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Old 11-19-2012, 02:03 PM
isaac2004 isaac2004 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 537

Here is my 2 cents...

I do not collect lineup cards so I may be a little biased on the topic, but I think 4,000 is way too high. Sure I get it, one-of-a-kind item with the footage seals it pretty much as it being authentic, but the price is still too high. Ty is right, it means too much to you, so its value to "you" is clouding your judgement on what it would take for you to part with it. It is near priceless to you, because you got it in person during a very exciting time in your life, but that story only matters to you, not someone who would bid on it. There are a small subset of collectors who would be interested in this item, and unfortunately, when that happens, they tend to be able to dictate the price on these items. If you need that much to be OK with letting it go, sit on it, wait some years, then when that championship is farther away, then you may have the ability to dictate the price more.

I hope this above didn't offend you in anyway, I am just stating my opinion on this. On a side note, it is a cool piece!
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