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Old 08-24-2012, 04:39 PM
thenavarro thenavarro is offline
Mike Navarro
Join Date: May 2009
Location: The Great State of Texas
Posts: 975

Had an awesome time last night at the game with Maven. The Rangers won, and got to a season high 22 games over .500 record, but that doesn't really matter as to how our night goes, but it doesn't hurt

Maven starts school again next week, so this was probably our last opportunity to go really early together to get autographs, so of course we got there early. I was able to nab Olt and Dempster on my big glove to get ever closer to completion and Maven was able to add several as well. We also decided to get her photo with some of the easier to get guys for her to have.

Here she is with Mike Adams:

Here she is with Tanner Scheppers:

Here she is after talking with Joe Nathan and getting him to sign one of our team balls and harassing him a little bit about "just one more", you can kind of see him smiling and Maven grinning very proud of herself for getting him again

Here's Michael Kirkman signing her hat before we got the bright idea of asking them to take pictures with her:

Next up, Maven has been wanting us to try (and me too admittedly) the BOOMSTICK, the new culinary delight at the ballpark that is named after Nelson Cruz's bat, LOL. So her and I ordered this monstrosity:

After what seemed like an eternity, we finished it and here she is proudly shoveling in the last bite:

After the big dog, we toyed with the idea of leaving, as neither one of us really felt real well, but we did stay to watch the victory. We had an ex NY Yankee sitting by Maven during the game, (supposedly, I didn't recognize him and didn't want to ask who he was, but heard him talking to the kids in front of us about it, claimed he was an ex backup catcher) we did ask to see one of his World Series rings, and that was pretty neat. Ring was HUGE and full of bling. During the game, a guy named Jim Knox (who does the Rangers post game show) came to our section and Maven asked him how to be "Whataburger Fan of the Game" which is a bit that he does, and he said they already had one, but that if she wanted to be on TV, to come to the post game show in centerfield and that he would put us on. Her and I took my big glove and her hat to the post game show and true to his word, he did a short segment and we were both on TV and he really loved the glove, as when we came on camera, he got it from me and carried it around the whole bit and then brought it back and we were on camera again cheering and hollering for the Rangers. Got the whole bit on DVR at the house, as since I knew we were going to be on, I called my wife and had her tape it. Great night and on the way home, Maven said it was the "best time at the best game yet". I loved to hear that as she's a great kid and we have a blast together.
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