 13 Bruno Sammartino Card

Bigshot69 03-15-2017 11:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Dpeck100 03-15-2017 05:32 PM

I got my 15 card submission back from PSA in the mail today. It was great to see these cards in holders. Self subbing a Brody and Flair PSA 9 was a great thrill. I really felt confident this Hogan was an 8 and it looks great slabbed. A really nice batch of additions to my collection.

Dpeck100 03-25-2017 11:48 AM

Some fresh additions.

I absolutely love self subbed high grade copies.

Dpeck100 04-21-2017 07:25 PM

It's cool to see pics of cards that are not in your face scans. I love seeing these two cards just sitting next to each other.

Dpeck100 04-22-2017 06:39 AM

On my Facebook page a memory from seven years ago popped up. It was the day I got my first grades back from PSA. These all came from one sealed pack that was pristine. I planned to keep it sealed but gave in pretty quickly and glad I did.

Total Items: 15
Date Received: 4/17/2010
Date Shipped: 4/22/2010
Order Status: Shipped

Line # Item # Cert # Grade Description Type
1 1 16725763 GEM MINT 10 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 13 Bruno Sammartino Card
2 1 16725764 GEM MINT 10 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 5 the Junkyard Dog Card
3 1 16725765 GEM MINT 10 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 31 Ken Patera Card
4 1 16725766 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 28 Ivan Putski Card
5 1 16725767 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 27 Ric Flair Card
6 1 16725768 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 20 Bruiser Brody Card
7 1 16725769 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 2 Hulk Hogan Card
8 1 16725770 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 4 Ted Dibiase Card
9 1 16725771 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 6 Dusty Rhodes Card
10 1 16725772 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 8 Harley Race Card
11 1 16725773 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 10 Terry Funk Card
12 1 16725774 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 32 Ernie Ladd Card
13 1 16725775 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 12 Bob Backlund Card
14 1 16725776 GEM MINT 10 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 15 Don Muraco Card
15 1 16725777 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 11 Nick Bockwinkel Card

Dpeck100 05-09-2017 02:01 PM

Some hits and misses. The Bob Backlund and the Terry Funk are both in really nice condition. I thought they had a shot at a 10.

I give up sending anymore of the 1991 WCW cards in. I bet I can't get a buck for the Paul E in an 8! Haha

