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betafolio2 04-08-2012 06:14 PM

How hard was it to find new Topps series in 1950s, '60s and early '70s?
These questions are for all of you veteran collectors out there -- and by veteran, I mean anyone who bought packs of Topps cards anytime before 1974.

My questions are as follows:

How difficult was it to find the new series of cards in your local candy store, drug store, etc., during the baseball season? Were they as readily available as, say, the current issue of any weekly or monthly magazine, or did you sometimes have a hard time finding them (because, perhaps, a candy shop owner had overstocked a given series and then refused to buy later series until he had sold out of the earlier packs)?

Also, looking back, what can you recall thinking, good or bad, about the limited availability of different cards at any given time? I personally would think it'd be relatively easy -- and enjoyable -- to assemble a set of 1963 Topps 1st series cards (or whatever), because you wouldn't have to buy a ridiculous number of wax packs to find them all. It sure wouldn't have been like the mid-1980s, when it would take an absolute minimum of 52 wax packs to find all 792 Topps cards in the current set, and in reality many, many more.

Lastly, do you recall the difficulty of finding the last series of cards, and the corresponding disappointment in not being able to finish your set if you couldn't?

Please, wax nostalgic for me!

ALR-bishop 04-08-2012 09:24 PM

I started buying packs in 1957 and 1958 ( actually my parents for me). I continued to do that through 1962 and never finished any of those sets in that time, and had to finish them all later, as well as work on the pre 57 sets. Not sure if I gave out, or the local drug/grocery store I used at the end of our block gave out first in that time frame, either way complicated by long summer vacations

Starting in 1963 I bought my cards in full series from the Card Collector's Company in NY which sent them to me as issued by Topps. I did that through 1971. After that I bought whole sets when when became available

Brianruns10 04-09-2012 09:07 AM

My Dad and I know a fellow who collected Topps and Bowmans from 51 for the next two decades, including assembling a complete '52 Topps on its original release. And he lived in the suburbs of Kansas City, on the Kansas side. this would seem to confirm that the high series made it west of the Mississippi. He did note that he had EXCEPTIONAL trouble finding the high series 52s, before finally locating a lone drug store in the KC area that stocked the new series. It seems that either penultimate series did not sell so well that most did not restock when the sixth and final series came out, or they mostly all concluded that the high series would sell poorly because the season was winding down.

My Dad came into collecting a little later, starting with Bowman 55s which were lost along the way, then starting in earnest with Topps 57-63 (which he still has). He described getting cards as something of a scavenger hunt, with all the neighborhood kids trading info on which stores had the new series in stock. The information was evidently pretty good, because he managed to assemble on their original release a complete run of sets 57-63, and all but ten cards from a second 57.

bradmar48 04-09-2012 10:20 AM

Growing up in a small East Texas town there was only one store Perry Brothers
5 and 10 that ever had baseball cards. I purchased packs there from 1956 through 1962 but looking back I see they only sold the 1st three series each year except for 1959 and 1960 when it was only the 1st two series. Since I only had checklists for the series they sold I really never knew that there were more cards in the sets until I begin collecting again in the mid 70's.

Tomman1961 04-09-2012 10:35 AM

I too, filled in a lot of holes through Card Collectors Company back in 1973. If they sold commons at 5 cents, cards that ended in a "5" or a "0" were 10 cents. So regardless of player, you had to shell out 10 cents each for a 1970 Seaver, Mays, Aaron, or Clemente.
In 1973 I bought only cello. Not sure if my local candy store(Bloomingdale, NJ) sold both wax and cello, but I bet I went after the cello based on the players showing.Opening day 1973 I bought about 8 cellos. As the season went on, I bet I only bought cello with players showing I did not have.
The last series for me was impossible. I had a cousin about 15 miles away who was buying wax with high numbers.I talked my parents into giving me $ to go to the store in Elmwood Park,NJ. I bought as many wax as I could and opened them up to find some 5th and some 6th series.
Back at home, my candy shop no longer had BB. There was a town over (Pompton Lakes) that had a Kressgee's that had a bin of cello. They must have been store returns, that were repackaged, or some Topps rejects. 10 cello packs got me 40 Fred Kendalls.
So for me, high numbers in 1973 did not exist in my local store, but were 15 miles away.

Tomman1961 04-09-2012 10:37 AM

BTW-talking about 1973 cello. I never forget when my Dad told me to buy 4 cellos at 25 cents each and never open them. What are their value now? Always listen to your parents.

spec 04-09-2012 11:53 AM

You certainly had to work at keeping up with Topps' new series in the 50s and 60s. I began collecting in 1957 in Warrington, a suburb of Pensacola, Fla., and rode my bike all around town to find the latest series. I found only one store that had the tough 4th series and could only afford a few packs, so wound up trading the chemicals in my chemistry set to fill in the gaps when we moved out into the country that winter. All series of 58s were rather easy to find in a couple of stores near my elementary school, but the next year when I was in junior high I had to wait until my mother drove into town every other week to feed my appetite for cards. She'd stop at stores along the way until I'd found the latest series, and, thanks to having nothing to spend my allowance on out in the country, I quickly learned to save up enough for a full box (24 5-cent packs, $1.20) when I found the series I wanted. You usually got most, if not all, of the cards in a series in a box, but I remember one day in 1959 when the box I purchased included only 20-30 different cards (I recall having 15 Bob Giallombardos). By 1963, I'd tired of the biweekly quests, so I bought sets by mail from Card Collectors Co., Bruce Yeko's Wholesale Cards or Gordon B. Taylor. I resumed collecting piecemeal in 1967 when I was in college in Winter Park, Fla., and had a car to scour the Orlando area for the latest series. I continued the quest until 1973 when Topps issued all the series at once in Boston, where I moved after college. In short, finding the tough series cards (including football issues) was a challenge, but one I look back on fondly.
Bob Richardson

