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ullmandds 02-04-2015 07:51 PM

Worst pain of your life...uncensored.
So getting old(er) is for the birds...but it's beats the grandma used to say.

I've heard plenty of stories about how painful kidney stones can be...toothaches seem to be a bitch...but I've never had one. What's the worst pain you've ever felt?

For me...last year I started noticing blood in my urine...I blew it off for 4-5 days until I decided to go to urgent care. They sent me to a urologist who took urine sample and suggested sticking a scope up my penis to make sure nothing related to urethra.


"No...we don't use any anesthetic, studies have shown petroleum is as effective," the doc says.

This was the worst pain of my life!

They found nothing...suggested a possible prostatitis...the bleeding never returned after that test.

Jantz 02-04-2015 10:06 PM

Holy Matrimony :D

familytoad 02-04-2015 10:22 PM


I loved the answer from Jantz, but just in case my wife stumbles across this message while searching for the t208 Eddie Plank she wants to surprise me with, I'm going with my original answer.

Gout is one insidious creature. I wouldn't even wish it on a Braves or Mets fan in the rare event they were in a pennant race with the Phillies.

Don't get gout. Just don' me:eek:!!

drcy 02-05-2015 02:56 AM

My lack of pain story is I ruptured my achilles tendon playing basketball when I was 26. I had always heard that rupturing the tendon was very painful and it didn't hurt that bad, so I thought I had twisted my ankle or something. After over a week when it was still swollen I went to the doctor who sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. When the surgon learned how long I took before going to the doctor, and that I had been walking on it, he called me stupid.

On a side note, I later learned the surgeon had to retire from medicine because he became allergic to latex gloves.

barrysloate 02-05-2015 06:16 AM

You'll appreciate this one Pete. I once had a wisdom tooth pulled, which was no big deal. But a couple of weeks later a bone started to push up through the gums and into the space created by the extracted tooth. That pain was dreadful. But it went away on its own. I had one miserable week.

And you know that test the urologist had you do? I've had it too, and it isn't fun. They slide a tube through the penis to take pictures of your prostate. And I was awake for the whole thing, because they need you to perform a few functions. Bottom line is the pain is bearable but it is really uncomfortable and really kind of scary. I've also had numerous catheters put in and they are not fun either, although they are not as painful as you might think. I've been healthy for the last couple of years but take quite a bit of medication. Prostate issues are not fun.

ullmandds 02-05-2015 07:58 AM

Thanks for sharing assistant and I have been talking about achilles issues lately...seems like it'd be incredibly painful to me! Remember the scene in Pet Sematary when the clown slices the guys achilles tendon? Yowza!!!!!!

Nice Jantz...I've avoided that one so far. Barry...I cursed up a melange of F bombs when they were probing my penis...dreadfully awful it was....never want to go through that again!

I'll pass on the gout too!

steve B 02-05-2015 08:24 AM

Nothing like those, but a couple times that were brief but difficult.

Dentist assistant putting the spike/scraper/ whatever you call it right into the big cavity I'd just said to not put the spike in. Bent the tool, and took it out myself. She's lucky she has quick hands. And by the way pain shouldn't come with smells and colors, but apparently it can.

Getting hit directly in the ear canal with a paintball. Big surprise, as I thought I was out of range. The paintballs were coming in slow and basically rolling at my feet. I turned to say something to the guy who ran the field and wham! The person who hit me said she'd been holding the co2 cartridge in her underarm and that was the first shot with the warmed gas. Hard to recall how much it hurt, but I do recall instant pain and then being on my knees having been standing.
The guy who ran the field was ex special forces and was really good. Grabbed my head and turned it to my good ear and said "Hurts like hell doesn't it? Go see my wife at the tent and she'll get that all cleared out. Do you need help walking? " A good cleaning and water to flush the paint out plus a free beer and I was fine. A bit muddled on the right for a couple days about as much as after a Metallica show. Maybe a bit of loss on that side, but not much.

Steve B

packs 02-05-2015 08:39 AM

When I was 15 I loved skateboarding. One day I was working on some tricks on my flat rail. I slid out on a grind and when I fell, I tried to put my left arm down to break my fall. All my weight went onto my arm and my elbow ended up bending back the wrong way. I broke every bone in my elbow and it killed. Luckily through some kind of magic the bone set itself after it broke and all they had to do was put a cast on. Doctor said that was probably the only time something like that would ever happen and usually I'd need surgery.

Other worst pain was when I was about 12 and playing manhunt. I was running on some wet grass and slipped trying to jump over a guard rail. My knee went right into the rail and I split it open. Had to get 13 stitches in 3 different layers and ripped the tendon.

I've had stitches and broken bones. I have to say stitches was 10 times worse.

Beatles Guy 02-05-2015 08:48 AM

Appendicitis. I still have flashbacks.

Runscott 02-05-2015 10:08 AM

This is a no-brainer: gum surgery. The topical sedative wore out about 2/3 of the way through the surgery.

A far distant second is fallout of of the top bunk of a bunk-bed and landing with my leg behind my back - direct kneecap shot.

Wow - what an uplifting thread!

vintagetoppsguy 02-05-2015 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by familytoad (Post 1376132)


Originally Posted by Beatles Guy (Post 1376212)

I've had both. For me, gout was the worst, although appendicits is pretty bad too.

I had 4 appendicitis attacks within about a 1 year time frame. After the 4th one, I figured it was time to come out. The doctor tried to remove it with three small incisions, but it was too inflamed and had too much scar tissue around it (from the previous 3 attacks), so they had to make a huge 6” incision to pull it out.

Runscott 02-05-2015 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 1376239)
I figured it was time to come out. The doctor tried to remove it with three small incisions, but it was too inflamed and had too much scar tissue around it (from the previous 3 attacks), so they had to make a huge 6” incision to pull it out.

I vote this as the best story of the thread. I won't try to one-up you with gum surgery details.

Beatles Guy 02-05-2015 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 1376239)
I've had both. For me, gout was the worst, although appendicits is pretty bad too.

I had 4 appendicitis attacks within about a 1 year time frame. After the 4th one, I figured it was time to come out. The doctor tried to remove it with three small incisions, but it was too inflamed and had too much scar tissue around it (from the previous 3 attacks), so they had to make a huge 6” incision to pull it out.

