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Old 02-20-2013, 05:41 AM
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JimStinson JimStinson is offline
Join Date: May 2012
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Default JimStinson

Thanks Jim, Those are beauties ! My favorite player and shucks I was a Yankee fan
So many great stories about Williams but one of my favorites was in Sports Illustrated in the 1980's.
A kid and his father were in a train station waiting for a train in the 1950's and Ted Williams was seated alone reading a newspaper. At his father's urging he reluctantly approached Williams to ask for his autograph. He signed for the youngster and then asked if he played baseball.He did but admitted that he was not the best hitter on his team.

Williams rolled up his newspaper and used it as a makeshift bat and proceeded to give the kid a 20 minute hitting lesson right there on the train platform. The kid who would eventually become a sportswriter said that it was one of the most memorable experiences of his life and the image of Williams standing on that train platform in sportcoat dressed to the nines swinging an imaginary bat, Made an impression that would last forever
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