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megalimey 01-27-2021 08:52 AM

Hank Arron death was possibly covid 19 vaccine related
interesting article has not yet been refuted

A Jan. 22 article published by The Defender, an outlet of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Children's Health Defense, intimates a connection between Aaron's death and the vaccine that he received Jan. 5 alongside other civil and human rights leaders at the Morehouse Healthcare Clinic, part of the Morehouse School of Medicine.

"Home Run King Hank Aaron Dies of 'Undisclosed Cause' 18 Days After Receiving Moderna Vaccine," the article's headline reads. It recounts comments Aaron made following his vaccination experience — its attempt to inspire Black Americans to get vaccinated — and the existence of some vaccine hesitancy.

Aaron's death comes amid reports of deaths among the elderly in Norway and Germany that some have pointed to in order to cast further suspicion as to the vaccine's safety.

"Aaron’s tragic death is part of a wave of suspicious deaths among elderly closely following administration of COVID vaccines," said Kennedy to The Defender.

Responding to USA TODAY, Kennedy stated he "knew and admired Hank Aaron" and felt it was "fair and correct to report the subsequent tragedy in that context."

Users on social media have also suggested the COVID-19 vaccine may have played a role in Aaron's death.

"All I'm asking is how can you NOT CONSIDER THE VACCINE as a contributor to his death? He didn't live 20 days after taking it,"

ibuysportsephemera 01-27-2021 09:11 AM

Absurd...the man was 86 years old and died of natural causes in his sleep. We all have to die of something....totally coincidental (IMO).


packs 01-27-2021 09:12 AM

He probably drank a coke or had a cup of coffee that morning too. Might have even seen something red or green. I bet the sun was shining too. Could have been any of those things.

ibuysportsephemera 01-27-2021 09:14 AM

I also just read that the Kennedy that you mention is an anti-vaccination activist. Now it is all much clearer.


megalimey 01-27-2021 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by ibuysportsephemera (Post 2060769)
Absurd...the man was 86 years old and died of natural causes in his sleep. We all have to die of something....totally coincidental (IMO).


more coincidental vaccine deaths

packs 01-27-2021 09:20 AM

One thing is certain; everyone who has ever died was previously breathing that day. And there is no evidence to suggest that breathing isn't what killed them.

irv 01-27-2021 09:39 AM

My BIL's mother, who was perfectly healthy on Friday and tested negative for covid died 4 days later after receiving the covid vaccination.

Read into what you will but these cases, that are rarely talked about, happen a lot more than one thinks.

Personally, I will not be signing up for the shot anytime soon. It was a rush through, witches brew at best, concoction that still hasn't been proven it actually does anything good for you nor protects you from anything.

Rage on all you want, these are just my thoughts and my personal opinions, but after actually witnessing what my BIL is currently going through, this is enough for me, thanks.

ibuysportsephemera 01-27-2021 09:50 AM

My wife and daughter are both pharmacists, my Uncle and a great friend are both Doctors. I am good friends with someone who has worked for Pfizer in the past. I am a volunteer FF and know a ton of Paramedics and EMS people that work in hospitals everyday. All have gotten (or will get) the vaccines without a thought. Many friends and family have had the first dose of both Moderna and Pfizer without incident (including my 83 year old parents and my wife and myself). I am not trying to convince anyone to get it but I am well aware of the long term problems of Covid patients and will take my chances with the Vaccine instead of getting Covid. Just my 2¢.


packs 01-27-2021 10:01 AM

I've already received my first shot. My arm was sore for 3 days. I am alive and well. Would recommend. 10/10 experience for me.

D. Bergin 01-27-2021 10:04 AM

Sadly, I knew the anti-vaxxers would jump on this the second I saw Hank had passed. Kennedy was a danger to our society long before Covid roared it's ugly head. Him and his kind were responsible for measles outbreaks all across our country, that we thought we had wiped out years it's magnified even more then it already was.

Also aware of the Norwegian report, which is an unfortunate reminder that our elderly are compromised no matter which way you slice it.

