Thread: New to Net54
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Old 01-27-2013, 07:58 AM
Sean1125 Sean1125 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 3,567

Originally Posted by whitehse View Post
Two weeks ago a number of CU members, myself included, received warnings from the moderator against saying anything that would be construed as being against BBG in any way. Now I have been on the CU boards since 2004 and NEVER received a warning or a time out for any reason but it appears that since I and others had a disagreement with Paul over an issue, he complained to the Mods and warnings were issued and short vacations from the boards were given. I only received my first and only warning from this incident and honestly, it really ticked me off because now anyone that has a beef with BBG needs to just keep it to themselves for fear of losing their posting privileges. I can tell you my post was not attacking but a simple disagreement over ideas and yet I got reported.

I try to never bring issues from CU to these boards but I just wanted to let the Net54 boards know what kind of poster were are potentially dealing with here. Leon, I know you run things much different than CU and for that I am grateful. I hope Paul does as others have mentioned, as a new poster...sit tight, read and learn before trying to be a big player on these boards. Contribute when you can but dont try to me anything more than you are.
I can't "verify" the reason I was kicked off CU but I have a pretty good idea... Needless to say I was HATED by 2 or 3 people, and seemed to have no problems with others.

I know Leon will not put up with any of the BS that was able to happen on the CU boards and I am comforted by the fact that proper clean-up will happen if the need occurs. I hope it doesn't.
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