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Runscott 10-12-2011 02:30 PM

Is Tim McCarver an Idiot?
I've been convinced that the answer is 'yes' since the day he became a broadcaster.

So during today's rain delay, he stated that "whoever wins today wins the series." Heck, with geniuses like McCarver around, why do we even play more than four game?

Joe Buck isn't much better - if you had told anyone before the ALCS began, that if the Rangers took a 2-0 series lead and lost game 3, that they would be in big trouble, they would laugh at you. Isn't going up 2-0 great? Isn't going up 3-0 something to be dreamed for, but not something that if you don't do it, you're in trouble?

I'm missing the logic of these two clowns.

carrigansghost 10-12-2011 02:52 PM



Mikehealer 10-12-2011 08:55 PM

Joe Buck isn't any better, in fact I think he's worse if that's possible. He is consistent though, because he is equally bad as a football announce.

xdrx 10-13-2011 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mikehealer (Post 931310)
Joe Buck isn't any better, in fact I think he's worse if that's possible. He is consistent though, because he is equally bad as a football announce.

I agree on Joe Buck. Consistently awful and consistenly overrated.

I think McCarver used to be fairly interesting, and one of the smarter ex-players in a broadcasting role, but maybe has been around for too long at this point. Joe Morgan is kind of similar. I used to like him doing games, but he never has evolved, and it just gets stale, and now annoying.

BearBailey 10-13-2011 06:37 AM

Sadly Yes. But No One is worse than Bob Costas. I watch the games on mute when he is announcing!

bigtrain 10-13-2011 07:32 AM

I used to think McCarver was the worst but now its Joe Morgan. Being in love with your own voice is a serious problem for a broadcaster. Once heard Morgan seriously suggest that Don Gullett (former teammate) should be in the Hall of Fame.

ALR-bishop 10-13-2011 08:00 AM

When he was in his first year as catcher for St Louis he tells a story about going to the mound to "settle" Bob Gibson down after he walked the first two batters in the first inning. He gets to the mound and Gibson tells him " Get your ass back behind the plate, the only thing you know about good pitching is that you can't hit it"

Runscott 10-13-2011 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by bigtrain (Post 931358)
I used to think McCarver was the worst but now its Joe Morgan. Being in love with your own voice is a serious problem for a broadcaster. Once heard Morgan seriously suggest that Don Gullett (former teammate) should be in the Hall of Fame.

That figures. In my opinion, Morgan should never have gotten in - plenty of vintage players who are arguably better. Not saying Morgan wasn't good, just that he's part of that second tier that includes Niekro, Sutton and various Minnesota Twins.

pclpads 10-13-2011 12:45 PM

Is Tim McCarver an Idiot?
That's a rhetorical question, right? :D You have to make allowances for Timmy. He caught too many games for Gibby before someone told him to use a catcher's mask. As for Buck, always wondered if he was really Jack Buck's son. How could he be such a broadcasting goof if JB was truly his father? :confused:

Runscott 10-13-2011 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by pclpads (Post 931467)
That's a rhetorical question, right? :D You have to make allowances for Timmy. He caught too many games for Gibby before someone told him to use a catcher's mask. As for Buck, always wondered if he was really Jack Buck's son. How could he be such a broadcasting goof if JB was truly his father? :confused:

Well, now it looks like McCarver will be a genius. He did amazingly predict that the winner of yesterday's game would win the World Series. Is it possible? Can the Rangers actually win one of the three remaining games?

I would like to interview Bob Gibson. First question would be: "Do you ever watch games where Tim McCarver's announcing? What do you think?"

judsonhamlin 10-13-2011 06:10 PM

Agree completely on McCarver, Morgan and Costas. Oh, heck, Buck too. McCarver was interesting when he first came on the scene, but he hasn't had an original thought since 1987. Morgan was described by (I think) Deadspin as a flat-earther and that fits well.
And don't get me started on John Sterling...

CW 10-13-2011 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by xdrx (Post 931346)

I think McCarver used to be fairly interesting, and one of the smarter ex-players in a broadcasting role, but maybe has been around for too long at this point.

I'd have to agree on both points. I used to enjoy Tim's banter back in the early to mid 90's, and I remember him giving great commentary during the Atlanta Braves' run during those times. But now, it's as if he's trying too hard to come up with something interesting or unique, and it has gotten old.

familytoad 10-13-2011 06:50 PM

Who else?
So who do you think is a good broadcaster?
I like Buck's tone when a big play is made, but agree that overall he misses the mark.
McCarver isn't real good...I liked the comment about his loss of originality. He does have a firm grasp of the obvious though!

Dick Stockton is not a pleasant voice to hear, and Ron Darling loves the superstars so much that he'll ignore the rest of the team in favor of telling you that Pujols is only 6 batters away before his turn!!
John Smoltz is new to the booth but I kinda like his style.
Joe Morgan ...omg if he predicts something he will congratulate himself for three he's bad. ( dude knew how to win baseball games though so here's my kudos to him as a player)

The radio guys are much better in my opinion...listening to Milo H., Ted Leitner, Scott Frantzke, Larry Anderson...much better to listen to, but of course I like watching the game too:cool:

Oh please someone grant permanent laryngitis to John Sterling and Susan Waldman(?) .

