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Old 12-31-2012, 03:29 PM
sb1 sb1 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 3,037

I have had Bailey and Lewis cabinets since Lew originally sold them, picked up the Hickman later. I have had the Lowe for many years as well.

On the auction situation. No need to go over old ground with it. In a nutshell, the auction ended(this was during an experimentation of auction endings that the auction ended at an exact time and if no one else bid you won) Well I placed several bids right at the cut off time, so no one could outbid me, knowing that there was no extension. I bid, was high bidder, received the "you have won" email and called it a night. Unbeknown to me they restarted the auction a few minutes later, "because many people could not get bids in" well I thought that was the purpose of the hard close. Bid or lose! To no avial was I able to persuade them I should be the correct winner, as someone else had bid in the next few minutes after they reopened it and then reclosed it.

Not the biggest deal in the world, we all know I have had enough good fortune and foresight, to write off one bad incident.
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