My incision is about 3 inches, and I thought that was bad :) I remember that I ate a ton of funnel cake at a carnival earlier in the day before my attack. That was the first thing to come up when I started getting sick. No more funnel cake since :)

pariah1107 02-05-2015 01:57 PM

I had a lot of jobs in Alaska, I started out as a cannery worker on the "slime line" (don't ask), then went to bait sales/longshoreman, was a deckhand on a few boats, and finally as a diver for shipyards and pier construction companies. The worst pain of my life was without question, January 2003.

I was working on a crab boat during Opilio season. This was one of the last seasons of the Alaska crab "derby" fishery, which were only days, at most two weeks windows to catch what you can. Now, as shown on Deadliest Catch the boats have IFQ's, and months to drop pots in the water. It's much safer.

On the second day of Opi season I was hit by a swinging crab pot, imagine a Volkswagen being thrown at your chest. I later found out I had broken my collarbone, cracked a rib, but the worst and most obvious pain was a bruised coccyx when I was knocked on my a$$ to the deck.

We're on Bristol Bay, Alaska, at best, two days back to port or even a few lost hours to medevac me during the derby cost everyone money. Tough it out. In a calm January on the Bay waves average 8-12 feet. Ever ride a horse with a bruised tailbone for 24 hours let alone 10-14 days? Standing was uncomfortable, sitting was not an option, and laying down hurt everywhere.

It was the longest two weeks of my life, but we killed that season. The owner gave me a double share, and wrote a glowing letter of recommendation that got me into diving school. Not likely to ever forget that.

D. Bergin 02-05-2015 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by pariah1107 (Post 1376325)
I had a lot of jobs in Alaska, I started out as a cannery worker on the "slime line" (don't ask), then went to bait sales/longshoreman, was a deckhand on a few boats, and finally as a diver for shipyards and pier construction companies. The worst pain of my life was without question, January 2003.

I was working on a crab boat during Opilio season. This was one of the last seasons of the Alaska crab "derby" fishery, which were only days, at most two weeks windows to catch what you can. Now, as shown on Deadliest Catch the boats have IFQ's, and months to drop pots in the water. It's much safer.

On the second day of Opi season I was hit by a swinging crab pot, imagine a Volkswagen being thrown at your chest. I later found out I had broken my collarbone, cracked a rib, but the worst and most obvious pain was a bruised coccyx when I was knocked on my a$$ to the deck.

We're on Bristol Bay, Alaska, at best, two days back to port or even a few lost hours to medevac me during the derby cost everyone money. Tough it out. In a calm January on the Bay waves average 8-12 feet. Ever ride a horse with a bruised tailbone for 24 hours let alone 10-14 days? Standing was uncomfortable, sitting was not an option, and laying down hurt everywhere.

It was the longest two weeks of my life, but we killed that season. The owner gave me a double share, and wrote a glowing letter of recommendation that got me into diving school. Not likely to ever forget that.

Nice story. "Deadliest Catch" is one of my favorite shows ever. I always missed that first seasons drama, when quotas weren't much of an issue and they would just pile up the crab on the deck if they couldn't fit it in the tanks anymore.

Wondered why they never did that again, and you kind of cleared it up for me.

D. Bergin 02-05-2015 02:16 PM

Worst pain for me was probably a burn. Went to jump start one of our cars with cheap jumper cables and the process melted the rubber sheath right off the handles. I didn't notice and when I went to grab the handles to remove them I instantly seared my fingertips. It happened so fast I thought I got electrocuted at first.

I didn't even feel it at first, but when the feeling started coming back it was so intense it made me want to vomit. I was told by the paramedics that was actually a good sign I was getting pain.......meant I didn't kill the nerves off and it would most likely heal, which it did.

I've had worse injuries, but that was the worst pain.

bnorth 02-05-2015 03:03 PM

I done boxing, karate, and mma for 15 years so I have had my share of broken hands, feet, and ribs(they suck). I hate needles so the only cavity I have had I had filled with no pain medication and when the drill goes into the nerve it will light you up with pain for a few seconds. But by far the worst pain I have ever had was from a few bouts with kidney stones. Those babies have had me curled up on the floor crying like a baby and throwing up from the immense pain.

ullmandds 02-05-2015 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by pariah1107 (Post 1376325)
I had a lot of jobs in Alaska, I started out as a cannery worker on the "slime line" (don't ask), then went to bait sales/longshoreman, was a deckhand on a few boats, and finally as a diver for shipyards and pier construction companies. The worst pain of my life was without question, January 2003.

I was working on a crab boat during Opilio season. This was one of the last seasons of the Alaska crab "derby" fishery, which were only days, at most two weeks windows to catch what you can. Now, as shown on Deadliest Catch the boats have IFQ's, and months to drop pots in the water. It's much safer.

On the second day of Opi season I was hit by a swinging crab pot, imagine a Volkswagen being thrown at your chest. I later found out I had broken my collarbone, cracked a rib, but the worst and most obvious pain was a bruised coccyx when I was knocked on my a$$ to the deck.

We're on Bristol Bay, Alaska, at best, two days back to port or even a few lost hours to medevac me during the derby cost everyone money. Tough it out. In a calm January on the Bay waves average 8-12 feet. Ever ride a horse with a bruised tailbone for 24 hours let alone 10-14 days? Standing was uncomfortable, sitting was not an option, and laying down hurt everywhere.

It was the longest two weeks of my life, but we killed that season. The owner gave me a double share, and wrote a glowing letter of recommendation that got me into diving school. Not likely to ever forget that.

Agreed...good are a gamer...I can only imagine how that'd been?

Exhibitman 02-05-2015 03:35 PM

Rectal surgery. Three days out, taking the maximum dose of vikes, I couldn't sit up for more than a few minutes. And using the toilet...looked like when Captain Kirk gets hit with the brain ray on Star Trek.

Honorable Mention: when the novocaine wore off during a vasectomy.

Beatles Guy 02-05-2015 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Exhibitman (Post 1376365)
Honorable Mention: when the novocaine wore off during a vasectomy.

Don't tell me that, I'm due for that surgery this year.

pariah1107 02-05-2015 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by D. Bergin (Post 1376330)
Nice story. "Deadliest Catch" is one of my favorite shows ever. I always missed that first seasons drama, when quotas weren't much of an issue and they would just pile up the crab on the deck if they couldn't fit it in the tanks anymore.

Wondered why they never did that again, and you kind of cleared it up for me.

