Thread: T206 Advice.
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Old 06-30-2012, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by wazoo View Post
That is very true, but I still have a lifetime ahead of me, and if I collect a little here and there, I will complete the set. I want to buy what I feel is unique, and has a history. If it's a little beat up, oh well, it just shows the history behind it. Right now though, I'm just going to continue what I'm doing and enjoy it as well.
Yep you have your life to build the set but a life is longgggg you will Perhaps change your collecting focus during that life hehe.

If you keep focused,and buy t206 each week you can, your set will grow quickly. Comon t206 in low grade are verry easy to buy each week.

It is the beauty of the t206 set, it is easy to buy t206 and easy to start a set but verry hard near impossible to finish the set
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