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Old 01-02-2013, 11:23 AM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Originally Posted by bigred1 View Post
Agreed Scott, even Dan Snyder saw the light. Has always been the same way, remember when he hired Switzer, overmatched from the begining. Never been the same since. Things were coming together, in my opinion with Parcells, who seemed to get fed up with it. Think we will just have to deal with it until we fall lower on Forbes list or a fan revolt. He is just counting his money, and believing he is not part of the problem. Free agency has taken alot of joy out of it for me with 50%roster turnover per year. Still a fan though.
I'm not sure what you mean about Switzer (ego-clash with Jones?), but the only thing worse than turning ownership over to someone from Arkansas, dumping Landry like he was garbage, bringing in Jerry Johnson and his perfect hair (which actually ended up being good) or watching the team go from a clean image to the exact opposite....was naming Barry Switzer as the Cowboys head coach. When Switzer was hired I was stunned. However, some claim that he had a Super Bowl team handed over to him, and I have to disagree. A coach still has to coach his team through the season, all the playoff games and actually win the Super Bowl. To say Switzer had it handed to him is like saying coaches don't matter.

I agree with you about Parcells. They even addressed the 'Jones interference' possibilities before signing the contract, but his ego STILL managed to creep in and screw things up. If Jones had dropped dead during Parcells' last year, I think the Cowboys would have turned it around the next year or two.
$co++ Forre$+
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