Ugh, tough to say this but the crab that was piled on boat decks was what fishermen call "dead loss". Crab cannot live without circulated seawater tanks, and must be delivered live to the processing facility. Dead loss is piled on boat decks during off-loading by the beach gang. This happens frequently, but has probably been censored by producers of the show

To avoid controversy: Since the IFQ system has been implemented fishermen lives have been saved or at less risk, and the amount of "wasted fishery" has diminished. There is always room for improvement.

Very sorry Pete, don't mean to derail the thread.

DHogan 02-05-2015 05:40 PM

I have a bad history of small bowel obstructions. Ten times in the past 7 years. Three surgeries. Grown men do cry. The last time I spent 6 weeks after the surgery waiting and hoping my bowels would start working. Pain meds were good !

CardboardCollector 02-05-2015 05:49 PM

This thread is like an auto accident. I could not help but slow down and look. :eek:

nebboy 02-05-2015 05:51 PM

Last year I was told I have 5 kidney stones, I've only have 4 more to go now. YA for me something to look forward to.

Cliff Bowman 02-05-2015 05:53 PM

When the Seahawks screwed up at the one yard line because I would have won the Net54 Playoff Pool if they had scored. Seriously, I would have to go with the day before I had my appendix removed.

frankbmd 02-05-2015 07:11 PM

(for me:D)

I feel like I'm eavesdropping on my patients reading this thread.

Jayworld 02-06-2015 08:48 AM

March 23, 1999:

Playing tennis with a friend. Started my forehand swing at the baseline and it felt like someone was standing right behind me and hit the back of my lower right leg as hard as they could with a baseball bat. I heard an audible "POP."

Fell to the ground, took a look, and back of my leg from the ankle up was turning purple. Non-contact achilles tendon rupture injury. The worst part was walking on it to make it back to the car. Was "okay" until I tried to bend the foot inward in the regular "heel-toe" motion instead of walking stiff like Frankenstein's monster.

Surgery on March 25, the second worst pain was when all the meds wore off after my epidural. Yep, they did that for me and I was virtually dead from the waist down.

Vicodin would not even touch it. Had to take something called Talwin (sp?) that I was later told was an older medication (small pill). It was great, and made me not care for a while. :)

drcy 02-07-2015 02:29 AM

Not a pain story, but, as some know, I was in intensive care for 9 days last year. Before I was taken to the emergency room, I was so sick that I was projectile vomiting perhaps 15 times a day and literally couldn't read the text on a computer screen or in a magazine or the time on a clock.

boysblue 02-07-2015 03:53 AM

Not sure why, but I am enjoying this thread. Old guys and their aches and pains.

Last year I was out on my bicycle and I got to the top of a hill. Took a bit of a breather and pulled out my water bottle for a couple of sips. Foolishly started down the hill with water bottle still in hand. After I picked up some speed I took both hands off bike and took another sip of water. Went into a "speed wobble" and could not regain control. Flying down hill by this point and inevitably lost total control and crashed. Thankfully a passerby stopped to help me and called an ambulance. No breaks, but raw skin everywhere and ended up on IV for ten days due to infection. Body still shows multiple signs of trauma. Painful.

EvilKing00 02-07-2015 07:30 AM

Gout hands down. I know women who have it who told me it was worse than child birth, and i replied, yes i know.

Bored5000 02-08-2015 03:42 AM

In November 2011, I tore the ACL and MCL in my left knee after slipping on my icy porch. I instantly feared that I tore my ACL because I felt a huge pop and knew something was really wrong when I tried to get up. The pain was terrible immiediately. But after 15-20 minutes, I could not even twist or turn my leg even an inch without unbearable pain.

I had an ACL reconstruction with a cadaver ligament the week before Christmas 2011. Rehab was terrible, but I knew the only way to get back to having a normal life was by not cutting corners on the therapy. I walked like a peg-legged pirate for about three months; it took me nearly that long until I could even bend my leg enough to drive a car or sit in a bathtub.

It took about 18 months before my knee really started to feel good. Having gone through an ACL reconstruction, I am amazed that it is now almost standard for guys to come back to the NFL or NBA 9-10 months after an ACL reconstruction.

Bored5000 02-08-2015 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by D. Bergin (Post 1376330)
Nice story. "Deadliest Catch" is one of my favorite shows ever. I always missed that first seasons drama, when quotas weren't much of an issue and they would just pile up the crab on the deck if they couldn't fit it in the tanks anymore.

Wondered why they never did that again, and you kind of cleared it up for me.

I am also a "Deadliest Catch" fan. Over Christmas and New Year's, I read Scott Campbell Jr.'s book "Giving the Finger: Risking it All to Fish the World's Deadliest Sea." The book is a quick read at around 250 pages, but he really gets into what it is like to work on a crab boat as a greenhorn or a full-share deckhand.

Campbell also talks about the "Derby" style fishing of the old days and how dangerous it made the fishing because captains never wanted their crew to sleep because any time spent sleeping was time that other boats were catching crab. Now that each boat has a fixed quota of how much crab they can catch, captains are more willing to allow the crew to get at least some sleep.

Campbell talked hauling/setting gear for 36 hours straight, sleeping four hours, then hauling/setting gear for another 36 hours straight in the days of "Derby" fishing.

Mikehealer 02-08-2015 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1376061)
So getting old(er) is for the birds...but it's beats the grandma used to say.

I've heard plenty of stories about how painful kidney stones can be...toothaches seem to be a bitch...but I've never had one. What's the worst pain you've ever felt?

For me...last year I started noticing blood in my urine...I blew it off for 4-5 days until I decided to go to urgent care. They sent me to a urologist who took urine sample and suggested sticking a scope up my penis

I quit reading right there.:eek:

drcy 02-08-2015 01:14 PM

Of side note: I haven't watched the show but the Deadliest Catch boat is often moored right next to an on-the-docks Seattle fish restaurant I frequent. After fish and chips, we usually mill around the docks looking at the fishing boats and yachts and I've walked by the Deadliest Catch boat numerous times. And, if you want, you can buy fish directly from fishing boats there.

A picture from Fisherman's Terminal:

HappyJack41 02-10-2015 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Exhibitman (Post 1376365)
Rectal surgery. Three days out, taking the maximum dose of vikes, I couldn't sit up for more than a few minutes. And using the toilet...looked like when Captain Kirk gets hit with the brain ray on Star Trek.

Honorable Mention: when the novocaine wore off during a vasectomy.

Jesus Christ, you've been violated in both front and rear :eek:

And I thought having my shoulder pop out and reset multiple times was bad...

BicycleSpokes 02-10-2015 09:28 AM

Worst pain of your life...uncensored.
Three thing come to mind. None serious, but painful nonetheless...

