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dstudeba 09-15-2010 12:12 AM

Cards stolen, please look out for D310, D380, Mono, and Derby Cigar
Hi All,

Sorry to bring up unpleasant topics, but we were the victim of a home burglary today in San Diego. They got a couple of laptops, camera, pile of cards, spare change, juice boxes, girl scout cookies, and backpacks. I was hoping you could keep an eye out for the following cards. (Please note there are multiple D310s, but I only pasted a picture of one)

Derby Cigars Snodgrass
D380 Lagoe
D310 Ables
D310 Akin
D310 Byram
D310 Carlisle
D310 Holland
D310 Pfyl
D310 Rapps
D310 Ross
T217 Chadbourn

leftygrove10 09-15-2010 03:54 AM

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you can track them down. The important thing is that you and your family are okay.

barrysloate 09-15-2010 04:14 AM

So sorry to hear this Dan, and in a beautiful safe city like San Diego! Very upsetting news. Hope somebody finds those cards (they can eat the cookies).

martin neal 09-15-2010 05:44 AM

Very sorry to hear this. A phone call to the local card store(s) would be a place to start. Good luck

calvindog 09-15-2010 06:42 AM

Jeez, that is a horrible shame.

wolf2039 09-15-2010 08:24 AM

an idea
So sorry to hear that.

You might want to consider posting the graded cards' registration numbers, if you have them. This would allow people to check if they are buying your exact cards.

Shoeless Moe 09-15-2010 08:35 AM

Not to be funny but....
if they stole juice boxes, girl scout cookies and baseball cards, good chance your thief is a neighborhood kid. Start asking all the neighborhood parents which of their kids didn't eat dinner after the crime occurred, they were probably full from their take.

tbob 09-15-2010 10:23 AM

Dan- that sucks! I am really sorry to hear of this. Perhaps you could post scans of all the D310s as I always check out 310s and 311s on ebay and in auctions.

Doug 09-15-2010 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 836448)
if they stole juice boxes, girl scout cookies and baseball cards, good chance your thief is a neighborhood kid. Start asking all the neighborhood parents which of their kids didn't eat dinner after the crime occurred, they were probably full from their take.

That does actually sound like a valid point. The laptops, camera, spare change, juice boxes, cookies and backpacks all sound like stuff a school aged kid would take. The cards are the only thing that really doesn't fit in.

Matthew H 09-15-2010 10:59 AM

Spare change actually sounds like something a Meth addict would take. The drug has been running rampant in my area lately and if I accidentally leave my car unlocked, my spare change is missing. Sad, really. I would check the local hobby shops. PJ's is the only one I can think of down there. (its been a while) Also check pawn shops.

Good luck.

slidekellyslide 09-15-2010 11:16 AM

That sucks Dan...sorry to hear it. Hopefully your local PD will catch the lowlife scumbag(s).

Edited to add: I stuck it to the top so this thread doesn't migrate to the bottom too quickly.

mackmen 09-15-2010 12:29 PM

Bad economy = More crime
I feel terrible for you, I hope you recover your cards and belongings. It just has to drive home the fact that we as collectors need to keep our items secure and safe.

E93 09-15-2010 03:08 PM

That really sucks. I am sorry to hear it.

ethicsprof 09-15-2010 03:20 PM

i'm so very sorry to hear this and will certainly keep my eyes open for you.

wishing you all the best,


nameless 09-15-2010 03:51 PM

Sucks So Bad
I know it wont replace anything but hopefully you had insurance. I will and I know the others on this board will be on the lookout. The fact that it could be a child is a very valid point and good insight. How old are your children if you have any? Is there any chance that when Dad isn't home they show off your cards? Also pawn shops and stores and one other had mentioned are a good place to start. You can pm me or post any serial numbers you have here and I will keep an eye on ebay. If we all work together and secure the cards maybe we can pinpoint the mailing address. Good luck and I am sorry to hear that this happened.

Vintagecatcher 09-15-2010 05:23 PM

Stolen cards

Hope you are able to recovery everything.

Best Wishes,


FUBAR 09-15-2010 07:11 PM

I would make up a little flyer with what was missing and drop a copy off to every card store and pawn shop....

Suggest they "stall" by looking up the cards, and then call you and the police, and keep stalling!

Pawn shops are more then happy to do this as they are the ones who generally lose out the cash they paid to the crack head.

To me it sounds like 16 year old boys or crack/ meth heads!!

Rickyy 09-15-2010 09:18 PM

:( sorry to hear this...will certainly keep an eye out for them.