bigtrain 04-09-2012 12:31 PM

I bought Topps packs from 1962 to 1968. There was a little candy store across from our elementary school and I had a nickel a day to spend there. When we were anticipating release of a new series, my friends and I would take turns buying a pack a day so we wouldn't all be buying the old series every day. Then when one kids opened a new series pack we would all rush back to the store to buy a pack or two. It was exciting stuff. There was always a player or two who seemed to be in every pack. I think it was '67 when my brother and I must have had 50 Phil Roof cards. So much card flipping occurred before school that our principal banned it as a safety hazard. Great memories.

chris6net 04-09-2012 02:06 PM

1970-1973 were my big years as far as buying packs. I remember 1972 the best and remember being sick for a week in probably March and missing out on buying the 1st series cards right away. That year the 1st series was only out about 2 weeks when the next series came out. After that we would go to the local pharmacy and when each series came out it felt like we were in heaven. Finally when the tough last series came out most of my friends were tired of buying cards and I wasn,t so I ended up with more than my normal share of the last series. I always had trouble finishing my 1st series because of my week late start. Great Memories:)

obcbobd 04-09-2012 02:49 PM

I collected from 67 (age 5) till 74 (age 12), after that I bought complete sets. I was not the brightest bulb I guess as I don't think I got the whole series stuff until about 1972. I know that in 71 I really wanted a Yaz but never could find him nor did I know anyone who did. Wasn't till a few years later that I noticed that neither me nor my friends had any 5th series 71s.

Likewise I had no 72 last series, but my friend Mark did (I didn't notice this till a few years later). I have since moved back into my old home town and ran into Mark a month ago and he mentioned that his Dad always bought him packs of cards at "Peter Pan's Superette". I always went two one of the five and dimes up the street.

ALR-bishop 04-09-2012 02:57 PM

Card Collectors Company of NY
Tomman--I still have one of their 1967 Catalogs offering the 52 Mantle for $ 25 and the high series 52 cards for $ 1 each

darkhorse9 04-09-2012 02:59 PM

When I was a kid I didn't even realize what a "series" was. I just bought whatever cards were in front of me. My financial situation made any pretense of completing sets a non-starter.

I started worrying about series when Wacky Packages came out in the early 70's. Then it became a bigger deal when a new series came out.

I lived outside of Chicago, so looking back on the cards of my youth I don't recall any trouble getting cards of later series. I had plenty of high number 69's and 70's from those days. I recall finding a weird pack of cards as a kid with some kind of canvass border on them (1968) but one pack was all I needed of those old cards before I went back to the new cards. I hated them.

Volod 04-09-2012 09:46 PM

<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1; COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->
"When I was a kid I didn't even realize what a "series" was. I just bought whatever cards were in front of me...."

Even more so in the 1950's: the only clue we had back then was the card number, which indicated how many cards were issued up to that point, but not beyond, absent a checklist. But, when did the notion of "series" enter the collecting consciousness - at least for kids? Maybe not until there was some available data on printing processes - the mid '60's?

saltire 04-10-2012 06:55 AM

From 1969 to 1973 (age 8 to 13), I bought the bulk of my cards from the local "Medicine Mart Party Store" on Wayne Road in Westland, MI.

As I recall, they were great at stocking each series but without a doubt in smaller quantities towards the 6th and 7th. By that time, most kids heads were turning towards the winter sports seasons and the new hockey, football and basketball sets that were hitting the shelves. Fortunately, there were 3 or 4 other kids in my class in school who were avid baseball collectors, so between us we always knew when the next series was in stock and raided the store appropriately.

I also have memories of Kresge's at Westland Mall stocking 1969T 7th series cards early in the 1970 season. I still had a few un-ticked boxes on my 7th series checklist and snapped up a buck's worth (10 packs) to finish off my '69 set.

March was ALWAYS an exciting time waiting to see what the new season's cards would look like and which Tigers would be included in the 1st series. Remember, there was no internet or ads or previews of any kind, so you had no idea what you were getting until you ripped open that very first pack of the season.

Good times!

Samsdaddy 04-10-2012 01:22 PM

Great thread
This has to be one of my favorite threads to have read on here since I discovered Net54 Baseball.

I started collecting in 1975 so I missed out collecting by series.

GasHouseGang 04-10-2012 03:09 PM

I'm pretty much the same age as you Glenn, but I had no idea about series. I just bought whatever cards they had, with the little money I could get from turning in glass soda bottles (2 cents each!). It wasn't until much later that I learned about the high number series being tougher to get. I often wondered why my friends and I never saw certain players, but I just figured it was bad luck.

saltire 04-11-2012 04:05 AM

David, don't get me wrong. We had no clue about scarcity, or later series being tougher to get, although we kind of instinctively knew that late in the season there were more football/hockey/basketball for sale than baseball. I would guess that it might have been down to the individual retailers as to what they stocked come September. Maybe we were just lucky that our local store stuck with baseball all the way through the season.