1) Exposed nerve after getting wisdom teeth pulled.

2) Outer ear infection that I stupidly let get so bad it festered.

last, but not least

3) Horrible gas pains!!! (Never have exactly figured out why, but had 2 separate really bad evenings in my 20s! Farting never felt so good as getting through those!)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

CurtisFlood 02-10-2015 10:20 AM

Some of these ailments are a trip down a memory lane I would like to forget. Having double knee replacement topped all for me, but was something that eventually stopped hurting.

The guy with the bone coming out of his hole where they pulled his wisdom tooth. I got that covered. I think the Navy dentist who broke my wisdom teeth into four pieces with a chisel before pulling broke my jaw. Swelled up and stayed that way for two weeks. No relief for the pain with meds they gave me, but about 9 shots of whiskey in the evening allowed me to sleep.

barrysloate 02-10-2015 12:57 PM

That was me, and yes, yours sounds worse. All pain is bad.:(

deucetwins 02-10-2015 08:20 PM

Gout. Check.
Family jewel infected and swollen after vasectomy. Check.
Sprained ankles. Check.
Pulled hamstrings. Check.
Back out. Check.
Multiple concussions. Check.
Pain meds wearing off while having an ingrown toenail removed. Check.
Broken bones in hand (football). Check.

The most painful...Listening to Roseanne Barr or Carl Lewis sing the National Anthem.

almostdone 02-10-2015 08:54 PM

Not to get into all the medical details but when I was 15 I got very sick with a few ailments all at the same time causing all of glands in my throat to swell up. Think of a bad sore throat on steroids. This wasn't the pain though. The actual pain came from when it swelled up so much my windpipe virtually closed up. I had about a pin hole of space air could get into. Breathing was so hard to do so my chest muscles cramped up with the labored breathing. My neck actually swelled out so it was even with my ears. My tongue also swelled up so I couldn't fit it in my mouth so it dried up like piece of beef jerky. (Man I wish I had a picture to show my kids). The doctors ended up doing an emergency tracheotomy so I could breath.
Now almost 30 years later people ask about the scar on my neck. I tell them when I wad a teenager masked men stripped me naked, drugged me, tied me to a metal table and cut me open. It's usually a better reaction than "it started with a sore throat"

HappyJack41 02-11-2015 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by almostdone (Post 1378720)
Not to get into all the medical details but when I was 15 I got very sick with a few ailments all at the same time causing all of glands in my throat to swell up. Think of a bad sore throat on steroids. This wasn't the pain though. The actual pain came from when it swelled up so much my windpipe virtually closed up. I had about a pin hole of space air could get into. Breathing was so hard to do so my chest muscles cramped up with the labored breathing. My neck actually swelled out so it was even with my ears. My tongue also swelled up so I couldn't fit it in my mouth so it dried up like piece of beef jerky. (Man I wish I had a picture to show my kids). The doctors ended up doing an emergency tracheotomy so I could breath.
Now almost 30 years later people ask about the scar on my neck. I tell them when I wad a teenager masked men stripped me naked, drugged me, tied me to a metal table and cut me open. It's usually a better reaction than "it started with a sore throat"

Damn Drew, you went through hell for that sore throat! Lol

jimtigers65 02-16-2015 09:12 PM

1. Ran a marathon in Iraq. The next day my toe nail was black. I went to the doctor and he pulled it out without a shot or pain killers.
2. Convoy in Iraq; hit my knee in the back of a MRAP. I waited until the tour was over before surgery (three months of limbing)
3. This past weekend; three dogs attacked me an bit me 26 times (see off topic thread)
4. Jaw broken; had to re-aline it. I drink shakes for two months.

clydepepper 02-16-2015 10:06 PM

Pete- You know you're old when you 1.) start a thread like this and / or 2.) participate in one.

I've had a ruptured disc, a torn rotator-cuff, and kidney stones (they had to surgically implant a stint between my kidney and my bladder ( they took it out (YANKED it actually) without putting me to sleep!!)....but arthritis in my hip is the far, BY FAR - and all of this was SINCE I turned 40!

Other than that, things are just peachy!

What I have not endured yet is a migraine headache ; a ruptured Achilles ; a fractured femur.... I guess those would be pretty bad too.

thedutymon 02-19-2015 03:19 PM

I'll See you and raise a Dozen Injury's

Back to work this week after Knee replacement surgery 2 months ago, one of the worst two months I've been through...and still suffering through PT three times a week. Reflecting on some of my past calamaties and afflictions........

Gout, aw the good ol' Gout, diagnosed at 28, rough for the first 5-10 years, 2-4 attacks per year, then a lull in my 30's-40's, resurgence really bad in my early 50's, since discovering Allipuronol at 52 last 6 years maybe 1-2 attacks. So no complaints but nothing quite is like the pain of Gout.

Pulled a Steel metal sidewalk double door on my head when I was in my 20's, 80 stiches later, that one hurt!

Wrecked a Motorcycle when I was 30 or so, broke wrist, bruised ribs, broke finger, went home, to work week later something burst at work, rushed to emergency room, said I was having muscle spasms, sent me home with Valium, slept for 2 hours woke up with my Stomach like a beach ball, rushed back to hospital, burst Spleen, Catheter within 5 minutes, you could hear me scream throughout entire Emergency room. Was clinically dead (Bled Out twice) they had to remove all my organs to the side to vacuum me out, then 24 staples, re-surgery a year later to mitigate the scarring, 9 days in ICU, 3 weeks in Hospitol, 3 months out of work. Yeah that was a little painful.

60 Hour SnowStorm in Denver I'm driving on I-70 with my Seatbelt on, roads are shit, Lady slides across 4 lanes at a 90 degree angle, I T-bone her and the Seat Belt in my AMC Eagle SX4 breaks I go through windshield Face first (Actually Chin), 68 Micro stiches in chin on the inside, 28 on the outside. Left with a nice 2 inch scar but at least with Beard its unnoticeable. Lawyer said if I was Female worth 300K, got a measly 30K cause I don't have Breasts! Now that was pain!!!!

ATV'ing in Steamboat doing jumps about 8-10 ft high, made it 6 times, 7th time machine went one way, I went other, Beers were involved! Went to emergency room Doc took X-Ray comes in laughing, OK I can see 7 broken ribs but if I take a little higher X-Ray I may be able to find you a couple more, but wha'ts the point!! By far the worst pain of my Life, had to drive 75 miles home with No Pain reliefe, couldn't breath for 2 months, out of work 3 months.