Ironically, a lot of the people pointing these anecdotes out, are also the same ones who keep changing the goal posts on what they think should be acceptable

1st it was Covid was a hoax, concocted specifically to make a certain politician look bad.

2nd it was Covid is no different then the flu. Kills old people and sick people who were already going to die anyways. What's the biggie? Wake me up when 50,000 or more people actually die of this thing.

3rd it became, might as well be Covid. Hide the old people and sick people away if you don't want them to die, but don't make me do anything as unconstitutional as wear a mask, or not hug my grandmama completely unprotected at the families 4th of July picnic. As a matter of fact, I might even throw a Covid party. Really strengthen my immune system up. I'm not a big fan of grandmama anyways. Herd immunity Baby!!!!

Lastly, here's a sobering snapshot of the up to date CDC page, with the 7 day rolling averages of the death rate from Covid.

Please tap me on the shoulder when the death rate from the Covid vaccine, approaches the death rate from the actual Covid.

D. Bergin 01-27-2021 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2060783)
My BIL's mother, who was perfectly healthy on Friday and tested negative for covid died 4 days later after receiving the covid vaccination.

Read into what you will but these cases, that are rarely talked about, happen a lot more than one thinks.

Personally, I will not be signing up for the shot anytime soon. It was a rush through, witches brew at best, concoction that still hasn't been proven it actually does anything good for you nor protects you from anything.

Rage on all you want, these are just my thoughts and my personal opinions, but after actually witnessing what my BIL is currently going through, this is enough for me, thanks.

I'm sorry for what your BIL went through. That must have been awful. As I've documented on this site months ago both my wifes parents died of the actual Covid, within 3 weeks of each other back in April/May.

It's not a hard choice for me when the time comes, but I understand if you have somebody who is really immune-compromised in your family, or even elderly, and you have pause about the vaccine.

In that case I would make sure everybody around them who is healthy get the vaccine, as soon as it's made available.

I wish these vaccines were 100%. They are not......but it's what we've got, and it's amazing we came as far as we did, as fast as we did with them, considering we've generally ignored this version of vaccine science until it was literally too late to avoid a catastrophe.

ibuysportsephemera 01-27-2021 10:29 AM

First....I am sorry for all who have lost love ones from this virus. Second...I know of at least 6 long haulers (from their late 20's to their mid 50's) suffering long term serious medical problems after having COVID that were 100% healthy before getting COVID.


irv 01-27-2021 10:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Anit-vaxxers. LOL. :D

I assume all these doctor's and nurses are as well?

You forgot a few morel buzzwords, Dave, that Liberals like to use when someone doesn't agree with their viewpoint or position.
Xenophobe, racist, conspiracy theorists, tin hat wearers, and a whole host of others. You keep on doing you and I will me but when one has to start calling someone names based on their personal opinions or views, then they lose all credibility with me.

D. Bergin 01-27-2021 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2060810)
Anit-vaxxers. LOL. :D

I assume all these doctor's and nurses are as well?

You forgot a few morel buzzwords, Dave, that Liberals like to use when someone doesn't agree with their viewpoint or position.
Xenophobe, racist, conspiracy theorists, tin hat wearers, and a whole host of others. You keep on doing you and I will me but when one has to start calling someone names based on their personal opinions or views, then they lose all credibility with me.

I wasn't speaking to anybody particular on this site, unless you are implying that an anti-vaxxer is something that does not exist in society. I was mostly referring to the Kennedy clan member, who's article has been used to start this thread, and has a long history of being an "anti-vaxxer", to the detriment of our society.

Oh, and the use of "buzzwords" is certainly not monopolized by one side or another. The liberal use of the term "Liberal", as if it's some sort of a swear word, is one example.

packs 01-27-2021 10:49 AM

I find skepticism healthy but the skepticism around the vaccine seems selective.