Not that it did me any good in the end as most of my collection was left Stateside when I moved to Scotland in '73!!!

Exhibitman 04-11-2012 06:40 AM

I bought a lot of packs in 1971-72-73 and I had nothing from any of the high # series and virtually nothing from the semi-highs. I think that by the time they came out each year the kids in my social group had moved on to other sports. The NYC teams in other sports were all contenders at the time [but the Yankees sucked] and we tended to collect with the new sports seasons and abandoned baseball when it became apparent that our team had no chance of going to the playoffs. That same pattern holds true for the other sports; I had virtually nothing from the 1971 Topps FB or BK 2nd series, or the 1972 Topps FB high #s. The later series cards also hung around for a while. I remember a drug store near my home that had a big barrel full of old packs--this is around 1976--that you could fish around and pull whatever you liked. I also found and purchased about half a box of 1971 Topps high # FB cellos [in their original cardboard covering boxes] in early 1977. I wish I'd had the foresight to really make an effort to go through that barrel and to keep those cellos intact, but I was a kid and really wasn't thinking in those terms.

GasHouseGang 04-11-2012 10:15 AM

Wow Glenn, I hadn't even noticed you were in Scotland. If it wasn't for the internet it would be pretty tough to collect baseball cards there. When I was in England and Scotland for the first time (late 80's), I asked around for baseball cards but there were none to be found. Finally someone said to ask for cigarette cards and I was able to find some nonsport cards, but still no baseball. Too bad all your cards got left in the states when you moved. I looked at your wantlist, but don't have anything to help you.

Tomman1961 04-12-2012 05:07 PM

So how many '52 mantles did you pick up? Or mabye you spent your paper route money on the commons?

vintagetoppsguy 04-12-2012 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Samsdaddy (Post 982817)
This has to be one of my favorite threads...


I read each story and try to picture it in my mind. I sure wish I could have experienced that.

nolemmings 04-12-2012 06:43 PM

I collected packs from '66 onward, and really saw no series as particularly harder than others. High numbers were plenty available, as I distinctly remember having the option of picking last series baseball at the same time first series football was out.

My problem was that the Ben Franklin store where I bought my cards would only periodically order even if sold out, and we had someone who would save and buy whatever was on the shelf when he got there. So if you didn't get your packs first, or only bought a few, there was a good chance that he'd scoop up the rest and you'd have to wait for the next order, at least a week to ten days out (an eternity for a kid). I was also on the other end of that a time or too, where I had the complete series so far, but would have to wait while others purchased the rest of the supply and maybe another order of that same series before I could avoid doubles. The store would not order the next series so long as there were packs on the shelf, so there were a couple of times when I would buy out the last few packs just to get them to order more, even knowing there were only doubles inside.

BTW, I finally found out who the big spender was-- a kid a year younger than me who went to a different school. Just happened to connect during high school through a mutual friend's sister. This guy was a hoarder, and didn't seem to "play with" his cards--just look once or twice and away they went to the drawer. Called him a few names and would have said more except he was a nice guy who loved to trade, and his now several-years old cards were in fantastic shape, especially compared to mine.

betafolio2 04-12-2012 07:05 PM

Wow, thanks for the memories!
My dear fellow collectors, you have surpassed my expectations with all of your thoughtful comments! I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed reading your entries -- and it's obvious I'm not the only one. Thanks to all of you for making this thread such a joy! I hope the comments keep coming!

While I'm too young to have enjoyed looking for the new baseball card series (that's not exactly true; I was born in '66, but I didn't start buying baseball cards until 1977), I do remember the excitement of looking for and finding new series of Wacky Packages stickers, which my mother purchased regularly for my sister and me at a Woolworth's store in Decatur, GA. I think they were 5 cents a pack, while the "pricey" baseball cards and other nearby packs were 10 cents. That was, I'm pretty sure, back in '73, or maybe '74. Looking back, I sure wish I had asked my mother to buy some baseball cards too!

toppcat 04-13-2012 05:10 PM

I had no problem buying cards from 1970-74, my big collecting years as a kid in Hicksville, NY on Long Island. We had a variety of candy and stationery stores, luncheonettes and delis that sold wax packs, a great place called Coronet that was a toy store, model rocket shop, kid's furniture center etc. that sold raks and also had a nickel vending machine in the vestibule. And the Colonial Maid ice cream truck sold wax packs, I remember getting high numbers in 70, 71 and 72 from the truck in September each year.

Volod 04-13-2012 05:26 PM

"BTW, I finally found out who the big spender was-- a kid a year younger than me who went to a different school. Just happened to connect during high school through a mutual friend's sister. This guy was a hoarder, and didn't seem to "play with" his cards--just look once or twice and away they went to the drawer. Called him a few names and would have said more except he was a nice guy who loved to trade, and his now several-years old cards were in fantastic shape, especially compared to mine...."

Todd: I think that guy may have turned out to be every card dealer I ever met, but it probably is a little more sane to remain somewhat emotionally detached from the pasteboards. The kids who used to bug me were the ones who seemed to have unlimited personal allowances at the age of 8 or 9. I imagined young plutocrats spending a small fortune, like twenty bucks a week, on packs and lugging the haul in a backpack to school to lord it over the rest of us. In reality, those guys were probably just working harder to get what they wanted, or something.

sox1903wschamp 04-13-2012 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by spec (Post 982499)
I continued the quest until 1973 when Topps issued all the series at once in Boston, where I moved after college.