Boy I sure go to extremes to get out of work!!!!!!! :) :)


Beatles Guy 02-19-2015 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by thedutymon (Post 1382419)
Wrecked a Motorcycle when I was 30 or so, broke wrist, bruised ribs, broke finger, went home, to work week later something burst at work, rushed to emergency room, said I was having muscle spasms, sent me home with Valium, slept for 2 hours woke up with my Stomach like a beach ball, rushed back to hospital, burst Spleen, Catheter within 5 minutes, you could hear me scream throughout entire Emergency room. Was clinically dead (Bled Out twice) they had to remove all my organs to the side to vacuum me out, then 24 staples, re-surgery a year later to mitigate the scarring, 9 days in ICU, 3 weeks in Hospitol, 3 months out of work. Yeah that was a little painful.

We have a winner :eek:

Eric72 02-21-2015 04:23 AM

I stubbed my toe once. The agony was nearly unbearable. Somehow, I managed to fight through the pain. :cool:

ullmandds 02-21-2015 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Eric72 (Post 1382961)
I stubbed my toe once. The agony was nearly unbearable. Somehow, I managed to fight through the pain. :cool:

i think we all have stubbed out toes...and it can be quite painful!

My most severe childhood pain occurred while playing street hockey with friends.

Hockey wasn't very "hot" in northern new jersey...and we were playing and I was chasing the ball, stick outstretched, which was hugging the curb.

As I neared the stick hit the curb...with the but end of my stick jamming right into my "nuts." i was in so much pain...yet was also laughing so was kinda funny!

Worst "nut" injury of my life!!!

Eric72 02-21-2015 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1382995)
i think we all have stubbed out toes...and it can be quite painful!


You do know I was being a smart-@$$ with my post, right?

In actuality, the worst pain I ever felt was having bone marrow drawn. They went directly into my hip bone with some sort of surgical device.

This was back in the 1980's. I hope they have a gentler way to extract marrow these days.

Best regards,


ullmandds 02-21-2015 09:13 AM

i knew you were joking, Eric...but the stubbing of the toe is pretty acutely painful when it happens!!!

TAVG 02-22-2015 12:26 AM

last year I had 2 Severe inner ear infections....before those i never had problems with my ears.
not really pain but the sense of it made me feel like I was dying. constant virtigo, black out spells, anxiety etc.

ever since then the hearing in my right ear hasnt been the same, almost slightly muffled.

when i was in 7th grade we were cleaning off the church my dad pastored. we were using a powerwasher (dirtroad.dust.dirt grime..etc) It was very hot, so stupid me willingly told one of the other kids to spray my hair (was kinda long) That sucker sprayed me almost point blank in the side of the head. this 2600 psi washer split my skin in a horseshoe shape around my left ear, blood was running down the back of my head, the church leaders freaked lol.

in 10th grade me and my brother were seeing who could jump the farthest off of our trampoline. we were marking our distance with a plastic trash can, well it was my turn and i landed on it. broke my ankle

.... 2 years later Christmas eve, it was and my brother went to Walmart to get last min gifts, after shopping we were running back to the car and I rolled my ankle and broke it again. Here I am limping across the parking lot, my brother yelling " stop faking and run". go to the docs and yep, it was broken again.

almostdone 02-22-2015 08:39 AM

I know this wasn't me but I can't imagine this pain. While my wife was in college she was walking down a set of outside cement steps and tripped. On the way down she managed to break both of her ankles one in two places. At the bottom of the steps people gathered around to help but she was so embarrassed she said she was ok and got up and managed to walk to her car across campus then drove herself to the emergency room in her manual transmissioned car.
I can't imagine how that felt. She still gets anxiety attacks when the ground is uneven or slippery.

novakjr 02-24-2015 04:04 PM

last winter, had a fairly significant work injury. took a fall. not a very big fall, but a very unfortunate one. imagine a 2x4 staked into the gound across a hole as a template for rebar placement while pouring footer.. anyways, took a slight fall straddling that 2x4, also right onto the steel stake(luckily only sticking about 2 inches above the 2x4) @$$hole first. lucked out that it was only a 1 inch deep hole about an inch to the left of my @$$hole(i've been told a million times how lucky i was, and how much worse it could've been had there been rectal penetration), combined with insane taint, prostate and genital swelling from landing straddling the 2x4. couldn't walk at all for about 6 hours, couldn't walk right for about a week+. painful urination for about a week. #2's were also not much fun with the hole being that close to (well) the hole. not to mention numerous probings and 1 colonoscopy while in the hospital.. also keep in mind that I refuse to take painkillers. beyond what was in the iv in the ambulance(i believe it began with a d).. whatever that was, was really damn good though.. Luckily, I've got a good sense of humor...

Cubswin82 02-25-2015 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by novakjr (Post 1384227)
last winter, had a fairly significant work injury. took a fall. not a very big fall, but a very unfortunate one. imagine a 2x4 staked into the gound across a hole as a template for rebar placement while pouring footer.. anyways, took a slight fall straddling that 2x4, also right onto the steel stake(luckily only sticking about 2 inches above the 2x4) @$$hole first. lucked out that it was only a 1 inch deep hole about an inch to the left of my @$$hole(i've been told a million times how lucky i was, and how much worse it could've been had there been rectal penetration), combined with insane taint, prostate and genital swelling from landing straddling the 2x4. couldn't walk at all for about 6 hours, couldn't walk right for about a week+. painful urination for about a week. #2's were also not much fun with the hole being that close to (well) the hole. not to mention numerous probings and 1 colonoscopy while in the hospital.. also keep in mind that I refuse to take painkillers. beyond what was in the iv in the ambulance(i believe it began with a d).. whatever that was, was really damn good though.. Luckily, I've got a good sense of humor...

I read this entire post with nervous laughter and major b-hole clinchage. Thanks for sharing.

novakjr 02-25-2015 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Cubswin82 (Post 1384556)
I read this entire post with nervous laughter and major b-hole clinchage. Thanks for sharing.

first day back at work, our one excavator said "hey, you can take 2 d***s now". my simple reply was "who said I couldn't take 2 before?". Gotta love jobsite locker-room humor...

sporteq 05-09-2015 06:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Me and a friend were racing (motorcycle) down a highway about 145 mph.. I turn came up and I went into it to damn fast and spinned out. Broke my leg and nearly my face. I spun into a fence. I had no idea a broke my leg. I tried to walk it off and my leg didn't work. So I ended up hopping on one leg. After the adrenaline ran out, then the pain began.

