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Old 08-31-2012, 08:08 AM
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Jeff G@rf!nkel
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Originally Posted by blackbetsy View Post
Did I miss something here. Has there been talk of the "E" in Joe being erased and re-drawn? If so, I apologize I missed that. I sure didn't see it in the images sent to me of the book, does not appear to have been erased or anything of that nature. Again, I'm not saying it's a legitimate Joe Jackson signature (one actually signed by him), what I am saying is that the autograph is close enough to Joe's signature late in his life that I would at least have it forensically tested if I owned the book. No disrespect, but Rick's so called "book expert" used a signed baseball as her bell weather of all things Joe Jackson signed. If anyone here has tried to sign a baseball, it's a difficult proposition at best, let alone for someone who can't read or write. Sure it was shakey compared to the one of the book....two things in play here, one, Joe signed the ball early in his life and on a round surface to boot, two the book was signed on a flat surface, later in life after Jackson would have had more practice signing things. The ball was most likely signed in the presence of other players and Joe would have rushed that. The book on the other hand was probably signed at home with Katie's help. From the dozen or so folks that I have had conversations with over the years about asking Joe for an autograph, he always told them to leave the item with him (saying he was too busy to sign at the moment) and to come back tomorrow and pick the item up. Most of these things (mostly balls) where autographed at home by Katie that night and Joe took them back to the liquor store the next day for the person to pick up. The book being a flat item and depending on who it was for, Joe may have signed the item himself if it was for a close friend or as a favor to a friend...who knows....I'm making up scenarios here, but you get my drift, there is enough reasonable doubt in my mind and from what I am seeing in the images I have been sent....that if I owned the book.....I'd be forensically testing it to rule out that part of it. For me, this book is just another mystery about Joe Jackson that we will probably never know the truth about. But it's fun trying to figure it out.

Official Historian
The Shoeless Joe Jackson Virtual Hall of Fame Web Site
Home of the Joe Jackson model Louisville Slugger baseball bat offer.
The voice said "Build it and they will come".........and they have!!!!!
Even if you got it tested forensically, my understanding is that the forgers used period ink on higher end items. So the ink would match up...correct?

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