Total Items: 51
Date Received: 3/1/2017
Date Shipped: N/A
Order Status: OK

Line # Item # Cert # Grade Description Type
1 1 26910837 EXCELLENT 5 1991 Swanson WWF Legion of Doom Card
2 1 26910838 GEM MINT 10 1990 Classic WWF 3 Ravishing Rick Rude Card
3 1 26910839 GEM MINT 10 1992 Topps WCW 21 Paul E. Dangerously Card
4 1 26910840 EXCELLENT-MINT 6 1989-1990 WWF Super Stars of Wrestling-Series 3 16 Danny Davis Card
5 1 26910841 EXCELLENT-MINT 6 1986 Panini Supersport Italian 198 Steffi Graf Card
6 1 26910842 MINT 9 1986 Panini Supersport Italian 31 Ayrton Senna Card
7 1 26910843 N0: AUTHENTIC 1988 WWF Canadian Quaker Dipps-Hand Cut 7 Ultimate Warrior Card
7 2 26910844 N0: AUTHENTIC 1988 WWF Canadian Quaker Dipps-Hand Cut 7 Ultimate Warrior Card
8 1 26910845 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 2004 Upper Deck Sweet Spot 203 Brock Lesnar Silver Card
9 1 26910846 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 3 Mil Mascaras Card
10 1 26910847 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 18 Tommy Rich Card
11 1 26910848 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 32 Ernie Ladd Card
12 1 26910849 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 21 the Fabulous Moolah Card
12 2 26910850 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 21 the Fabulous Moolah Card
13 1 26910851 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 14 Pedro Morales Card
14 1 26910852 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 10 Terry Funk Card
14 2 26910853 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 10 Terry Funk Card
15 1 26910854 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 7 Jack Brisco Card
16 1 26910855 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 5 the Junkyard Dog Card
17 1 26910856 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 13 Bruno Sammartino Card
18 1 26910857 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 12 Bob Backlund Card
19 1 26910858 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 11 Nick Bockwinkel Card
20 1 26910859 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 19 Angelo Mosca Card
21 1 26910860 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 6 Dusty Rhodes Card
22 1 26910861 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 29 Dick Murdoch Card
23 1 26910862 MINT 9 1988 Panini Supersport Italian 196 Gabriela Sabatini Caniggia-#119 Card
24 1 26910863 MINT 9 1991 Championship Marketing-WCW 25 Scott Steiner Card
25 1 26910864 MINT 9 1991 Championship Marketing-WCW 51 Paul E. Dangerously Card
25 2 26910865 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1991 Championship Marketing-WCW 51 Paul E. Dangerously Card
26 1 26910866 EXCELLENT-MINT 6 1993 WCW Magazine Collector's Special 18 Brian Pillman Card
27 1 26910867 GEM MINT 10 1990 Classic WWF 106 Ultimate Warrior Card
28 1 26910868 MINT 9 1985 O-Pee-Chee WWF Pro Wrestling Stars-Series 2 63 Randy Savage & Elizabeth Card
29 1 26910869 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1991 Cromy Juego de Naipes WCW Luchadores G4 Stunning Steve Card
30 1 26910870 NEAR MINT 7 1991 Cromy Juego de Naipes WCW Luchadores G3 Diamond Studd Card
31 1 26910871 GEM MINT 10 1988 Wonderama Nwa Wrestling Superstars 10 Ron Simmons Card
32 1 26910872 GEM MINT 10 1988 Wonderama Nwa Wrestling Superstars 85 the Barbarian Card
33 1 26910873 MINT 9 1987 Wonderama Nwa Wrestling Supercards-Test Market Run Ric Flair Header Card
34 1 26910874 EXCELLENT 5 1987 Wonderama Nwa Wrestling Supercards-Test Market Run 1 Ric Flair Card
35 1 26910875 MINT 9 1991 Classic WWF 30 Undertaker Card
36 1 26910876 MINT 9 1991 Classic WWF 88 Undertaker Card
37 1 26910877 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars-Series B 35 Sweet Brown Sugar Card
37 2 26910878 MINT 9 1982 Wrestling All-Stars-Series B 35 Sweet Brown Sugar Card
38 1 26910879 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Wrestling All-Stars-Series B 12 Paul Orndorff Card
39 1 26910880 N0: AUTHENTIC 1982 Wrestling All-Stars Series A 34 Jerry Lawler Card
40 1 26910881 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1983 Wrestling All-Stars 25 Jake Roberts Card
41 1 26910882 NEAR MINT 7 1983 Wrestling All-Stars 10 "Hacksaw" Duggan Card
42 1 26910883 NEAR MINT 7 1983 Wrestling All-Stars 1 "Superstar" Graham Card
43 1 26910884 NEAR MINT 7 1983 Wrestling All-Stars 2 Tiger Mask Card
44 1 26910885 NEAR MINT 7 1983 Wrestling All-Stars 5 Curt Hennig Card
45 1 26910886 NEAR MINT 7 1983 Wrestling All-Stars 6 Tully Blanchard Card
46 1 26910887 MINT 9 1983 Wrestling All-Stars 20 Scott Casey Card

sthoemke 05-09-2017 05:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Some PSA 10's have recent sales of $2,000+

Dpeck100 05-11-2017 07:51 PM

Fresh scans.

Bored5000 05-12-2017 12:40 AM

Cool Senna pick-up, David. Never expected to see that in this thread. The racing thread on the main board could always use some more contributors. ;)

Dpeck100 05-12-2017 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by Bored5000 (Post 1660564)
Cool Senna pick-up, David. Never expected to see that in this thread. The racing thread on the main board could always use some more contributors. ;)

I just went through that thread. Nice work picking up the 1972 STP Richard Petty.

I purchased two boxes of the 1986 Panini Supersport and had no clue who Senna was. I saw a few sales a year or so ago of the sticker and thought I should check and see if I had any and if so send one in. I was really hoping to get a PSA 9 on it and was very pleased with the result.

He also has a sticker in the 1988 set and I am just waiting on a PSA special to send in the stickers I think are worth grading from the set I bought and he was one of them.

If there are any other drivers in either Panini set that you know of that might be worth something graded let me know.

Bored5000 05-12-2017 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Dpeck100 (Post 1660579)
I just went through that thread. Nice work picking up the 1972 STP Richard Petty.

I purchased two boxes of the 1986 Panini Supersport and had no clue who Senna was. I saw a few sales a year or so ago of the sticker and thought I should check and see if I had any and if so send one in. I was really hoping to get a PSA 9 on it and was very pleased with the result.

He also has a sticker in the 1988 set and I am just waiting on a PSA special to send in the stickers I think are worth grading from the set I bought and he was one of them.

If there are any other drivers in either Panini set that you know of that might be worth something graded let me know.

Thanks for the nice words on the Petty. After not seeing any '72 Petty cards on eBay in a couple years, there have actually been three or four more 1972 Petty STP cards that have shown up on ebay since I won that one. Lorenzen with car is really the legendary rarity in that set, although Bobby Allison is tough as well. Even a couple Lorenzen with car cards have shown up on eBay in recent months after some veteran STP collectors being unable to find a single example of the card over the course of several decades. I currently own nine of the 11 cards in the '72 STP set.