I was an hour and half from a hospital. Very painful.. I went into surgery that night to repair my injury.

This is a similar.


bnorth 05-09-2015 06:51 PM

Sorry to hear about the crash, they suck.

What size/year was your bike? I have an old 93 ZX-6 Buzz Lightyear in color.

sporteq 05-09-2015 10:04 PM

1991 ZX7R.. I was a big Doug Chandler fan. He lives down the road in Salinas. He's very cool. He owns a pedal bike shop.


Laxcat 05-10-2015 09:08 AM

Always were a helmet at lacrosse practice
Worst pain I've ever experienced: I played lacrosse in HS. One day at practice I was practicing shots near the goal. Some jack ass let one rip from about 25 yards using and offsett shaft. Lacrosse ball hit me and broke two teeth exposing the roots/nerves. I thought I was going to die. I have broken my leg in a motorcycle accident and I ripped my ACL senior year. NOTHING hurt as bad as that exposed nerve.

refz 05-16-2015 04:41 PM

I had stones at age 30 on thanksgiving day. Helping my wife get things ready and it literally dropped me to my knees. I tried everything standing sitting etc, before going to the sacred ER. I wouldnt wish the pain on a mortal enemy.

Now from years of mis-use and abusing the body my back is shot which is no picnic either. Good luck

veleno45 05-21-2015 01:51 PM

worst pain
In my younger days when I had no insurance I broke a tooth, then of course didn't get it fixed, etc etc. Was sent to an oral surgeon by my regular dentist. He said $100 for extraction plus $100 for novocaine. I didn't have a lot of money and was tough as hell so, what the heck, pull it with no novocaine. Never again. I actually saw the same surgeon with my daughter (tooth removal for braces) and he still remembered after all these years.

CharleyBrown 05-21-2015 06:50 PM

Can't compare to most of those I read in here so far.. but

Had a stress fracture in each leg, but I promised my brother I'd run the local 5 mile turkey trot... with 1 mile to go, my leg gave out (broke)... I finished the race despite the pain.

Like an idiot, I decided to run-limp 6 miles each of the next two days. Finally decided to see the doctor and get x-rays that revealed how much of an idiot I was.

Ran for two more years... my last race was a 4x800 meter relay. I was the leadoff leg.. handed off in first. When I stepped off the track, my leg gave out again. Broke both my tibia and fibula. It was a fitting end to my 5-year running career, as during that period, I had a grand total of 19 stress fractures / simple fractures.

Paul S 05-22-2015 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by veleno45 (Post 1413528)
In my younger days when I had no insurance I broke a tooth, then of course didn't get it fixed, etc etc. Was sent to an oral surgeon by my regular dentist. He said $100 for extraction plus $100 for novocaine. I didn't have a lot of money and was tough as hell so, what the heck, pull it with no novocaine. Never again. I actually saw the same surgeon with my daughter (tooth removal for braces) and he still remembered after all these years.

Guy should have comped you, if only for the novocaine. Where is the compassion and mercy?

gopherfan 05-30-2015 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by boysblue (Post 1377029)
Not sure why, but I am enjoying this thread. Old guys and their aches and pains.

Last year I was out on my bicycle and I got to the top of a hill. Took a bit of a breather and pulled out my water bottle for a couple of sips. Foolishly started down the hill with water bottle still in hand. After I picked up some speed I took both hands off bike and took another sip of water. Went into a "speed wobble" and could not regain control. Flying down hill by this point and inevitably lost total control and crashed. Thankfully a passerby stopped to help me and called an ambulance. No breaks, but raw skin everywhere and ended up on IV for ten days due to infection. Body still shows multiple signs of trauma. Painful.

I did this, sort of. I laid down my motorcycle at 155 MPH. I wasn't drinking anything, but the "death wobble" is a real thing. I was young and very, very stupid. I was also in shock. I got back on the bike and rode to a friends house. I walked in, and was covered in blood. He said I think you should go in. I guess I passed out. You could see some of my bones, the skin was scraped off all the way down to them. The actual worst pain may have been when they were scrubbing the open wounds with a brillo pad to get any tar out. I hated my life for about 2 weeks.

Exhibitman 11-21-2022 09:21 PM

Add torn ribcage cartilage to the list. I will never, ever again make fun of a ballplayer for going on the DL with a rib issue. I was working out and felt this sort of electric shockwave of pain across my back. I thought it was a spasm since it was a yoga posture, so I went for chiropractic treatment. The chiro sucked. Didn't listen to my symptoms. He twisted me, the cartilage really tore, and it was just agony.

For weeks, it was knee-buckling pain, the sort that just drops you in your tracks, whenever I tweaked it. I had to sleep leaning on a 60-degree foam wedge, which is like sleeping on an airplane. I was gradually able to go back to a flat position. Took several months to heal.

todeen 11-21-2022 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Exhibitman (Post 2285951)
Add torn ribcage cartilage to the list. I will never, ever again make fun of a ballplayer for going on the DL with a rib issue. I was working out and felt this sort of electric shockwave of pain across my back. I thought it was a spasm since it was a yoga posture, so I went for chiropractic treatment. The chiro sucked. Didn't listen to my symptoms. He twisted me, the cartilage really tore, and it was just agony.

For weeks, it was knee-buckling pain, the sort that just drops you in your tracks, whenever I tweaked it. I had to sleep leaning on a 60-degree foam wedge, which is like sleeping on an airplane. I was gradually able to go back to a flat position. Took several months to heal.

Wow! way to go reviving a dead thread!

In April 2020 (34 yo), due to Crohns Disease, my small intestine ruptured while I was out on a walk. I vomited and then my body was on fire. This was the closest I've ever been to crawling home. I would walk 100+ feet and then stop for rest. I got home and told my wife to call 911(9 PM). My wife asked me if she could drive me herself. I told her no, something was very very wrong. I lost control of my bowels and sat on the toilet. Paramedics arrive and find me on the toilet (embarassing), and they tell me I'm hyperventilating and I should breathe deep (infuriating) and I kept telling them I have Crohns, this is Crohns related. I get to the hospital and my stomach muscles are at full flex, and feel like that for a long time. I keep asking for muscle relaxers. MRI shows a vitamin is stuck in my intestine and they are gonna give me steroids to push it through (5 AM). At 9 AM the muscle relaxers are working and I feel fine! I'm up and walking around the hospital wing. new Dr's arrive and tell me they misdiagnosed me and my small intestine has ruptured and giving me steroids was a poor decision. They shoved a NG tube down my nose to pump my stomach. I was life flighted to Seattle Swedish Hospital and they cut out 5 ft of intestines.

