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KyleTexas 06-11-2012 09:05 PM

Threatened by Forum Member
Anyone interested in contacting me about my cards should do so directly.

I just had a Forum member appoint himself .. evidently.. as my negotiator.

While this person may have been working for a finders fee from buyers he said he had. I had no agreement with him to place my cards on hold for any timeframe. I made no such aggreements.

I've just received an email threatening to ruin my reputation on Net54 by this same forum member. The email came to my direct email acct and not to my Net54 pm box.

I have copies of all emails and PMs between that member and myself which
clearly spell out the situation.

I am new to Net54 but an old hand at life.. Im 46 years old and a family man.

My reputation is what I live by and can be vouched for by those I have done business with personally and online.. my Ebay ID is kc1dc and my reputation there is 100% as both buyer and seller..has been for 7 years..a fact that can be easily checked. I have done business on Craigslist as buyer/seller... and on 4 other Forums as buyer/seller. I don't have a single black mark on my name at ANY online venue.. and will not begin having one here. I can provide proof of all my statements here if requested.

Since I began selling at 19 years old I have always maintained a "first come, first serve" policy.. I have never held or promised to hold any item I had for sale without some type of monetary deposit.. unless holding for an out of town person who must travel and spend time getting to me to view. Too many buyers are not serious or are at least less than careful about their promises.. My policy of not holding items without deposit has worked well for me and I did not change it out of the blue when I signed on here.

The threat I received was in my opinion.. retaliatory when I rebuked what I felt was an offer of 50cents on the dollar for some of my cards.

I have never hired or sought a representative in any property sales except real estate in my entire life.. and that has not changed.

A sad situation ... I have advised board administration about the threat.
I have forwarded all emails and pm's with this individual to my attorney and have been advised that I am in good stead with the law.

Please do not contact me and ask who this individual is.. the site Administrators know and that is enough. If you have similar complaints I suggest you contact them not fish for information with me.

I don't take this action as any comment on the quality of individuals here
at Net54.. I have had many good conversations with fine members already and I am sure there will be many more.. Thanks.. Kyle

FrankWakefield 06-11-2012 09:16 PM

Ouch... oughta be fun here. Not a place for crap like that. Sorry, Kyle.

UOFLfan7 06-11-2012 09:21 PM

Sorry that you have to go through all this...

atx840 06-11-2012 10:03 PM

Sorry you had to deal with that Kyle, you are a standup guy, good luck!

wonkaticket 06-11-2012 10:52 PM

Two sides to every story....
Well the person who I assume is the same person who reached out to me contacted me in a very upfront manner.

He made it clear they were your cards and you appreciated him pointing your cards to potential buyers for him as you were new. What he got out of this exercise was hopefully a shot at a few items you were looking to sell. Seemed fair and he was very upfront on the whole deal.

I didn’t even put an offer in. I simply asked if you had picked a price. He said you hadn’t and your concern was leaving money on the table as you were all over the place in terms of pricing. He also said you were looking to him and others to help price out these items. Which I believe as you have basically been fishing for a price since being on here with the card/cards.

He then came back within the next day and simply said the deal he worked out with you was not moving forward and he was out. If I did have any interest (which I didn’t) I should contact you directly. He was very respectful of you and the situation just basically bowed out.

He did share that a few of the cards you enlisted him to shop had been sold off behind scenes. That gave him pause for concern which I understood. I would hate to go sell/broker a deal to someone I knew then to come back and have the item gone and egg on my face.

I even after this situation decided I would be nice and reach out to you, as you may be having a hard time pricing the items. I gave you the same advice I give most all folks on here.

Get them graded, pick a reputable auction house and let the market decide. Ignore all the PM’s, website links, self-proclaimed card experts, multipliers, SMR’s etc. and let the market decide for you.

In fact you said in your reply to me that quite a few guys gave you the same advice. Its good advice roll with it grade them, list them with an auction and move on. Deals go sour sometimes nature of the beast wish you the best with your sales.