Aquarian Sports Cards 01-27-2021 11:42 AM

So let me get this straight. A segment of the population thinks that the Covid-19 death numbers are inflated because anyone who had it, who dies, regardless of the cause, is counted as a Covid-19 death. But now if someone gets the vaccine and dies it was definitely the vaccine's fault. Do I have that straight?

todeen 01-27-2021 12:06 PM

Vaccines are not perfect, let us not forget. Even the tried and true ones are not 100% effective, and some shots even come with liability waivers that need to be signed. The COVID vaccine is no different. For a certain percent of the population, there will always be complications. When the rollout began, it was being reported in all countries that people with serious allergies were having more serious reactions to the vaccine than individuals with no allergies.

However, I have two relatives who both died from COVID 10 days after testing positive. My wife's uncle showed the dreaded pattern of recovery before crashing overnight and dying. And my great-aunt came down with COVID pneumonia and never got off 100% oxygen. She told the doctor to unplug the machines and she died 2 hours later.

As others have said, and I reiterate, we're danged if we do and danged if we don't. I will get the vaccine because for me the positives outweigh the negatives.

Peter_Spaeth 01-27-2021 01:58 PM

My best guess is that when all is said and done -- if we can ever know for certain -- we will see that the risk of a serious adverse event is quite low, but not trivial and certainly not zero. Multiplied over millions and millions of people who get the vaccine, that means there are going to be a not insubstantial gross number of issues, although in the aggregate the benefits will dramatically outweigh the risks. I think anyone at this point who is claiming 100 percent safety is irresponsible, but at the same time anyone proclaiming causation when someone dies after having received the vaccine recently is premature and possibly biased. As they say, correlation is not the same as causation.

PS the calculus is not unlike that involved in taking any serious drug.

earlywynnfan 01-27-2021 02:49 PM

"Users on social media have also suggested the COVID-19 vaccine may have played a role in Aaron's death."

I think this is what bothers me about the media, on both sides. "Users on social media have also suggested the COVID-19 vaccine may have played a role in Aaron's death." So now we'll write a column about it. Then it will trend.
Speculation without facts, in today's hyper-polarized world, is dangerous. Take any uncomfortable fact or situation, and make a semi-plausible story to explain it away. With no proof whatsoever, I can pin every bit of bad news on Antifa/Socialists/Qanon. All it takes is a twitter account and a "suggestion."

I am scared for my country.

Peter_Spaeth 01-27-2021 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2060912)
"Users on social media have also suggested the COVID-19 vaccine may have played a role in Aaron's death."

I think this is what bothers me about the media, on both sides. "Users on social media have also suggested the COVID-19 vaccine may have played a role in Aaron's death." So now we'll write a column about it. Then it will trend.
Speculation without facts, in today's hyper-polarized world, is dangerous. Take any uncomfortable fact or situation, and make a semi-plausible story to explain it away. With no proof whatsoever, I can pin every bit of bad news on Antifa/Socialists/Qanon. All it takes is a twitter account and a "suggestion."

I am scared for my country.

Goebbels said, "If you tell a big lie often enough, people will believe it's true." Never has that been more apt than these days.

Seven 01-27-2021 03:16 PM

He was 86, how much more life does someone have at that point. Maybe 15 years if you're very lucky. He lived very long, longer than most. I don't think it was the vaccine.

irv 01-27-2021 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by D. Bergin (Post 2060815)
I wasn't speaking to anybody particular on this site, unless you are implying that an anti-vaxxer is something that does not exist in society. I was mostly referring to the Kennedy clan member, who's article has been used to start this thread, and has a long history of being an "anti-vaxxer", to the detriment of our society.

Oh, and the use of "buzzwords" is certainly not monopolized by one side or another. The liberal use of the term "Liberal", as if it's some sort of a swear word, is one example.

My apologies, Dave. I assumed, since there were only 2 of us who seemed to have opposing views to yours and others here, when I read “These”, as in plural, I assumed I was ‘one” in your “anti-vaxxer” description.

The thing is, no one really knows if this might have contributed to Aaron’s death but many wrote that possibility off right away as a no way, not possible, he was 86, etc, without even giving the vaccine a second thought that it could possibly be a possibility.

From the beginning, we were told to take 2 weeks to flatten the curve, yet here we are 10+ months later and we are still no further ahead?

We were told masks don’t work to masks work a 100%, we were told covid lives on surfaces to no, covid doesn’t live on surfaces, the list of do's and don'ts goes on and on and they all eventually contradict themselves.

