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Old 12-08-2012, 06:26 AM
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JimStinson JimStinson is offline
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Default JimStinson

Originally Posted by thecatspajamas View Post
Could you elaborate more on what you recall of his motivations for finally doing that first autograph signing, and what finally tipped the scales after 5 years of trying to convince him? It seems to me that after 30+ years of refusing to sign (if I'm getting my timeline right), the decision to do a signing session couldn't have been as simple as needing some quick cash or a boost to his sagging ego. Rather than opining as to what I think his motivations may have been though, it seems more reasonable to ask the guy that was there spearheading the negotiations, and I would be glad to hear any specifics that you can recall.
In answer to your question I really don't know, I was on the phone with him every other month for five years so I don't think it was really about money. I would GUESS that as someone said it was to expand his baseball complex. I do remember his saying that he hoped by doing a signing it would eliminate the constant requests he recieved asking for his autograph. The irony of the entire project was that I was doing alot of private signings at the time with various athletes and celebrities and the question that kept coming up over and over was "Why don't you do a signing with Mike G. Marshall ?" and how great it would be for the hobby etc.

When finally I was able to pull it off I got just as many complaints that I was "Charging too much !!!" some of them quite nasty. So I learned you can't make everyone happy.
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