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RichardSimon 08-17-2016 01:10 PM

Anyone have cats?
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Have had these brothers for nine years.
They are a load of fun.

Econteachert205 08-17-2016 02:19 PM

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Max is a great cat bud

vthobby 08-17-2016 05:00 PM

Security Guard!
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Peace, Mike

Exhibitman 08-17-2016 05:39 PM

This is the cat, Hai Mao (Chinese for black cat; my daughter named him). He is an interesting person. I call him The Black Death as he slaughters all manner of creatures in our yard, without discriminating. I've seen him catch, kill and eat an entire rat, tail included. Some days I find bits and pieces of multiple varmints strewn across the lawn. I know if he was 100# heavier he'd kill us all in our sleep and eat our livers with fava beans and a fine chianti. I can respect that...

irv 08-17-2016 07:04 PM

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Yep, have had cats my whole life (a few dogs too)

Got this guy from the previous owners who neglected him. Been a great, loving, appreciative cat, but, due to his previous owners neglect, it took him a bit to come around.

We are not sure of his age, somewhere around 12-13 we assume but he is still super playful.

clydepepper 08-17-2016 09:35 PM

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I like other people's cats (most of them, anyway), but much prefer dogs...

like mine - I've had my terrier-mix rescue dog for five years and have enjoyed every minute!

Attachment 241719

jefferyepayne 08-18-2016 05:45 AM

Grew up with cats and dogs but we had no plans to get either.

Until this fuzz ball showed up at the house and wouldn't leave 9 years ago.


ALR-bishop 08-18-2016 08:32 AM


ullmandds 08-18-2016 11:08 AM

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I've had my little buddy...Otto...for over 15 years now. He's been the only constant in my life here in MN over the years...girls come and go...but Otto has always been there!!!!

He's a "cog." He comes when I call his name...he follows me around the house and outside. He is also a vindictive shit! But I love him!

Exhibitman 11-21-2022 09:14 PM

This is Walter White and Black, my tuxedo tabby:

Don't let the cute fool you; he has ten confirmed kills the last two years including multiple roof rats and a baby raccoon (that was a messy clean-up; he ate the liver and left the rest of the viscera and corpse under our orange tree).

irv 11-21-2022 09:49 PM

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Unfortunately the cat I posted above back in 2016 passed 2 yrs ago. Although that is always heartbreaking, I am glad knowing he had a far better life with us than he did with the previous owners.

Just over a year ago now we decided to take these 2 kittens in. They were from a litter of 4 and 2 different couples took 2 each.
Unfortunately the woman who acquired these 2 guys ended up being allergic but wanted them to remain together.
Phineas and Ferb are their names as that was our son's favorite cartoon when he was just a wee lad.
A couple characters they are I tell ya! :D

mrreality68 11-22-2022 04:42 AM

Had cats and love cats but daughter has allergies to cats so sadly no longer have cats

Love the pictures and this thread

cubman1941 11-23-2022 09:44 AM

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I was not a cat person but my wife's daughter found one along side the road but couldn't keep it because she lived in a dorm. She asked her mother to "take" it for awhile. Well, we had the cat for almost 22 years before we had to have her put down. Over a year went by and my wife asked if she could get two rescue cats from a farmhouse drop off. I said no way so she said how about one and I said o.k. We drove and picked Missy up two years ago. She is a holy tear sometimes but sweet and loving others. Now we wouldn't trade her for anything.

Cliff Bowman 11-23-2022 11:05 AM

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I've probably had a hundred over my lifetime, I had over twenty at a single time before I realized that if a stray female cat shows up you have to get her fixed immediately. This is my buddy Louie, he only lasted two and a half years until Feline Leukemia (I think) took him out.

clydepepper 11-23-2022 12:42 PM

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Originally Posted by clydepepper (Post 1573588)
I like other people's cats (most of them, anyway), but much prefer dogs...

like mine - I've had my terrier-mix rescue dog for five years and have enjoyed every minute!

Attachment 241719

Here's my same Buddy, six years later...still my best friend...and constant shadow.

Attachment 543808

HERE's a SHOUT-OUT & Happy Thanksgiving to ALL Pet Parents!!