I grew up in Boston and purchased packs from 65-74 and I do remember not having to worry about the series format in 73. I thought that was the way for the whole country until I later found out it was a test.

gman 04-13-2012 09:09 PM

good memories...
I started buying with the 1971 cards. I had a paper route which insured that I had money for the cards. I would frequent the local 7-11 here in southeast Houston. I always looked forward to football season, because there was less competition for the baseball cards, others had started buying the football cards. So never any challenge for the last series. In fact, I didn't know that they were more challenging and thus would be worth more $$ until years later.

I enjoyed the challenge of completing the 7-11 Slurpee (sp?) cups that also had baseball player faces on them.

A few years later, when collecting baseball cards was no longer "cool" and you didn't want the girls to think you were "uncool", I would just purchase the complete sets throught the mail, but I would still got my fix eating a lot of twinkies and Kellogg's Raison Bran, and drinking RC cola. Not for the baseball players, of course, but because I liked the taste. :D

blackandgold 04-17-2012 12:12 PM

Great thread
Well, growing up in a very small town in central PA. we had one mom and pop store to buy from. They usually kept a good supply of wax through the spring and summer (it seemed every kid in town collected), but the last couple series' were very hit and miss. Once in a while we would get to Clearfield and look for cello packs at the G.C. Murphy's, and then the search was on for any Pirate on the top or the bottom.
Also, on Sundays my uncle would go to a little store called the Whispering Pines a couple miles away to buy a Pittsburgh newspaper. If I was allowed to go, I always walked out with some wax packs.
One thing that strikes me as funny, is that I have a bunch of the 1967 Topps Pirates stickers. It's hard to believe that our little town was part of the "Test Issue" release area.
Great memories !

Rickyy 04-18-2012 12:57 AM

1972 the last series...I didn't know it existed until I visited my friend who moved to the other side of the county out here in N. Calif Bay Area....needless to say I was mad and envious of him...:mad: .... it took me another 13 years or so to complete it...:p

1973 I had no problem finding the last series... a bunch came out mixed with other series in rack packs I found at a toy store...the weird thing...all the kids in my hood must have conspired to hoard the 4th series...I couldn't find any.... so I ended up ordering from Larry Fritsch cards...I remember when the box came in after school...ran in and ripped open the vendor fresh cards...I still have them...and they have that fresh quality to them...ahhh..nice memories...

Ricky Y

Troy Kirk 04-21-2012 05:12 PM

I was actively buying packs from 1967 through 1973 when the cards were issued in series. I never knew high number cards were tougher until 1972 when I started getting card collector magazines. In 1972 I knew high number cards were tougher and actively sought out the high numbers but never found any at my local stores for either of the last 2 series. None of my friends had any either, so they were not easily found where I lived.

In 1973 I didn't find any high number cards until late in the year when I was in a neighborhood not near where I lived and I went into a store and there was a huge display of 1973 high number boxes at the front of the store at half off, 5 cents for a pack of 10 cards, as many as you wanted. They also had some wacky packs for sale that I hadn't seen. I only had a few bucks with me but spent all my money on those high number 1973s and some wackys and convinced a non-collecting friend that was with me that he should spend all his money on those 1973 high numbers because they were sure to go up in value. I remember wishing at the time that I had more money with me so I could buy more of those cards, but I never went back, though I did buy enough to get the complete series with plenty of doubles. I asked my friend many years later if he still had those 1973 high numbers and he was sure he did have them somewhere but had no idea where they were.

From the time I bought packs from 1967 to 1973, I did get high numbers in packs for all years except 1970 and 1972. When I started trying to complete those sets later, I had to buy those in the mail in complete series from an early card seller, I think it was Merv Williams.

I was kind of bummed in 1974 when Topps started issuing cards all at once since I was a bit older then and felt I could have found the high numbers that year and stored a bunch away for later.

Looking back at it, I think if I was older during the years when cards were issued in packs, I could have probably found the high numbers. The problem was that I was too young to drive, so was limited to biking around to a few local stores to search for them. If they didn't have them, I was out of luck.

Jay Boston 10-27-2014 05:06 PM

Great thread. 1974 was my first year, so I missed out on the series, so I never understood how the series thing worked.

obxhouses4rent 10-28-2014 07:22 AM

High Series
My brother and I collected and flipped cards from 65 to 1970. He is 4 years older. I was 5 when he got hold of a mid high series 65 Johnny Callison. OMG, the kid across the street traded him 100 cards for it but the moms heard about it and nixed the deal. NOBODY had that card! However in 66, we went on our biannual trip to Minnesota and remember stopping in pittsburgh and we picked up 66 topps high series we had NEVER seen. When we brought them back everyone was amazed. Since I was only 6, I dont remember if the high series made it to Levittown or not. I imagine they did but we were the first to have them. I remember flipping the Phila football cards alot more than baseball but flipping and trading and cards in the bike spokes then was soooo common. I distinctly remember the 66 Mays in my bike spokes.

Don't remember that the high series was much of an issue except the 67 set.
Usually we bought at the local 7-11 or Two Guys Dept store (rack packs). Or when we visited our grandparents in Hazelton PA, we would hit Grandpa up for some nickles (softy) to go to the local store and buy wax packs and those wax filled bottles of colored sugar and sit on the step and open the packs. Lotta fun. Then we would sort through the cards and say out loud... got em, got em, dont got em etc... (mom hated that)

Stopped in 1970 and picked up in 75. By 1980 had every set from 41 up except 49 bowmans but got lots of them autographed. Great Great memories. Thx for letting me share.