Pup6913 06-12-2012 09:16 AM

Oh but your gonna smear my name. Lmfao:D. Funny how fast you were on here to church up your reputation after sending me that email yesterday.

Karma is a B!tch

phikappapsi 06-12-2012 09:19 AM

Wow...lot of dirty laundry for seemingly no actual occurrence...

If it were me advising you both, I'd say put the swords away, since nothing actually happened. Blieve it or not, litigation isn't exactly the first step two humans should default to in a disagreement over basically nothing.

calvindog 06-12-2012 09:26 AM

Just curious: what are the damages?

PS -- no lawyer is that big of an asshole to take a case like this. I think.

Peter_Spaeth 06-12-2012 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by calvindog (Post 1002872)
Just curious: what are the damages?

PS -- no lawyer is that big of an asshole to take a case like this. I think.

Damning the profession with faint praise?

wonkaticket 06-12-2012 09:46 AM

Jeff, you just took the case on right?;)

calvindog 06-12-2012 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by peter_spaeth (Post 1002877)
damning the profession with faint praise?


BleedinBlue 06-12-2012 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by calvindog (Post 1002872)
PS -- no lawyer is that big of an asshole to take a case like this. I think.

Apparently his brother and cousin are ready to pursue the matter.

slidekellyslide 06-12-2012 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by BleedinBlue (Post 1003011)
Apparently his brother and cousin are ready to pursue the matter.

What lawyer doesn't love it when a family member comes to them for unlimited free legal representation?

calvindog 06-12-2012 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by slidekellyslide (Post 1003016)
What lawyer doesn't love it when a family member comes to them for unlimited free legal representation?

Ugh. I just got a pain in my side.

WhenItWasAHobby 06-12-2012 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by calvindog (Post 1002872)
Just curious: what are the damages?

PS -- no lawyer is that big of an asshole to take a case like this. I think.

I know one and this is exactly his area of specialization, and he's not that far from Dallas. He files eight million dollar lawsuits for his clients and works strictly on hourly rates (as opposed to selfishly working on a contingency basis and grabbing a big cut of the pie). With the exception of two malpractice suits and an inevitable third one coming, he seems to be pretty good - so I'm told.

CMIZ5290 06-12-2012 06:22 PM

Jeff- can i get one on the house??

UOFLfan7 06-12-2012 06:33 PM

If it's for the right price............

Brian Van Horn 06-12-2012 07:04 PM


I wish you the best with the situation.

KyleTexas 06-12-2012 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by wonkaticket (Post 1002790)

He then came back within the next day and simply said the deal he worked out with you was not moving forward and he was out.

He did share that a few of the cards you enlisted him to shop had been sold off behind scenes.

1. Andrew never had any deal with me worked out ... He may have had some wild scheme figured out in his mind on something that would have benefited him but there was never any agreement on price with him on any of my cards..there was never any agreement to hold the cards in limbo while he collected buyers. There was never any agreement for him to act as my representative. If he stated that he had a deal or price negotiated with me or an arrangement with me to hold the cards .. or that he was my representative.. or that I had enlisted him to shop my cards.. what you heard was a lie.
I had no deal worked out with Andrew at all. To me he was simply another buyer interested in my cards. while I continued as I always have.. 1st come 1st served. He did mention that he may have a buyer or buyers.. as far as I was concerned that was fine ... If he had some kind of finders fee arrangement worked out with others this did not bother me at all.

2. There was never any behind the scenes dealing of any sort.. I played my 1st come 1st served cards right side up front with Andrew... hard to deal behind the scenes when your'e dealing face up. I took calls and offers from other potential buyers on my 9 Red Hindus while Andrew drug his feet.. as a result several of the cards he was interested in were sold off. I took calls all day Friday and all day Saturday.. Andrew did not contact me until late Saturday afternoon with an offer... and even then came in with an offer at 50 cents on the dollar.. a price I could have gotten at the local Sports Memoribilia shop.