Many have asked why flu deaths are way down and we are told it’s because everyone is masking up, washing their hands, isolating, etc, but when the covid numbers go up, or don’t level off, we are told because everyone isn't washing their hands, masking up and isolating??? Which is it???

Also, with regards to flu deaths, why are so many other death numbers way down like heart attacks, cancer, diabetes and other comorbidity types of deaths? Did covid magically cure all those diseases??

Also, why is no one, or hardly anyone, talking about the increase in suicides, drug overdoses, child and spousal abuse cases that have all risen 30 to 40% during this? What are those death numbers?

The thing is, like I mentioned above, this vaccine was rushed through with no long term studies/tests on its effectiveness, its immediate or long term side affects. Nothing. The big companies, Pfizer, Maderna, etc, have all washed their hands of being liable, meaning they can’t be sued if someone dies or has a severe life changing reaction. That in itself should tell many people, or give cause for concern about getting this shot yet many will blindly and ignorantly get it without questioning anything.
Has any new info come out from those that have had the shots that they are now 100% protected/immune from getting it ever again? Why are those who have had the shots told to continue to isolate, to wear a mask, etc? Makes zero sense to me.

Likely, like most everyone, I am sick and tired of the same old back and forth, do this, don’t do that, isolate, wear a mask, wash your hands, let alone the fact thousands of small businesses are being shuttered yet it is OK to rub shoulders at places like Wal Mart and Costco that see far greater numbers of people gathered than any of these small establishments do. It makes zero sense!

Like I said above, and in a another post, with a 98% recovery rate, I will not be getting the shot, and that is my personal opinion and I’ll stick to that. For those that want to get the vaccine, fill your boots, I am not going to condemn you nor laugh at you for it. It’s just not for me is all, especially, even more so now, considering what happen to my BIL’s mother, and many other cases just like it, like possibly Hank Aaron's as well?

"Healthy' South Florida doctor died 2 weeks after receiving COVID-19 vaccine"

irv 01-27-2021 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2060916)
Goebbels said, "If you tell a big lie often enough, people will believe it's true." Never has that been more apt than these days.

Reminds me of MSM and what it does to the masses who consume it without fact checking anything.

Man made global warming/climate change immediately comes to mind.

Cliff Bowman 01-27-2021 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2060935)
Reminds me of MSM and what it does to the masses who consume it without fact checking anything.

Man made global warming/climate change immediately comes to mind.

Now you’ve done it. Hopefully Leon locks this thread before Captain TDS shows up.

irv 01-27-2021 04:21 PM

And,,,,, now it sounds like, because the nasal swab wasn't/isn't quite accurate enough because of too many false positives, they want you to bend over instead.:rolleyes:

China using anal swabs (with little warning) to test for COVID-19

China deploys anal swabs to test for COVID-19

China uses anal swabs to test for COVID-19

D. Bergin 01-27-2021 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2060932)
My apologies, Dave. I assumed, since there were only 2 of us who seemed to have opposing views to yours and others here, when I read “These”, as in plural, I assumed I was ‘one” in your “anti-vaxxer” description.

No worries. I didn't mean to come across as picking on anybody in particular. Just pointing out hurdles out there that don't help the perception of things out in the real world. I hadn't even read your response by the time I hashed out everything I had to say in my first post.

That's why I posted a follow-up shortly after, directly concerning your BIL's mom.

As to the rest of your post, you have lots of valid concerns, and lots of things that are easily explained from somebody far smarter then myself, so I'm not going to get in a back and forth, for both of our sanities.

Happy collecting and stay safe.

gustomania 01-28-2021 05:07 AM

I guess what your saying who cares if he died Because he’s old that’s ok.....load of crap

It’s quite OK if someone is a little hesitant to get a vaccine and it wouldn’t be the first time a vaccine killed someone

But heh, just call it a hoax or whatever Because these vaccines are PERFECT and could never harm anyone.