Runscott 10-13-2011 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by familytoad (Post 931555)
So who do you think is a good broadcaster?
I like Buck's tone when a big play is made, but agree that overall he misses the mark.
McCarver isn't real good...I liked the comment about his loss of originality. He does have a firm grasp of the obvious though!

Dick Stockton is not a pleasant voice to hear, and Ron Darling loves the superstars so much that he'll ignore the rest of the team in favor of telling you that Pujols is only 6 batters away before his turn!!
John Smoltz is new to the booth but I kinda like his style.
Joe Morgan ...omg if he predicts something he will congratulate himself for three he's bad. ( dude knew how to win baseball games though so here's my kudos to him as a player)

The radio guys are much better in my opinion...listening to Milo H., Ted Leitner, Scott Frantzke, Larry Anderson...much better to listen to, but of course I like watching the game too:cool:

Oh please someone grant permanent laryngitis to John Sterling and Susan Waldman(?) .

Given how many truly bad ones there are, I'm thinking that the 'Morgan/McCarver' model is what t.v. viewers actually like (and don't forget another guy who loves the sound of his own voice - Rick Sutcliffe) . Remember, we're vintage guys, and the 'old school' broadcasting we grew up listening to on the radio is pretty much a thing of the past.

My favorites were Lowell Pass and Gene Elston doing the Astros on the radio back in the '60s. But whoever did the White Sox back then was good to - names elude me.

Today? I really don't like any of them. Here's an interesting website - check out Buck at #5 Worst, and the 'spared' list. This is quite funny:

Fred 10-13-2011 10:45 PM

Have any of you been subjected to having to listen to Dick Enberg call a game? He was the main TV commentator for the Padres this year and I tell you what, I never knew how much I'd miss Matt Vasgersian as a baseball commentator. I now have a great appreciation for what Matt used to provide when he was the Padres commentator. I think Enberg might have been ok a while back but I think calling 120+ ball games in a season is probably a bit much for him now.

pclpads 10-13-2011 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 931602)
Have any of you been subjected to having to listen to Dick Enberg call a game? He was the main TV commentator for the Padres this year and I tell you what, I never knew how much I'd miss Matt Vasgersian as a baseball commentator. I now have a great appreciation for what Matt used to provide when he was the Padres commentator. I think Enberg might have been ok a while back but I think calling 120+ ball games in a season is probably a bit much for him now.

Enberg's best days were doing NFL games w/ Merlin Olsen. As a Pads announcer, I always hope when he takes leave to do the US Tennis Open, that he never comes back to Padre-land. Unfortunately, he always returns. I think Enberg's role model is Jerry Coleman. :(

Fred 10-14-2011 10:56 AM


I didn't want to bring up Jerry Coleman because I like that guy... but yes, his better days were in the past. I'll always enjoy Jerry because he's Jerry. I hate to admit it but I like Mark Grant, he's a good commentator, even if he's usually the side-kick.

T2069bk 10-19-2011 10:59 AM

Scarier thought
What players today may progress into broadcasting? I would hate to have to sit through Milton Bradley providing the commentary .....

JeremyW 10-19-2011 05:32 PM

Mets fan here
I'm most likely biased in my opinion, but I enjoy listening to Ron Darling & Keith Hernandez during the Mets games. They provide a little comic relief, Keith more than Ron, for the long seasons the Mets have been forcing me to endure lately. Gary Cohen isn't all that bad either.

HRBAKER 10-19-2011 07:47 PM

"M" is for McCarver and Mute!

Thank God he finally stopped dyeing his hair that "garish" shade of orange. Made him look like he had been embalmed.

mintacular 10-20-2011 07:36 AM

I consider McCarver to be more of a jackass than an idiot, jmo

Runscott 10-27-2011 07:09 PM

I'm actually getting used to McCarver, as much as I've always disliked him (maybe he's reading our posts!), but Buck is driving me nuts.

Anyone else getting sick of him getting all dramatic over warning track fly outs? He made the last Cardinal out of the third inning sound like an upper deck blast, and it didn't even make the warning track.

C'mon Fox - you can do better than this.

39special 10-28-2011 07:22 PM

Is Tim McCarver an idiot?
I'm not sure,but he plays one on T.V.

mintacular 10-28-2011 10:04 PM

McCarver really aged fast, i remember him as a mid-60s blowhard, and now? Much older, oh yes, much older

ChiefBenderForever 10-29-2011 10:37 AM

Time for new blood especially Buck get the f*&^ outta here, in defense of McCarver he may have taken a few shots to the head and now the damage is becoming alarmingly apparent.

Runscott 10-29-2011 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefBenderForever (Post 935517)
Time for new blood especially Buck get the f*&^ outta here, in defense of McCarver he may have taken a few shots to the head and now the damage is becoming alarmingly apparent.

Hate to keep ranting on buck, but how many times does he need to say "sold out stadium" when you're talking about a World Series game?

These two are approaching Musburgerocrity

Browncow75 10-31-2011 07:44 PM

This says alot:

Robextend 11-04-2011 01:23 PM

I am a die-hard Yankee fan, but the best out there by far besides Vin Scully is Mets broadcaster Gary Cohen. He blows everyone else away.

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