I guess when you have sour grapes about not being involved with a 9 Red Hindus sale because you've acted to slowly and then come in with a lowball offer you're entitled to make up lies... I guess you're also entitled to threaten to spread lies about the seller...

If Andrew misrepresented himself to the people he was trying to assemble in a manner that benefitted him and lied to them because he wanted to look like he had some kind of influence with me or deal worked out with me because he wanted some of my cards so badly..thats on his head.. not mine.

Statements Andrew never made:
1. Do we have an agreement?
2. Will you hold the cards?
3. Would you like for me to shop your cards for you?
4. Would you provide blah blah blah.. if I sell your cards for you?
There was never any arrangement, agreement, or straight forward bartering.

For the more retarded of the variety... talking with someone does not make them beholding to you.. it does not obligate them to sign over 50% of their equity in a property to you... it does not obligate them to agree to any wild idea you might have... Someone who just met you 3 days earlier usually doesnt owe you anything... but when you slander someone by stating they broke an agreement with you that you never had..then exclaim you'll be maliciously spreading that lie about them in a manner meant to bring harm.. they do owe you this.. their contempt... and likely a whole lot more.

tothrk 06-12-2012 11:34 PM

Plain sad
I was actually imagining my computer voicing the words as I read them on screen throughout this thread. Then I imagined gouging my eyes out and plugging my ears with them. I hope this situation works out. I'm not even sure what the situation is or how it can be worked out. Please don't lock this thread until that one guy posts his train wreck clip in it. Thank You.

felada 06-13-2012 12:01 AM

I am confused. Did he slander you or 'liable' you?

Matthew H 06-13-2012 12:09 AM

Kyle, just so I'm clear, if I want some of your cards I should just talk to Andrew?

7nohitter 06-13-2012 03:24 AM

Can this thread just go away?
I'm hearing the Night Court theme song in my head and imagining what John Laroquette's character would be doing...

Pup6913 06-13-2012 05:54 AM

Kyle you need to stop!!!!!! No one wants to hear this BS. If I wanted to sue you (which I don't) what do you think I could get for slander and defamation of character. You threaten to sue me for talking to my friends about what happened, which was a private matter till now, then come here to the board like a pussy and run your mouth to try and save face when all your doing is ruining it. You started this so you can end it at any time. Like I have said before I wish you well on your endeavors and the sale of your cards.

Just a little video for you:

frankbmd 06-13-2012 06:31 AM

The Answer is

Call the Red Hindu - "He's Got your Back"

KyleTexas 06-13-2012 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Pup6913 (Post 1003178)
Kyle you need to stop!!!!!! No one wants to hear this BS. BTW if I wanted to sue you what do you think I could get for slander and defamation of character. You threaten to sue me for talking to my friends about what happened(which was a private matter) then come here to the board like a pussy and run your mouth.

Its amazing what you can find out about people when you have something of value and you play a little bit dumb to people who don't know you. You're usually able to get past their facade pretty quickly and see their true intent. You play dumb.. and you fiind out if the person you're dealing with thinks he can screw you. I got your $5600 offer on my 11 cards Andrew.. hows it stack up to the market for those cards? Can you see that perhaps I felt that you were the type who didn't mind screwing me with that offer? The reason you got a crazy Brown number back from me was Id pretty much decided I didn't want to sell to you my Joss, Brown, 2 Wheats, 2 Crandalls, Duffy, Humel, Shekard, and Tannehill Red Hindus and a couple of other choice cards of mine at that point... If your starting point had been somewhere in the 65-70 percent range, depending on your grading evaluation, give or take Id have taken that as good faith.
Or you could have just tried to deal on the cards you wanted individually.

I wasn't having a fire or tax sale.. had made no mention of just trying to get some type of offer.. If you bought a new $18000 dollar car and I came and offered you $9000 for it..what statement would you think that made about what I thought about you?

The internet is an easy place to get information.. if you're wondering how long it took for me to get information on the value of most of my cards the answer is about half a day. The rest of the time I was just watching how you were going to treat me.