My new Crohns specialist told me she would never believe a word I said about my stomach ills, because my pain tolerance was too high if muscle relaxers were all that I needed to feel good again after my guts exploded. So now my consequence is lots of colonoscopies.

Sent from my SM-G9900 using Tapatalk

bnorth 11-22-2022 10:01 AM

Each of the times I had kidney stones was extremely painful. I caught a full power side kick square ribs and cracked three of them. That hurt after all the adrenaline left. What really hurt was about week later when I sneezed and re cracked them. I laid on the ground for a while after that sneeze.

Rad_Hazard 11-22-2022 10:16 AM

I'd say the worst pain I've ever had is a recurring one. I used to work at UPS back in the day as a loader and it was the end of the night and a long piece of metal that was boxed up came down the belt, it was about 12 feet long and weighed about 200 lbs. We are taught to test the weight of heavy packages so I loosely grabbed one end and it fell directly on the tip of my ring finger on my left hand. Immediate pain. Loaded the f***** thing and went home.

My finger swelled and I went to one of those urgent care places the next day. They drilled a hole in my nail to relieve the pressure and did an x-ray. My fingertip bone had cracked almost in two, split down the middle. Unfortunately there isn't anything they can do for that so I was sent home with some pain meds, which I didn't take, and it healed over time. Unfortunately the nerve healed funny and now when it gets to be about 30 degrees F or colder, if I even brush that finger against something I feel intense pain for about a minute.

bnorth 11-22-2022 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Rad_Hazard (Post 2286129)
I'd say the worst pain I've ever had is a recurring one. I used to work at UPS back in the day as a loader and it was the end of the night and a long piece of metal that was boxed up came down the belt, it was about 12 feet long and weighed about 200 lbs. We are taught to test the weight of heavy packages so I loosely grabbed one end and it fell directly on the tip of my ring finger on my left hand. Immediate pain. Loaded the f***** thing and went home.

My finger swelled and I went to one of those urgent care places the next day. They drilled a hole in my nail to relieve the pressure and did an x-ray. My fingertip bone had cracked almost in two, split down the middle. Unfortunately there isn't anything they can do for that so I was sent home with some pain meds, which I didn't take, and it healed over time. Unfortunately the nerve healed funny and now when it gets to be about 30 degrees F or colder, if I even brush that finger against something I feel intense pain for about a minute.

OUCH, my brother done that to his middle finger. It happened on PE class in school when catching a not so soft softball. It hit the end of his finger and it broke the bone on the end of his finger.

He was a really good second baseman and had a good bat. After that he had to quit playing baseball because he had no feeling in his finger and could no longer throw a baseball. He could throw but couldn't hit the side of the barn standing next to it.

butchie_t 11-22-2022 11:40 AM

Don't ever get shingles. That is all.......

frankbmd 11-22-2022 11:47 AM

Sick in the Nuts
Traveling by auto from west to east, I developed epididymitis somewhere in Idaho or Wyoming. Mount Rushmore was on my wife's bucket list so not stopping there was not an option. While recumbent on a bench looking up at Mt. Rushmore, I realized that my testicles were larger than George Washington's. I was afraid to see a medicine man in western South Dakota, who might think when in doubt cut it out, so I didn't get treated until finishing the trip in Wisconsin. Antibiotics provided welcomed relief.

D. Bergin 11-22-2022 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rad_Hazard (Post 2286129)
I'd say the worst pain I've ever had is a recurring one. I used to work at UPS back in the day as a loader and it was the end of the night and a long piece of metal that was boxed up came down the belt, it was about 12 feet long and weighed about 200 lbs. We are taught to test the weight of heavy packages so I loosely grabbed one end and it fell directly on the tip of my ring finger on my left hand. Immediate pain. Loaded the f***** thing and went home.

My finger swelled and I went to one of those urgent care places the next day. They drilled a hole in my nail to relieve the pressure and did an x-ray. My fingertip bone had cracked almost in two, split down the middle. Unfortunately there isn't anything they can do for that so I was sent home with some pain meds, which I didn't take, and it healed over time. Unfortunately the nerve healed funny and now when it gets to be about 30 degrees F or colder, if I even brush that finger against something I feel intense pain for about a minute.

Worked that job for several years in my younger days. Surprised I never got hurt very seriously. Used to work both the weak and strong sides of the pick-off sorting packages into large trailer trucks.

Working the "weak" side meant you had to help out loading trucks, and when the strong side pick-off got busy he'd call for help and you had to jump out of your truck, run across the floor, run to a ladder and scurry about 25 feet straight up to your pick-off perch, directly across from the strong side pick.

Couldn't count the times I "almost" fell off the ladder, or was "almost" smashed by a package falling from the 25 foot high belt onto the floor below. Don't even think I even registered what I was doing was even the slightest bit dangerous at the time.

Ah, to be young a dumb again.

Ironically, my very last day there was as a delivery driver years later and much more worn down, and it was one of those heavies on the belt that you mentioned in your post. Wrenched my back getting it in my truck on Christmas Eve morning. Went out and delivered the route with a wrecked back, came back in around 9pm that night, went to the walk-in clinic the day after Christmas when it didn't get any better, and decided I needed to find something else to do with my life, otherwise this was going to be a regular occurrence for me.

edtiques 11-22-2022 11:57 AM

I had kidney stones that were surgically removed because they were too big to pass. They then put a stent inside me that was about 16 inches long for 2 weeks. It hurt pretty good going to the bathroom for the first 4-5 days. It felt like someone was kicking me when I urinated and I had to go all the time.

I also had gout which was quite painful.

Like Mick Jagger says "What a drag it is getting old".

Peter_Spaeth 11-22-2022 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 2286162)
Traveling by auto from west to east, I developed epididymitis somewhere in Idaho or Wyoming. Mount Rushmore was on my wife's bucket list so not stopping there was not an option. While recumbent on a bench looking up at Mt. Rushmore, I realized that my testicles were larger than George Washington's. I was afraid to see a medicine man in western South Dakota, who might think when in doubt cut it out, so I didn't get treated until finishing the trip in Wisconsin. Antibiotics provided welcomed relief.

