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Old 07-27-2012, 12:53 PM
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Todd Schultz
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 3,776

And once again another Big Deterrent of this type of behavior as my Man Ted said yesterday, Arm the innocent citizens and I guarantee you this Crap will stop!!!
Couldn't disagree more.

It is after midnight in a dark theater, with a few people walking the aisles on their way to/from the concessions in the lobby. Everyone is relaxed and having a good time. Now a guy in full body armor starts dispensing tear gas to make visibility in an already darkened venue even worse. Shots are fired. Panic ensues and people scramble in all directions. Next a gunshot is fired from a different direction--is it a white knight come to save us, or another bad guy? You draw your weapon, and there are shots from a third direction (fourth, fifth, etc--you get the idea). Who are you going to shoot at? What if one of those shooters is looking to shoot you?--after all, he doesn't know what side your are on either. Meanwhile dozens of people are running into one or more lines of fire, all the while again in the dark and smokey room with tears welling up in their/your eyes from the gas. You shoot at the right guy, even though again he is in full body armor. Whoops--why did that screaming chick run in front of your clear shot and take it in the chest? Hey, that other guy who is firing at you needs to be dealt with--better snap off a few rounds in his direction.

As I mentioned on this thread in the main forum, there was an armed citizen in Tucson coming out of the grocery when Gabby Giffords was shot. He chose not to fire because he said the chaos of the situation made him unsure of his target and worried he would hit other innocents. And he had visibility and room to maneuver. Law enforcement lauded his decision.

The Aurora movie massacre is both abhorrent and aberrant. I will take my chances that it happens so freakishly seldom that I can still go to the movies. If I walk into a theater and see anyone wearing a gun, much less several people, I am out the door. I'll be damned if I'm gonna die while you "good samaritans" and protectors of the people are trying to make me feel "safe".
If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other. - Ulysses S. Grant, military commander, 18th US President.
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