Im not the one who sent the sour grapes "threaten to ruin your reputation" email after my offer was rejected and the trail was getting cold. That was your department. Im also not the one who manufactured an "agreement" that you claimed Id broken.

Here's what you manufactured in your final email:

" I made a deal with you and greed superseded our agreement and for that neither of the 4 guys want to deal with you" ...

The problem.. as you well know.. with that statement is that there was no agreement. And all the Emails and PMs bear that out. The documentation sides with me.. 100%.. there's not a single mention of any agreement in them.

I spoke with Yahoo yesterday and had them archive my emails from 1 minute past the reception of your threatening email ..backwards 4 days.
Those emails are untampered with.. I have the PMs here recorded.

You went on to state in that last email:

" I want nothing to do with you and will let everyone know about this"

That sounded very much to me like you were intent on trying to ruin my reputation when you knew there was no cause for it. I'd broken no agreement with you..
My guess is you doctored your supposed relationship with me to get some buyers on board even though I made no promises to hold cards for you then looked to me as your scapegoat..or "the one who'd broken the agreement" when the Ford Red Hindu and 3rd Crandall Red Hindu were sold off. Before you made your offer. When its first come first serve youve got to move fast.. you didnt.

If you'd like to sue me in your state I'd be happy to travel up there, bring my PMs and Emails and counter sue you there for my expenses in that state.

If you want it to stop... I can see that happening.. when you apologize to those you misled and apologize to me.

zljones 06-13-2012 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1003181)

call the red hindu - "he's got your back"

lol :D

peterose4hof 06-13-2012 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Matthew H (Post 1003166)
Kyle, just so I'm clear, if I want some of your cards I should just talk to Andrew?

Well played sir. Well played.

Chris D. 06-13-2012 08:08 AM

I would like to offer an apology for all my transgressions if that helps make this stop. :D

Just turn around, walk away and move on guys instead of having a pointless pissing match. Whatever you were trying to accomplish didn't pan out. Oh well. It happens.

mwilliams 06-13-2012 08:10 AM

Leon...I'm begging you, delete this crap so the board can move on with its life. Crap happens, deal and move on.

"and the worms ate into his brain..."



Pup6913 06-13-2012 08:15 AM

I was given a start price of $5600 and $5800 with caps of 10k and 12k by 2 buyers. Forgot to mention that in there. I can't go against my buyers and throw their money away for you. I told you this and asked for a counter to go with it. You got pissed at me for this. Who's to say the buyers would want to spend all that. That's negotiation and I can't violate my buyers request. That's proper etiquette on my half. But now your saying you knew all along and was playing dumb:confused:

So I am sorry Kyle and all those I misled. I hope this is the end now.

peterose4hof 06-13-2012 08:20 AM

Seriously Kyle, if you are half as honorable and sincere as you are trying to portray yourself as, then stop engaging in this silly charade and move on. Threatening to get a lawyer and sue might work where you normally hang out, but here on net54 where the lawyer to honest working folk ratio is off the charts, you need to go back from where you came from and don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. The truth is you need net54 a whole lot more than net54 needs you.

E93 06-13-2012 08:21 AM


E93 06-13-2012 08:21 AM


frankbmd 06-13-2012 08:28 AM

Red Hindu Speaks
"Me Nap Now - Case closed"

barrysloate 06-13-2012 08:28 AM

If this thread weren't bad enough, we have two going on at the same time about the same topic...if the moderators don't want to deep six both of them, at least lock one.

CMIZ5290 06-13-2012 08:35 AM

Totally agree with barry......

Leon 06-13-2012 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by barrysloate (Post 1003215)
If this thread weren't bad enough, we have two going on at the same time about the same topic...if the moderators don't want to deep six both of them, at least lock one.


MikeGarcia 06-13-2012 08:44 AM

A plea to the moderators
We beg you to please keep these threads alive until a post with apostrophes in the contractions and correct spellings and a reference to a Seinfeld episode appears....thanks , Mike and several of the archived Bruces .

barrysloate 06-13-2012 08:58 AM

Well on the other thread we were discussing coffee that was too hot...and Kramer bought a scalding cup from Java World and had to sue there's a Seinfeld reference.