Ricky Y

Anthony S. 09-16-2010 12:31 PM

Running daily searches for anyone selling very old baseball cards on Craigslist for the San Diego and Los Angeles areas might be beneficial, as well. I'd assume the most likely sections they'd be listed in would be "collectibles" or "sporting." I've done so the past 2 days, but haven't noticed anything yet.

bh3443 09-16-2010 08:16 PM

sad to hear of the theft
Hi Dan, Sorry to hear you lost some of your collection. I hope that you recoveer them and press charges and get restitution and/or your cards back.
I had a similar thing happen way back in 1984 when my store was robbed of what was left while we were at a show. Never found the culprits and insurance screwed us big time.
I just want to say that we should thank God it was not a home invasion armed robbery. As long as your family is safe, that is all that counts.
Good luck and again, best wishes from the Boston area.
Bill Hedin

JamesGallo 09-17-2010 11:53 PM


Been there and recently.

My suggestion check your local card stores, pawn shops, antique stores any place like that.

I had better luck tracking my stolen cards down myself and I knew who took them. The cops didn't seem to do too much in my case. I would also alert some of the big auction houses as they will almost always help with stuff like this.

best of luck and I hope you get the stuff back.

James G

leftygrove10 09-18-2010 06:52 AM


My sister was robbed several years ago. Her car was broken into in a hospital parking lot. About 13 CD's were stolen. She put up flyers. The parents of the kids who took the CD's figured out that their kids had taken the CD's. The parents wisely took the CD's, wrapped them in a paper bag or envelope, put my sister's name, address and phone number on them (from the flyer) and took them to the nearest post office after hours and left them by the door. That way, it was never discovered who actually took the CD's, but my sister got them back. Nobody went to jail (unfortunately).

You might consider an approach like that, especially if you think that some kids took your cards. Put out some flyers in your neighborhood. Maybe the cards will turn up at your local post office. Who knows.

GoSoxBoSox 09-18-2010 07:09 AM

This really stinks Dan. Shit like this really scares everybody. We see too many events like this and it's frankly the reason I got most items of value out of the house. I just don't trust alarms system enough. The worst part about this approach is you can't enjoy the items when they sit in a bank vault.

I hope these turn up and suspect they eventually will. They are rare enough they will get noticed by one of us when they do.

Did you happen to let grading companies know? I don't know if they would ever look-out for people crossing stolen cards but it sure would be great if they did.

jimm 09-18-2010 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by leftygrove10 (Post 837165)
You might consider an approach like that, especially if you think that some kids took your cards. Put out some flyers in your neighborhood. Maybe the cards will turn up at your local post office. Who knows.

Sounds good, but you might be inadvertently telling other bad people you have vintage baseball cards!

danmckee 09-24-2010 01:36 PM

This is horrible Dan! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. If there is anything I can do, please shoot me an email thanks. Dan Mckee

dstudeba 09-24-2010 03:10 PM

Thanks a lot for all the support. It is very much appreciated.

Life has gotten back to normal and it seems to have had little affect on the rest of the family. No leads on the cards or anything else yet, but I am not worrying about it constantly anymore. As time passes it will get much easier. In the end, I still have everything that is important to me, and whomever did this is desperately looking for their next score.

dstudeba 09-24-2010 03:11 PM

And Dan, thank you very much for sticking it to the top!

caramelcard 09-24-2010 10:00 PM


This is horrible. I will surely keep an eye out and contact a few folks that I know in SD to also watch out. I really hope you get these back and sorry it happened.


MVSNYC 09-26-2010 05:13 AM

Dan- just saw sorry this happened to you & your family. hopefully they'll find who did this, and that you'll get all your items back. best of luck.

Leon 11-09-2010 09:59 AM

moving this thread
Since it's been almost a month and a half since the last post I am unsticking this thread. In a day or two I will move it to be stuck on the BST side for another month or so. Hopefully these cards will be recovered and we can help a bit in the matter. best regards

dstudeba 11-09-2010 11:12 AM

Thanks to the moderators for sticking it and leaving it up as long as they did, I very much appreciate it. Nothing has been recovered despite a potential lead unfortunately.

Leon 11-09-2010 11:18 AM

No worries Dan

Originally Posted by dstudeba (Post 847312)
Thanks to the moderators for sticking it and leaving it up as long as they did, I very much appreciate it. Nothing has been recovered despite a potential lead unfortunately.

And to reiterate, this will be "stickied" on the BST page, live auction space (I think), for quite a bit more time......Please be on the lookout for these cards to help our fellow collector out. best regards

canjond 12-06-2010 04:33 PM

Any update on these (hopefully a happy one)?

dstudeba 01-11-2011 10:41 AM

Sorry Jon, nothing.

Leon 04-11-2011 01:27 PM

around 3 mos now
It's been around 3 mos so I unstuck this thread. Hopefully the cards will be recovered....

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