Thread: Ebay Time ?
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Old 02-20-2013, 08:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Big Ben View Post
I ran into something tonight that I found interesting and I can not find an answer to this. I was watching an auction on Ebay while I was working out on my treadmill. I had my laptop on the auction and monitored the auction on my iPhone while on the treadmill using the Ebay app for iPhone. My intent was to bid on the auction using my laptop. While I was working out, I noticed that there was a 5 minute difference between the ending time of the auction on my iPhone compared to the ending time on my laptop. I quit working out and entered a bid with 10 seconds remaining on my iPhone. The auction registered as "ended" on my iphone while the time on my laptop registered five minutes remaining on the auction with my ending bid I registered on my iPhone being the top bid on the laptop version. I ended up loosing the auction as someone snipped me in the final seconds. Loosing the auction is not a big deal to me, but I was wondering if anyone has run into this time difference. --HG Wells Time Machine and Stephen Hawking jokes on the way I am sure--


Quick question: When you saw the listing "ended" on your phone, did it show you as the winner? Not just as high bidder with 0:00 time remaining, but actually as the winner?

It's a weird situation to be sure. I could see eBay maybe trying to make up for a lag in refresh/updates on the phone by artificially advancing the timeline rather than admitting their mobile app was just slower. They have been pushing hard to expand their customer base by way of the Ebay Mobile app (lots more people with smart phones and tablets than with desktops/laptops and dependable internet access), and it would be like them to do everything possible to avoid admitting a weakness in the app software out of the gate.

Something else I've noticed the handful of times I've used eBay on my phone, is the "mobile" version doesn't appear to show the Best Offer feature for items that I know have it enabled (i.e. 99% of my listings), and when an item is "on sale"/marked down using the Markdown Manager feature, there is no indication that the price shown is a "sale" price as there is on the regular eBay site (in other words, if a $10 item is marked down by 50%, on the regular eBay site it will show the price as $10 with a slash through it and the sale price as $5, letting you know it is on sale for half off. On the eBay Mobile app, it just shows a price of $5 with no indication that this is the sale price). I would be interested to know if others have noticed this as well, or if it is somehow limited to my phone or the Android version of the Ebay Mobile app.
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