ALR-bishop 10-28-2014 07:27 AM

1973 and 1974
There are a couple of great prior threads in here on whether it was 1973 or 1974 when Topps first started selling all the cards at one time

1952boyntoncollector 10-28-2014 10:46 AM

my grandfather had a drug store in tarrytown NY and he orderd 1952 topps series even when he couldnt sell the prior series, so kids could of gotten all the cards they wanted there.. My mom still has some 1952 topps boxes and she refuses to give them to me and they are probably not stored very well in an outside storage place. Besides that shes a great mom. I cant even bring up the subject of my frustration anymore but i can type it here...

parkerj33 10-28-2014 11:28 AM

Great thread. I started in 77 so i had no clue that series ever existed. But as a youth i was a hoarder and tried to pickup no-longer-wanted collections from friends. Invariably, if i ran into an older collection (70-73) they only had what i know now to be 1st or 2nd series cards. It never made sense at the time.

One analogous situation was true for me in northern Indiana. During the entire 80s timeframe you could only find topps cards in stores. The only way i was able to find donruss or fleer cards was by buying wax at local shows early in the year feb-march. you just couldn't find donruss or fleer anywhere after that or in stores. One year i recall my mom buying me about 20 or so rack packs of 84 donruss for my birthday. She must have cleaned out the store.

parkerj33 10-28-2014 11:31 AM

holy cr@p! 52 high number wax boxes sitting outside in a storage unit getting mildew and mold?

Volod 10-28-2014 03:28 PM

In 1963, my father fulfilled a long-time ambition of owning his own store - a small tobacco, book and magazine place on the main drag of our town in central New York. Lots of kids frequented the store for candy, so naturally the wholesale rep was always pushing loads of waxpacks. I worked for the old man a couple of years after getting out of the service, and still recall one summer - think it was 1966 - when my father got into a heated argument with the candy rep over an order. He still had several boxes of Topps waxpacks in his cramped storage room that he knew would not move and the rep wanted him to take the new series, but he refused because he couldn't get return credit for his current stock. Later that day, he had me haul the whole lot out to the dumpster in back and toss it. I kind of waivered over it because it was a s-load of cards and I still remembered treasuring cards as a kid, but my interests had grown up, so I quickly dumped those thousand or so packs without recrimination.

Exhibitman 10-28-2014 04:14 PM

I was just a kid when series ended--9 in 1974--but I never saw any of the high #s in 71-73 at retail, and I only got 71 football 2nd series in 1976 when a local candy seller had half a box of cellos on the counter.

GoldenAge50s 10-28-2014 05:06 PM

It appears I'm a little older than those that have replied so will add my thoughts & remembrances to the thread.

Started opening packs in 1948, but the 1st set I really went after to complete was the 1949 Bowman NS set called "Wild West" w/ a very unusual numbering system, A thru H and a varied number of cards in each letter group. On top of that they were issued in 5 Series!

I have cards I bought back then in all 5 Series, but never completed the set.

Starting in 1950 I have complete sets of Bowman 1950-51-52-53 & 54, all completed in the given year. So obviously all series were available in my little towns in WNY State.

Topps was a bit different--Had complete sets of '51 Red Backs but only a partial Blue-Back & partial CMAS issues. In 1952 baseball I only had cards up to 250 and thought for many yrs that's all there were---I never saw or knew 251-407 cards existed!!

I have complete sets of 1953 & '54 Topps & partial '55's & '56's, altho cards from all series are there, so they were available.

By 1955 my attention turned from cards to girls & other things that usually take over by the time a guy turns 15-16!

I also have complete Bowman FB sets from 1950-51 & '52 so I imagine at some point the stores in my area had both BB & FB on the counter at the same time.

1952boyntoncollector 10-28-2014 05:18 PM

rub it in.

Originally Posted by parkerj33 (Post 1338375)
holy cr@p! 52 high number wax boxes sitting outside in a storage unit getting mildew and mold?

yes.i remember like 15 years ago i saw at least 2 boxes of 52' but didnt collect then but i knew about the mantle..breaks my heart...but if you understand i hope the day never comes when i able to go through whats there.

campyfan39 10-28-2014 05:22 PM

That's nuts man!
Why would she not at least store them properly?
And why on earth would she not give them to you?


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 1338493)
yes.i remember like 15 years ago i saw at least 2 boxes of 52' but didnt collect then but i knew about the mantle..breaks my heart...but if you understand i hope the day never comes when i able to go through whats there.

Collectorsince62 10-28-2014 10:37 PM

I started collecting in 1962 but not heavily until 1964. My neighborhood was full of kids my age and living in St. Louis in the mid-60's made it hard not to be a baseball fan. We all bought wax packs and had massive trading sessions. Never flipped, just traded. Cardinals were more coveted than anything, but we all tried to get complete sets. I can still remember the euphoria of seeing the 1964 World Series cards from the '65 set. For many, many years the packs remained five cents each, but the Ben Franklin gave you six packs for a quarter. A full box was $1.03 but that was more than my allowance and returned bottle deposits could afford. We were well aware of each series, and the quest to find which local store had the new series was our version of chase cards. I guess because there were so many kids buying cards we never had any problem with high numbers. In 1967 though, the 6th series could not be found - anywhere. The 7th series was plentiful and we just kept buying them up hoping to find some 6th series cards. I had a ridiculous number of '67 high numbers but not a single 6th series. I ended up buying the 6th series a few years later from Larry Fritsch for five or six bucks.

