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Old 03-06-2013, 01:02 PM
bcbgcbrcb bcbgcbrcb is offline
Phil Garry
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 6,879
Default Why don't more people collect Baseball Hall of Fame Rookie Cards?

It seems like this venture was a lot more popular a few years ago (Hal Lewis, Sergio Delgado, Dan Paradis, Andy Baran, etc.), why do you think interest has waned over the past few years? Aside from the same few people that always respond to posts on this subject (Derek, David, Ken, Jimi), it seems that either no one else really cares or no one else has anything relevant to add.

I was really hoping that all of the research and work that I did together with Lyman Hardemenn a couple of years ago on the OldCardboard webpage would shed some light on the subject and provide answers to a lot of questions as to what constitutes a player's rookie card, particularly on the pre-war side. My thought process was that the more knowledgable people become about a subject, the more they will gravitate towards it.

Do you feel that this area of the hobby still has a lot of room for future growth?
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