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Old 02-18-2013, 07:12 PM
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JimStinson JimStinson is offline
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Default JimStinson

I was lucky enough to have known Larry Ritter , "Glory of Their Times" is my favorite baseball book too , He had called in response to one of my ads but can't remember if he was buying something or selling something , When he told me his name I almost fell out of my chair. He was very modest and a wonderful guy that seemed truly surprised that so many people loved his book.

We would speak a few times a year after that and when collectors found out I knew him they asked me if it would be OK to contact him and he was such a great guy he said "Give them my home phone number"

Those royalty checks are the result of the original promise he made to the former players that he would divide all royaties from the sale of the book equally among them and him with each including the author recieving an equal share. In many cases after the player died he continued to pay their estate. Quite a guy.
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