Right, there are no licensed physicians in South Dakota, or between South Dakota and Wisconsin. Uh, ok. This doth not add up.

bnorth 11-22-2022 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by butchie_t (Post 2286157)
Don't ever get shingles. That is all.......

Yes, how did I forget about shingles, that was a horrible week of being almost completely covered with little blisters on my right side from spine to center of chest. :(

For me they started as a really uncomfortable lump beside my spine for a few days. Then on Friday morning I started getting little blisters. By Friday night my right side was almost covered with them. Then I figured out what was wrong and couldn't see a doctor untill Monday morning.

bnorth 11-22-2022 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2286174)
Right, there are no licensed physicians in South Dakota, or between South Dakota and Wisconsin. Uh, ok. This doth not add up.

Granted we are a bunch of hillbillies that have never traveled more than a few miles from the barn we were born in.:p

Rad_Hazard 11-22-2022 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by D. Bergin (Post 2286168)
Worked that job for several years in my younger days. Surprised I never got hurt very seriously. Used to work both the weak and strong sides of the pick-off sorting packages into large trailer trucks.

Working the "weak" side meant you had to help out loading trucks, and when the strong side pick-off got busy he'd call for help and you had to jump out of your truck, run across the floor, run to a ladder and scurry about 25 feet straight up to your pick-off perch, directly across from the strong side pick.

Couldn't count the times I "almost" fell off the ladder, or was "almost" smashed by a package falling from the 25 foot high belt onto the floor below. Don't even think I even registered what I was doing was even the slightest bit dangerous at the time.

Ah, to be young a dumb again.

Ironically, my very last day there was as a delivery driver years later and much more worn down, and it was one of those heavies on the belt that you mentioned in your post. Wrenched my back getting it in my truck on Christmas Eve morning. Went out and delivered the route with a wrecked back, came back in around 9pm that night, went to the walk-in clinic the day after Christmas when it didn't get any better, and decided I needed to find something else to do with my life, otherwise this was going to be a regular occurrence for me.

Oh yes! I'm sure we could exchange war stories from our UPS days. I worked as a loader and pick off for a year or so then got promoted to morning supervisor, then got my tech degree and never looked back. I did see a lot of drivers (and several other positions) go through some insane stuff over the years. It was good for me at that time since I was young and overweight, but it would destroy me now and not in a good way.

BobC 11-22-2022 01:19 PM

Have had the usual falls, breaks, getting hit in the head with a baseball, getting kicked in the head by a mule as a young child, the unholy matrimony and resulting years of child support pain and suffering, removal of most all of my right lung at the age of two (thank God was too young to remember, but have an enormous scar to always remind me), and did the kidney stone thing. Kidney stones were too big to pass naturally, so underwent the procedure where they go to break them up, during which they inserted a stent similar to edtiques' in me, except I had it in for almost 4 months. Was supposed to protect the urinary duct from damage while passing the broken-up kidney stones. Nothing seemed to pass so they finally removed the stent (which that procedure alone should get a very high spot on this list). Turned out the broken-up kidney stone pieces were too big to fit through the stent, and it actually kept me from passing them. After removing the stent, the unbelievably large kidney stones finally, and naturally passed, including one maybe a little bigger than the quarter of the size of a penny. And before any one of you says, "Gee, that's not very big at all!", just remember where this kidney stone was travelling. Yet, none of this was my worst pain ever!

Senior in high school and got hit with "Hypercontractile Peristalsis", or as more commonly known, spasmodic or "jackhammer" esophagus. To explain in layman's terms, your throat has a series of muscles that contract and relax in a set and defined order so when you swallow it assists in pushing food and liquids down to your stomach. Now think of all the nerves and signals getting mixed up somehow so the esophageal muscles start randomly contracting and relaxing like a scene out of a Keystone Kops film, or one of those crazy Benny Hill chase scenes. The resulting pain can be excruciating, hence the common term "jackhammer". In my case, every time I swallowed it felt like someone had reached in and was literally pulling my heart, lungs, throat, and everything else, out through my chest. Lasted about 3 - 4 days, with the worst period being so bad that just breathing and only slightly moving/affecting the esophagus, triggered the heart ripping pain.

No known cause or cure. But, in my case they decided to try and mitigate pain from potential future attacks by performing a Cricopharyngeal Myotomy. Surgically going into my neck, and as the surgeon performing the operation explained it to me, cutting the nerves so if the spasms ever came back, I hopefully wouldn't feel them as much. The other proposed option was to prescribe nitro glycerin pills. Fortunately, almost 50 years later, I have never had such a violent and painful attack again. But compared to this, the kidney stones were a walk in the park.

I'm guessing Dr. Frank is having some interesting recollections.

todeen 11-22-2022 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by butchie_t (Post 2286157)
Don't ever get shingles. That is all.......


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 2286179)
Yes, how did I forget about shingles, that was a horrible week of being almost completely covered with little blisters on my right side from spine to center of chest. :(

For me they started as a really uncomfortable lump beside my spine for a few days. Then on Friday morning I started getting little blisters. By Friday night my right side was almost covered with them. Then I figured out what was wrong and couldn't see a doctor untill Monday morning.

I haven't had shingles. But my dad said they were the most painful thing that he experienced. His started on the back of his neck, came up over his crown, across his forehead and I think ended on his cheek near the bottom of his ear. He took a few days off and then went back to work with them still visible because his boss demanded it. He was selling cigarettes at the time and went with his boss to visit a reservation contract. His boss made a joke about shingles and he then was lampooned by the reservation shop owner who had experienced shingles before. After leaving, my boss let me father go home and take some more time off.

Mark17 11-23-2022 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1376061)
So getting old(er) is for the birds...but it's beats the grandma used to say.

I've heard plenty of stories about how painful kidney stones can be...toothaches seem to be a bitch...but I've never had one. What's the worst pain you've ever felt?

For me...last year I started noticing blood in my urine...I blew it off for 4-5 days until I decided to go to urgent care. They sent me to a urologist who took urine sample and suggested sticking a scope up my penis to make sure nothing related to urethra.


"No...we don't use any anesthetic, studies have shown petroleum is as effective," the doc says.

This was the worst pain of my life!

They found nothing...suggested a possible prostatitis...the bleeding never returned after that test.

When I saw the subject line, this is the exact thing that came immediately to mind. Absolutely excruciating!

mrreality68 11-23-2022 04:56 AM

Interesting THread and interesting direction some of us took with it.

cringe at lot of these and makes me appreciate what I have even with some of the tough things I went thru

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