Great thread - thanks to everyone who contributed.

carney22 08-19-2018 02:49 PM

The best memories of summer . . .
Nearly four years since the last post, but this is a pretty timeless topic . . .

Collecting by series, for me, was what collecting was all about. It's what made it fun, and what made it a challenge. Remember, there was only one card company in the game, one major set each year, and the experience of collecting that set over the course of the season was both exhilarating and frustrating.

My first year as a collector was 1967 (so, not surprisingly, it ended up being my favorite set of all time). I was 10 that summer, and I had a mentor, another kid at school who'd been collecting for a couple of years and helped explain the concept of series . . . so unlike a lot of the posters here, I knew what that was all about.

Living in several different locations in the far south suburbs of Chicago over the course of my youth, I was always able to find a drug store or 5&10 that carried baseball cards; fortunately, the places I used as primary sources never seemed to have a problem with putting out the new series when they arrived, no matter how much of the previous series remained. But you never knew just when it was going to happen. It seemed like it was every three or four weeks, and in my area it always seemed to happen at the end of the week, a Thursday or a Friday. Inevitably, my thirst for the next series would mean I'd optimistically go looking for the new cards a week before they were released. You bought a pack and hoped it would be something you hadn't seen, but usually I'd go home disappointed, knowing I had another week or two to wait.

And remember, most kids in the '60s or '70s had a nickel or a dime or maybe a quarter in their pockets. A full box of cards could be bought for less than $2, but no one had $2. So it wasn't instant gratification. You'd open your packs, play the "got-'em-got-'em-need-'em-got-'em" game and then walk or bicycle home, until you could scrape up a few more coins. Each series took awhile to put together. But one of the cards in each series was the checklist for the next series, a tantalizing look at what was to come in a few weeks. Who would be on the rookie cards? What did the combo card titles mean? It was all a part of a six-month journey from one series to the next until . . . completion.

I did, at some point, understand that later series were less available than the first few, but what I never understood until years later was the concept of the double-printed card. It all made sense later, of course, but at the time, no one could understand why you got so many cards of one guy and no one could find a card of someone else.

In the summer of '67, I can remember buying pack after pack of fifth series cards before finally getting a Dave McNally. I remember doing the same with the sixth series, seeking a Juan Marichal, until after walking out of a local pharmacy following another fruitless purchase I ran into another kid who'd just gotten a Marichal in a pack he'd bought. I offered him everything in my hands for that card, and since he wasn't really a collector, he agreed. He probably would have just given it to me.

After suffering a 10-year-old's angst over completing those two late series, I mad a key decision: responding to an ad in Baseball Digest, I saved up a few dollars and ordered a complete set of the seventh series cards, from Bruce Yeko, one of the early mail-order dealers. Now, the 1967 seventh series is one of the legendary "hard-to-find" sets of the baby boomer era. I don't think I ever saw any seventh-series wax packs in my local stores (although I probably wasn't looking too hard). I completed my 1967 set, and still collect the annual Topps set to this day.

Would I have continued to be a collector if I'd suffered week after week of disappointment in trying to find seventh series cards at the drug store? That's a question I can't answer. From then on I did frequently lean on ordering sets from Yeko and, later, Renata Galasso . . . and yet I continued to buy wax packs. As a later-year boomer, those simple experiences always invoke the most blissful of summer memories.

stlcardsfan 08-20-2018 02:09 PM

Great story! What a good call ordering that 7th series. What condition were / are those cards in?

Hot Springs Bathers 08-20-2018 02:47 PM

Growing up in Arkansas the stores carrying cards were few and far between although I must also say that in the late 50's and early 60's I didn't venture too far from my neighborhood.

About three blocks away I had the perfect store for a young boy, Mohr's Variety store. When you entered there were two isles, to the right was tropical fish and hamsters, to the left was candy and model airplanes and cars.

I never bought enough packs from 1959-61 to think about a set but in 1962 I was all in on baseball because of Mantle and Maris. I looked at my hoard when I got back into collecting in 1975 and found that I had not only no last series but no series two from 1962.

I continued to buy through 1965 on baseball but by 1962 most of us had turned out interest to football. After all we were in the south and had no pro teams close to us so we were huge college football fans. Buying football cards at least was football and the first thing we did was check the backs to see where they played college football. My last football purchases were in 1967 and that was just a few packs.

Besides Mohr's I had to small stores a block away in different directions, at one I bought a lot of 1960 Nu-Card football and later some Topps football and the other I bought 1962 and 1963 baseball. I can still remember walking up the street opening packs when I pulled my first Mantle, it was a 1962 All-Star.

By the way I put together a 1963 Fleer baseball set by feeding nickels into a vending machine at a laundromat close to my grade school. I think I stopped in to see what candy they had in the machine and found the Fleer packs.

I was a very lucky boy whose Mom never threw away a card or a toy.

JollyElm 08-20-2018 03:26 PM

It's funny how you mention your mom didn't trash any of your cards. Man, were you lucky!! My house had a regular attic and then when an extension was eventually added (huge family), we had an additional, pretty large unfinished attic. A place so steeped in scratchy insulation (with a rickety, pull down access ladder), that our mom would never even think of venturing up there. When we knew the inevitable 'toss out' was on the horizon, my brothers and I found plywood boards that we laid across the bare rafters up there and created a remote island on which we stacked our boxes and boxes of cards, safely out of reach of the cardboard 'enemy.'