Originally Posted by Seven (Post 2060920)
He was 86, how much more life does someone have at that point. Maybe 15 years if you're very lucky. He lived very long, longer than most. I don't think it was the vaccine.

irv 01-28-2021 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by gustomania (Post 2061133)
I guess what your saying who cares if he died Because he’s old that’s ok.....load of crap

It’s quite OK if someone is a little hesitant to get a vaccine and it wouldn’t be the first time a vaccine killed someone

But heh, just call it a hoax or whatever Because these vaccines are PERFECT and could never harm anyone.

I bit my tongue as it just boggles my mind how some people think. :confused:

I wonder if they'd say the same thing if it were their healthy mother or father who died unexpectedly after getting an injection that was designed to supposedly save/protect them from harm?

Seven 01-28-2021 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by gustomania (Post 2061133)
I guess what your saying who cares if he died Because he’s old that’s ok.....load of crap

It’s quite OK if someone is a little hesitant to get a vaccine and it wouldn’t be the first time a vaccine killed someone

But heh, just call it a hoax or whatever Because these vaccines are PERFECT and could never harm anyone.

No I'm saying that it was extremely unlikely a vaccine that is being received by the overwhelming majority of the population killed him and that it was more likely natural causes considering his age/health. He was 86, he lived past the average lifespan of an American Male, that is a very long time to be alive, was my point. He was confined to a wheelchair a good portion of the time and suffered from arthritis. Multiple sources have said it was not the vaccine and I happen to trust them. Vaccines aren't perfect, nothing is but it is highly unlikely that it killed him.

Seven 01-28-2021 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2061143)
I bit my tongue as it just boggles my mind how some people think. :confused:

I wonder if they'd say the same thing if it were their healthy mother or father who died unexpectedly after getting an injection that was designed to supposedly save/protect them from harm?

And for the record, I have elderly aunt's and uncles along with a living grandparent who is 91. All of them received the vaccine and are absolutely fine. My parent's who are both in their 60's who are the models of health received it a week ago and they are fine. Was a little concerned? of course, I think everyone should be, but I trust the people who made the vaccine did their due diligence and that it works and in most cases will not harm anyone.

irv 01-28-2021 06:45 AM

California healthcare worker dies days after receiving COVID-19 vaccine

buymycards 01-28-2021 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2060957)
And,,,,, now it sounds like, because the nasal swab wasn't/isn't quite accurate enough because of too many false positives, they want you to bend over instead.:rolleyes:

China using anal swabs (with little warning) to test for COVID-19

China deploys anal swabs to test for COVID-19

China uses anal swabs to test for COVID-19

Irv, you are so predictable.

ibuysportsephemera 01-28-2021 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2061155)
California healthcare worker dies days after receiving COVID-19 vaccine

Well...the story is from the NY Post, so obviously the bias is there to begin with. what you want. You are obviously trying to convince people that it is dangerous. As indicated above, many of us are comfortable with our belief that it is at least as safe as risking getting COVID (which definitely can cause long term problems or kill you). Just my 2¢ and no story from the NY Post will change my opinion.


Republicaninmass 01-28-2021 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by packs (Post 2060778)
One thing is certain; everyone who has ever died was previously breathing that day. And there is no evidence to suggest that breathing isn't what killed them.

More so when they have comorbidities, or are elderly

irv 01-28-2021 07:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ibuysportsephemera (Post 2061163)
Well...the story is from the NY Post, so obviously the bias is there to begin with. what you want. You are obviously trying to convince people that it is dangerous. As indicated above, many of us are comfortable with our belief that it is at least as safe as risking getting COVID (which definitely can cause long term problems or kill you). Just my 2¢ and no story from the NY Post will change my opinion.


No, you're a 100% wrong, and you would get that from my previous posts if you read them?
What you are failing to see is I am trying to get people to think for themselves, look outside of the box rather than just blindly/ignorantly believe, like a bunch of sheep, what is spewed to them without giving it any other thought.

Look at the other comments above. People said there was no way, zero chance, that the vaccine killed Hank Aaron. Please tell me how they know this 100%, especially when there are other deaths exactly like this?

