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Old 06-21-2012, 06:00 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,152

The money isn't that big in cycling.

4 million for the best paid guy, and lots of good riders under a million. And some of the guys that basically are there to lug waterbottles around and give up their bike if the main guy needs one quick make as little as 45,000.

I know a guy that collects race worn jerseys and buys them from the riders paying before the race and collecting after. He gets big names for $500-1000. Like the guys making over a million.
When he was asked how much it would cost to get one of the domestiques jerseys he said "most of those guys might just strip naked on the spot for fifty bucks"

And the stuff he was buying in europe was incredible. They've caught on now and the prices are more realistic, but still cheap compared to baseball stuff.
He got the flag that was on the back of the car to start the tour every year from something like 1910 till WWII for about 12 thousand. Much less for world championship trophies and stuff like that.

Steve B
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