Vintagevault13 08-20-2018 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by JollyElm (Post 1805819)
It's funny how you mention your mom didn't trash any of your cards. Man, were you lucky!! My house had a regular attic and then when an extension was eventually added (huge family), we had an additional, pretty large unfinished attic. A place so steeped in scratchy insulation (with a rickety, pull down access ladder), that our mom would never even think of venturing up there. When we knew the inevitable 'toss out' was on the horizon, my brothers and I found plywood boards that we laid across the bare rafters up there and created a remote island on which we stacked our boxes and boxes of cards, safely out of reach of the cardboard 'enemy.'


Great story. I am curious about how well your cards survived their time in the attic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

toppcat 08-20-2018 04:10 PM

Three of my peak years collecting were 1970-72. Living on Long Island, I was always able to find high numbers. I got most early series exclusively in Raks (at Coronet in Westbury which always had them early), the mid series in Raks and vending and cello's as I recall (as stores filled in their stock), then as the year wore on mostly wax as I often got 'em from the Colonial Maid Ice Cream Truck. Can't say I remember high number Raks in those years.

We used to vacation in Otis, MA for a week or two every summer and they often had wax up there but sometimes it was a couple series behind where were were on Long Island. And after 1973, which was not as a big a year for me, no more highs although I can't remember if I found "All 660" or not that year.

JollyElm 08-20-2018 04:11 PM

We were never cognizant of 'value,' so most of them were already well-worn before they ever reached high altitude. Our innumerable piles of Topps cards were not affected a bit, but man, all of the Kellogg's cards we amassed and loved (a family of 5 boys meant a helluva lot of sugary cereal), became more curled up than the fries at Jack in the Box. To this day, I'm afraid of buying any Kellogg's 3-D cards, although the humidity is much more favorable out here in California than it ever was in New York.

MCoxon 08-20-2018 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by carney22 (Post 1805424)
Nearly four years since the last post, but this is a pretty timeless topic . . .

This is the most amazing thing about this thread. So many great posts, from so many members whom I haven't seen post from in the 3 years since I've been on the board. And each one has a fascinating set of memories

Hot Springs Bathers 08-20-2018 08:46 PM

Mike I think it is those memories and the shared memories here that still make many of us collectors. I think there are plenty more out there that are like me, I appreciate the value of the cards but it the love of the game and the memories of youth that keep me involved.

Two years ago I spent five days in Cooperstown with my grown and then soon to be married daughter at the annual film festival. We went to the Hall every day.

Yesterday at lunch she and my new son-in-law gave me a play-by-play of a minor league game they attended last week. I turned to my wife and she just smiled, she knew it has been passed on.

MarcosCards 08-21-2018 07:32 PM

Sweet Memories Of My Carefee Youth

Originally Posted by MCoxon (Post 1805862)
This is the most amazing thing about this thread. So many great posts, from so many members whom I haven't seen post from in the 3 years since I've been on the board. And each one has a fascinating set of memories

Oh yeah, this type of thread stirs slight butterflies of excitement in my stomach! Memories of the lazy, carefree summer days of my childhood come flooding back. Sweet!

I knew card series existed in those days, but they were never my focus. My quest was always about getting cards of my beloved Detroit Tigers!

I received a pretty humble weekly allowance so I bought maybe 3 or 4 packs a week. However, an older kid in the neighborhood, Larry Kruger, had a paper route, and seemed to have unlimited discretionary income for buying cards. Now the good news is that Larry was definitely into checking off series checklists and completing sets. Also, for some reason, he loved the Red Sox. And, if I had cards he wanted, he was very generous with the trade ratio. He would take me down to his basement where he had several card tables set up that were covered with stacks of cards. One table was for his doubles - or should I say doubles, triples, quadruples, etc. Larry always had lots of these - and he didn’t seem to value these excess cards. The transaction was quite simple. In exchange for a card of mine that he wanted, he would slide over to me a couple 100-card stacks. Again, great memories!

I don’t think our local dimestore had shortages of the later series. At least not in 1960. I’ve got multiples of many final series All Star cards - including seven Charlie Neals (#556) and five Ernie Banks (#560).:)

I sometimes wonder whatever happened to Larry Kruger and all his cards.

MarcosCards 08-26-2018 07:46 PM

Store Names
I notice that many who post in this thread mention the name of the store where they bought the cards of their youth. Very cool. For me it was Denstadt’s Dimestore in Lansing Michigan. The store, of course, is long gone, but the building is still there. And so are the memories when I occasionally drive by. Oh to have a time machine.....;)

KCRfan1 08-27-2018 06:26 AM

My first memories are from the very early 70's when I was around 6 or 7 years old.

The store I bought cards from was Dyer's IGA on 24 Hwy in Wamego KS. I vaguely remember purchasing the 1970 Topps and really immersing in cards during 1972 and 1973. Can't remember the 1971's though.

They had all sorts of cards. Baseball, football, basketball, funny car trading cards, and the Way Out Wheels cards. Another store located on Lincoln Street, Duckwalls, carried the cards too.

Small Kansas town in the early 1970's. Bringing back the memories.....

Thanks for the thread, and to those chiming in after reviving the thread.

BillP 08-27-2018 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by KCRfan1 (Post 1807883)
My first memories are from the very early 70's when I was around 6 or 7 years old.

