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Old 08-27-2012, 12:44 PM
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glchen glchen is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Sorry to hear about your situation, Zach. I think this happens to many of us, however, when real life priorities take precedence over our hobby. I'm always thinking about this also, and many times, I look at my collection in terms of "first sell" and "last sell." Some of this occurs when I come upon a card that I really want, but I have to sell other parts of my collection in order to be able to pay for it. The "last sell" cards tend to be my favorites or the ones that I would have a really hard time getting back because they are very rare. For example, one of my favorite cards is the 1926-29 Exhibits Ruth (Pose). I have four different color variations of this card. However, if I really needed the funds, I would probaby sell off the blue and sepia tints since these are more common colors for the card. Anyway, good luck, and hope you can still stay in the hobby to some extend and in the future, buy some of your collection back.
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