Cliff Bowman 11-24-2022 11:27 AM

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This is Deadman, if there was an Ugliest Cat contest I would enter him. Another neighborhood stray that moved himself in, he scared the sh*t out of me the first time I saw him, he looks ten times better now. He doesn't meow, he squawks.

Republicaninmass 11-24-2022 01:17 PM

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Cleo 9 month old monster on the left, a Golden cream retriever

Nikko the little big brother, a 10 year old English Cocker

Wondering why I'm outside in the cold

Exhibitman 11-24-2022 02:55 PM

Tuxedoes are pounce hunters. Here's Walter in a typical strike mode:

He likes to stay up high and drop on prey. Not a graceful mover, he thunks around the house. He can open doors and when he bunts (head butts) me with 15# behind it, it feels like a kid's punch.

I misspoke earlier; he's now up to 12 confirmed kills in 18 months.

One night recently Walter came in around 11 and dumped a very much alive rat in our bed! The damn thing ended up trapped behind some cabinetry. Eventually, I closed off all of the ways in and out with steel wool and tried to get to sleep but I couldn't; the damn rat was scratching and clawing at the cabinet from the inside, and it was loud. And Walter was in front of the cabinet waiting for the rat to pop out. Eventually, I got the bright idea to pull the steel wool plug at one end and let it out, hopefully into Walter's waiting claws. I turned off the light and about 20 minutes later I hear a skirmish around the bed. I turned on the light and saw Walter tear-assing after the rat, which ran out under the gap between the floor and bedroom door. I opened the door for Walter, who went after the rat, then closed the door and plugged under it with a towel. I tried to go back to sleep but had a hard time because I could hear Walter all over the house chasing the rat for the next half hour. Eventually I drifted off. When I woke up the next morning Walter led me into the workout room and there was the rat, dead by one of the space heaters. Neck broken nicely.

If our cats were the size of large dogs we'd all be in trouble. Of course, cats the size of large dogs are...pumas.

Snapolit1 11-28-2022 10:18 AM


Tripredacus 12-01-2022 02:11 PM

There is a cat that lives in my house.

irv 12-01-2022 03:48 PM

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Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman (Post 2286870)
This is Deadman, if there was an Ugliest Cat contest I would enter him. Another neighborhood stray that moved himself in, he scared the sh*t out of me the first time I saw him, he looks ten times better now. He doesn't meow, he squawks.

LOL. Reminds me of this guy.
I don't know how to describe the sound he used to make other than describing it as he meowed with his mouth closed.
It was a throaty sound, or a sound within so to speak whenever he saw you or wanted something.
Another rescue who became my shadow. If I was outside, so was he. If I was in the garage he became my helper. I named him Norton after Norton on the Honeymooners as he was just as crazy. Awesome cat to say the least!

todeen 12-01-2022 07:23 PM

I'm a dog person and my sister and father were cat people. Our cat Ms Kitty was an outdoor cat. She jumped off our deck to kick the sh*t out of an intruder cat and broke her leg. We put her down due to that.

But our cat Mittens was my dogs best friend. She let Lisa slobber all over her - I saw her entire head in my dogs mouth at least once a month. It was a weird relationship. My dog died first, and she never took a liking to my new dog Jules or my sisters new cat Macy. She was old and crotchety by that point.

Now I have no animals because we have been in apartments and renting. But we are getting close. My son is a cat person because he doesn't like dogs any bigger than a fat wiener dog.

Sent from my SM-G9900 using Tapatalk

carlsonjok 12-03-2022 07:41 AM

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My wife is an equestrian, so we have a small horse farm. Because we live in a rural area, dogs and cats have a way of just showing up. In January of 2021, a feral tom cat started appearing at our place. Because I am a soft touch, I left food out for him. But, because he was feral, I had a hard time getting within 20 feet of him. In June, he was obviously sick and had lost a lot of weight. I was able to wrangle him into a carrier and get him to a vet friend, who diagnosed him with bobcat fever. We ended up having to treat him at home and, as you might imagine, he is not feral anymore.

Not by a long shot.
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Exhibitman 12-03-2022 04:29 PM

That's great yours get along, Jeff. Our poodle Giselle hates our cat with a passion. Anytime he gets near my wife (Giselle's 'momma'), she goes after him ferociously and there is a brawl. Or as ferocious as a toy poodle can get

EddieP 01-03-2023 01:11 AM

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This is Mack. He partied too much on NYE.

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