The store I bought cards from was Dyer's IGA on 24 Hwy in Wamego KS. I vaguely remember purchasing the 1970 Topps and really immersing in cards during 1972 and 1973. Can't remember the 1971's though.

They had all sorts of cards. Baseball, football, basketball, funny car trading cards, and the Way Out Wheels cards. Another store located on Lincoln Street, Duckwalls, carried the cards too.

Small Kansas town in the early 1970's. Bringing back the memories.....

Thanks for the thread, and to those chiming in after reviving the thread.

For me it was Mello's Grocery store rte 105 Lakeville, Ma. Bought 5-8 packs about twice a week. Also bought a pkg of Twinkies at 15 cents and a can of soda for 10 cents on the walk home. Open the packs right after I got out of the store, then ate the twinkies. Threw the wrappers away outside the store. I'd buy anything, depending on what they had. Baseball, Football or non sport. If my mother went to a larger store like Moskoff's on rte 18, they had rack packs as well as 5 cent packs. Didn't go for the rack packs as there was always doubles that you could see. I know I got my first packs of 65 tall boys there. Mello's didn't have them. Mellos is still there, when I drive by that's the first thing I think off. Moskoff's not. Great stuff. billp

sb1 08-27-2018 06:59 AM

We had Duckwalls, IGA and a couple of other locally owned grocery stores that all had sports and non-sports. Even the concession stand at the local baseball diamond had Topps packs. Remember getting the 69 decals and sticking them on the cards and the bleachers. We could only tell when the next series came out by the checklist and new faces/numbers, but it was off to the races buying and marking that box in, when I got the whole row done I marked it top to bottom. in 1969 there were still nickel packs, so when I got a dollar from my grandmother on the way out the store I went to town.....So many Al McBean's in the first series!

And small world...… we played Wamego the first Football game of the season for many, many years.

mr2686 08-27-2018 09:24 AM

The late 60's and through the 70's I bought a lot of packs from a corner grocery/liquor store called Sam and Sally's in Alhambra Calif. To the best of my recollection, neither my friends nor I realized that the cards were released by series...we should have known, but the lightbulb just never went on. It's funny remembering back to 74 when my friend Jeff and I were trying to get the whole set, and both needed Stargell. We bought a heck of a lot of packs, but never found him. I guess knowing he was in the first series would have helped us quite a bit. LOL
One other favorite moment was in the mid 70's, when our local "major" grocery store started carrying baseball wax. For some reason they would sell them for 5 cents instead of 10. Nothing better for a kid than to be able to buy twice as much!!

rats60 08-27-2018 09:51 AM

At the main intersection right out of our subdivision, there was a 7-11 on one corner and a Stop n Go on the other. Across the street there was a strip mall with a grocery store and drug store. So, we had lots of options. We would go in every so often and buy a pack and if it was a new series, a whole box and then trade to finish out the series. 1967 7th series was the only one that we never got. 1969 6th series and 1970 & 1971 7th series were in shorter supply. Everything else was pretty plentiful.

insidethewrapper 08-27-2018 07:19 PM

Ordered from I believe an ad in The Sporting News ( probably Card Collectors Company in NY ). Got Series by Series all summer from 1958-1962. Also bought packs and had a lot of duplicates. Bought a few packs in 1963 and then The Beatles came in 1964 and I collected all their cards and no more baseball cards after that. If you lived in 1964 you understand how baseball could be replaced by The Beatles if you were a teenager.

KCRfan1 08-27-2018 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by sb1 (Post 1807887)
We had Duckwalls, IGA and a couple of other locally owned grocery stores that all had sports and non-sports. Even the concession stand at the local baseball diamond had Topps packs. Remember getting the 69 decals and sticking them on the cards and the bleachers. We could only tell when the next series came out by the checklist and new faces/numbers, but it was off to the races buying and marking that box in, when I got the whole row done I marked it top to bottom. in 1969 there were still nickel packs, so when I got a dollar from my grandmother on the way out the store I went to town.....So many Al McBean's in the first series!

And small world...… we played Wamego the first Football game of the season for many, many years.

Would that be Council Grove?

stlcardsfan 08-28-2018 07:21 AM

Sorry for the off topic but thought you guys might like this. Was flipping through channels this morning and on M.E. TV there was an episode of Leave it to Beaver on. Wally had a new job at the soda fountain and Beaver and Whitey and one of his other friends (can't remember name) came in for a milkshake. They assumed Wally would give it to them free but he asked for payment and Whitey reached in his pocket and threw out about a half dozen 1959's. One of the cards was the Words of Wisdom with Stengel. Thought that was pretty cool.

MarcosCards 08-28-2018 09:35 AM

Hilarious - maybe it’s on YouTube.

sb1 08-28-2018 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by KCRfan1 (Post 1808145)
Would that be Council Grove?

Yes it would be.

stlcardsfan 08-28-2018 11:59 AM

The words of wisdom card is #383 and I also saw a #417 Virgil Trucks. They were mint! One of the cast or crew must have just opened a 4th series pack.

jimm 08-28-2018 01:26 PM

My story began as I compiled the first 5 series of 1972 bb in Sonoma county (except Ed Kranepool that is, another story)... thinking I was done, went along with neigbor family on a trip up to Red Bluff where the neighbor kid and I bought some packs in the local store... low and behold Julian Javier! I know I dont have him! Many years later to complete that set :D

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