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Old 02-26-2013, 01:50 PM
BigJJ BigJJ is offline
J0n Fu.ld
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 613

The difference between the good guys and the bad guys is that the good guys -try- to get it right.
They may come up short on a percentage of items, but they try on their lots. There are bad guys out there who do not try, or worse, puposely mislead. Heritage tries hard, good guys in my eyes.
It is odd in this business/hobby that sometimes there is a relatively benign disagreement, that turns into a feud - without end. Didnt you hear Ben Affleck the other night, get rid of the grudges!
Wish some of the good guys here and the good guys at Heritage could just talk things through, perhaps bans be lifted, and all could move forward positively - and that angst, if any, be directed by all parties against the few really bad apples, who are -currently- (not in the past) -but currently- causing financial and other harm to others through fraudulent action.

Last edited by BigJJ; 02-26-2013 at 01:50 PM.
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