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Old 01-02-2013, 11:13 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 2,223

only their hairdresser knows for sure.

i wouldn't encase my collectible in a tomb for any amount of money. why are we entombing our collectibles. you can't hold it, you cant feel it, you cant inspect it.

its just under plastic, to what end? i dont like it.

i bust them out. i dont care how much the original person spent having it encased. they lost that money, not me. i once bought a james jeffries signed index card for 320, encased in psa plastic, i busted it out, and later sold it for about the same 320 unauthenticated. and the market had gone down slightly due to recession. i didnt lose any money, but the person who sold it to me spent 150 dollars to get it plasticized. they lost.
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