Big Six 06-13-2012 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1003214)
"Me Nap Now - Case closed"

Totally inappropriately're a funny man, Frank!!!

peterose4hof 06-13-2012 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by barrysloate (Post 1003231)
Well on the other thread we were discussing coffee that was too hot...and Kramer bought a scalding cup from Java World and had to sue there's a Seinfeld reference.

Cosmo Kramer: Jackie. Do we have a chance?
Jackie Chiles: Do we have a chance? You get me one coffee drinker on
that jury, you gonna walk outta there a rich man.

HRBAKER 06-13-2012 09:39 AM

YAWN again.
But then again I may be of the "more retarded of the variety."
But I can spell.

felada 06-13-2012 09:49 AM

Apparently spelling and grammar are only for the sexually challenged and idiots. I think now I am being threatened. Can I fisuisse claim
now and Jeff will you represent me for emotional distress?

I am confused. *Did he slander you or 'liable' you?
---End Quote---
* Is that all you got? ... blistering ..

*My experience has been that those who try to attach intelligence to rules based subjects like spelling are normally idiots in logic and reasoning based subjects and that those championing rules based subjects as adults were normally the darkest and dullest.

*Course I also heard confusion is caused by a lack of sexual identity.

*I wonder if either of those statements is true?

SetBuilder 06-13-2012 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by felada (Post 1003245)
Apparently spelling and grammar are only for the sexually challenged and idiots. I think now I am being threatened. Can I fisuisse claim
now and Jeff will you represent me for emotional distress?

I am confused. *Did he slander you or 'liable' you?
---End Quote---
* Is that all you got? ... blistering ..

*My experience has been that those who try to attach intelligence to rules based subjects like spelling are normally idiots in logic and reasoning based subjects and that those championing rules based subjects as adults were normally the darkest and dullest.

*Course I also heard confusion is caused by a lack of sexual identity.

*I wonder if either of those statements is true?

Sigmund Freud has joined the thread.

White Borders 06-13-2012 10:28 AM

Forum Rules
Kyle C.,

Please read and follow the Forum Rules. You need to provide your full name in controversial posts.

You can not say someone is an imbecile, hard to deal with, gave poor service etc…and remain private on the board. In addition to that if your opinion is that you dislike someone, hate them, can’t stand or don’t like anything about them, and you want to tell the world about it on Net54baseball, then your full name will need to be in your post.

Thank you,

Tsaiko 06-13-2012 11:10 AM

I'll tell you what this is. This is a public humiliation.

Leon 06-13-2012 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by White Borders (Post 1003257)
Kyle C.,

Please read and follow the Forum Rules. You need to provide your full name in controversial posts.

You can not say someone is an imbecile, hard to deal with, gave poor service etc…and remain private on the board. In addition to that if your opinion is that you dislike someone, hate them, can’t stand or don’t like anything about them, and you want to tell the world about it on Net54baseball, then your full name will need to be in your post.

Thank you,

Per the rules I can help with that part of it. His name is Kyle


BleedinBlue 06-13-2012 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Leon (Post 1003279)
Per the rules I can help with that part of it. His name is Kyle


I suspect you may be hearing from Mr.'s cousin

timzcardz 06-13-2012 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by felada (Post 1003245)
I am confused. *Did he slander you or 'liable' you?

Now that's funny!

True story, back in '02 I took a new job and the negotiated compensation included a signing bonus, and I had to sign a agreement covering the bouns, carefully crafted by their corporate cousel I am sure.

So just as carefully I read it, and it said that if I left their employ prior to a specific period of time that I would be "libel" for the bonus.

I thought about it for a minute before signing, and decided that it would be acceptable to me if they wrote all sorts of bad things about me if I left!

Of course I didn't leave before the period was up, but it would have been amusing if I had and they tried to get the bonus back.

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