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Old 12-13-2012, 10:57 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Reading the filing it seems like sour grapes because they were encouraging others to bid against him by providing cash to the other stars for the bidding process.

Seems his ego got the best of him and he decided to throw away whatever they were paying him to be on the show because they didn't want him to win every locker he bid on, therefore destroying any built up drama on the show.

Going so far as to mention somebody else's plastic surgery in a lawsuit seems ridiculous. It's television stupid..........and the law they were bringing up seems applicable to game and quiz shows to me. When a show has cast members it would seem to forfeit being a "competition" to me.

Obviously most of it is staged. C'mon, finding some single rare antique in the beat up dresser drawer of an otherwise pile of garbage.

I'm sure there's some gold mines out there (forgotten estates, sudden deaths, etc..), but I wonder why most people who abandon these units don't just go in and take out the more valuable items before they stop paying their bills.
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