Blind faith is all they have and its clear they have been brainwashed into thinking that there is no way, zero possibility of this happening, when nothing could be further from the truth.

packs 01-28-2021 07:39 AM

It has been widely reported that Hank Aaron died of natural causes. This opinion was rendered by the Fulton County medical examiner. This story was even run by people magazine, to demonstrate how widely reported it was.

I am not a medical examiner so I can only trust the findings of someone who is, and even more accurately, examined the person in question. If there is still reason to believe something else is at play, that suspicion should be based on a similarly reputable opinion.

irv 01-28-2021 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by packs (Post 2061173)
It has been widely reported that Hank Aaron died of natural causes. This opinion was rendered by the Fulton County medical examiner. This story was even run by people magazine, to demonstrate how widely reported it was.

I am not a medical examiner so I can only trust the findings of someone who is, and even more accurately, examined the person in question. If there is still reason to believe something else is at play, that suspicion should be based on a similarly reputable opinion.

And yet People magazine had his age of death at 83 and Snopes says the findings are still unproven? It was updated just 2 days ago, and includes the Fulton county medical examiner's findings too?? :confused:

This is what bothers me. People blindly believe, just because they read it or watched it on T.V., that it has to be true. :(

People Magazine Media fact check:

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

Overall, we rate People Magazine Left Biased based on editorially positions and political news reporting that favors the left.


packs 01-28-2021 09:10 AM

People was not the sole reporter on his death or the Fulton County examiner's findings. It is not useful to discuss how a media watchdog views them politically. I mentioned People only to demonstrate how widely reported the cause of death has been.

It is not blind to accept a medical examiner's findings. The examiner is typically the person who people turn to for an explanation.

irv 01-28-2021 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by packs (Post 2061198)
People was not the sole reporter on his death or the Fulton County examiner's findings. It is not useful to discuss how a media watchdog views them politically. I mentioned People only to demonstrate how widely reported the cause of death has been.

It is not blind to accept a medical examiner's findings. The examiner is typically the person who people turn to for an explanation.

Just pointing out the fact they shouldn't be used as a credible source for much of anything.

bnorth 01-28-2021 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2060810)
Anit-vaxxers. LOL. :D

I assume all these doctor's and nurses are as well?

You forgot a few morel buzzwords, Dave, that Liberals like to use when someone doesn't agree with their viewpoint or position.
Xenophobe, racist, conspiracy theorists, tin hat wearers, and a whole host of others. You keep on doing you and I will me but when one has to start calling someone names based on their personal opinions or views, then they lose all credibility with me.

The 2 I highlighted are my favorite.:D

irv 01-28-2021 10:47 AM

And it just keeps getting better. :rolleyes:

Positive test doesn't necessarily mean nurse has contracted illness, experts say

D. Bergin 01-28-2021 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2061231)
And it just keeps getting better. :rolleyes:

Positive test doesn't necessarily mean nurse has contracted illness, experts say

Irv, I'm not sure what your point is here. None of the vaccines have claimed to be 100% effective. We've had flu vaccines for decades, and as most people know, they are not near 100% effective.

This is not an all or nothing game, it's a probability game.

In sports terms, it's analytics.

It's not a magic pill, where you get two shots and then all your cares wash away, and all your dreams come true.

Nobody has sold it as such. In the scientific community, or in the MSM(buzzword trademarked).

ibuysportsephemera 01-28-2021 11:04 AM

So if I am following the thinking of some, the 20 million people who have received the vaccine so far are now only dying (let's say within 1 week of getting the vaccine) from the vaccine and nothing else. Uhhh, I don't think that that is how life works. And so far the adverse reactions are statistically very small.

BTW, I do believe that the vaccine could cause a bad reaction, even death to some folks...but that is true with any kind of medical treatment in my opinion. I'll still take my chances with the vaccine rather than getting Covid.


packs 01-28-2021 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2061211)
Just pointing out the fact they shouldn't be used as a credible source for much of anything.

My source is the medical examiner for Fulton County. The opinion of a natural death came from the examiner.

sdimag 02-02-2021 12:24 PM

To all the above
You either get the vaccine or you don’t! Please put and end to this thread Leon

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