The owner of the only complete '72 STP set in the PSA registry has broken up his set in recent months. I really kick myself for not putting in a bigger snipe on the Allison card when it was auctioned off a couple months ago. Like you with wrestling cards, I like collecting racing because there are only a few individual cards that sell for more than $500 (although it does make me throw up in my mouth a little bit to see some Danica Patrick autograph cards approach that figure).

I am not real familiar with other cards in the Panini set. Most of my knowledge is on the stock car sets/major cards or American open wheel sets.

Mario Andretti's rookie card from the 1969 Panini Campioni Dello Sport set may be something you would be interested in. There is both a 1969 and 1970 version of the card. Obviously, the 1969 card would be the one to pursue. Both versions also have a "regular" back and a more rare "Valida" back. The 1969 version of the card is No. 117 (the 1970 card is No. 56 in that set). A Panini 1969 Mario Andretti is not hard to find, but it can take a while to find a PSA 9 (there are six of them in the population report and no PSA 10s) at auction instead of an overpriced BIN.

Dpeck100 05-12-2017 12:15 PM

I really like that 1972 Set. I wonder what would make the guy break up his set. I remember talking one night with Logan and checking out some of the more desired Nascar sets and that guy had a killer set.

I haven't gotten into the older boxing or Panini. Just the 1986 and 1988. Admittedly the reason I was asking was hoping to find a hidden treasure in my collection! I love taking something that is worthless to me and making it have value. I did see a PSA 9 of Senna sold for $125 so spending $7 bucks to see what it would grade was worth it. Not sure if my copy will garner that but certainly a good sign.

Thanks for the response.

Bored5000 05-12-2017 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Dpeck100 (Post 1660723)
I really like that 1972 Set. I wonder what would make the guy break up his set. I remember talking one night with Logan and checking out some of the more desired Nascar sets and that guy had a killer set.

I haven't gotten into the older boxing or Panini. Just the 1986 and 1988. Admittedly the reason I was asking was hoping to find a hidden treasure in my collection! I love taking something that is worthless to me and making it have value. I did see a PSA 9 of Senna sold for $125 so spending $7 bucks to see what it would grade was worth it. Not sure if my copy will garner that but certainly a good sign.

Thanks for the response.

No problem. I like the 1972 set myself. It is not as overproduced as the late 1980s MAXX sets. None of the cards are common in the '72 STP set, although some of the lesser drivers are fairly easy to find. One of the great mysteries of the '72 STP set is why there is not a David Pearson card in the set. Pearson was series champion in 1966, 1968, and 1969 and seemingly would have been an obvious choice for inclusion. In addition, the set does not include 1970 NASCAR champion Bobby Isaac.

I didn't have time earlier to expand on Senna. I know you said you weren't familiar with him. Senna is always in the conversation whenever the topic of greatest Formula One driver of all-time comes up. He is frequently ranked first on such lists and almost never outside the top three. The best way for me to describe the impact of Ayrton Senna is by saying that his death was exactly as shocking for Europeans, South Americans and international race fans as Dale Earnhardt's death was for race fans in this country. Outside North America, Formula One is king when it comes to racing.

ESPN Classic occasionally shows the 2010 British documentary titled simply "Senna." It is a fascinating film that delves into his intense rivalry/hatred for French driver Alain Prost, Senna's near-mythic stature in his native Brazil, Senna's aggressive style that won him few friends on the track and the shock of his 1994 death. Senna was 34 years old when he was killed after being hit in the head by a piece of suspension at Imola (Italy). His 41 career Formula One wins currently rank fifth all-time. He was the second winningest driver in F1 history at the time of his death (behind only Prost).

The link above describes Senna's relationship with Prost as "mutual contempt," and is an accurate characterization. Following Senna's death, Prost agreed to take a seat on the board of the charitable foundation founded by Senna shortly before his death. The foundation largely tries to improve educational opportunities in Senna's native Brazil.

Little-known Austrian driver Roland Ratzenberger had died in a practice crash just one day before Senna's fatal accident. The "Senna" film shows Senna watching a replay of Ratzenberger's crash and wincing when he saw the impact. Senna expected to win the race the following day, and was leading the race at the time of his fatal crash. After Senna's death, it was revealed that he was carrying an Austrian flag with him in the cockpit that he planned to unfurl as a tribute to Ratzenberger after the race. Following the tragic weekend at Imola, F1 then went 20 years before losing another driver.

Dpeck100 06-01-2017 10:07 PM

Some fresh additions.

Dpeck100 08-28-2017 07:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Photobucket ruined my threads.

I just tested out uploading a jpeg and I figured it out so I will be adding pics again.

I just got this Captain Redkneck this weekend. There are no 10's so far. This is my second 9.

Dpeck100 08-29-2017 07:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ken Patera was so cool. By far my favorite wrestler I met at Wrestlecon earlier this year. A nice high grade copy to add to my collection.

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