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Old 11-04-2012, 12:35 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: CT
Posts: 6,201

I couldn't count the number of phone calls I've fielded over the years.

"Hello, I have such and such boxing item. How much is it worth?"

It's usually one of two answers.

#1. "It might sell for 50 bucks on Ebay if you are lucky, or $100 bucks or so if you want to retail it, and hold onto it a couple of years before you find the right buyer." (numbers may vary of course)

#2. "It's a fake, reproduction, modern print, a facsimile: not an actual autograph, vintage photo, poster, etc., etc..

Response from the caller. "But I had it appraised and the guy said it was worth $500-$10,000 (or some number in between).

My response. "Ok, who appraised it".

Callers response. "A local Antique guy".

My response. (Repeat my two above answers).

Caller response. "That can't be right, guy appraised it........blah, blah, blah."

My response. "Ok, good luck with your's a list of Sports auction houses you can call or contact with your item.".
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