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Old 04-06-2013, 07:33 PM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 2,592

There's always two sides to every story, of course, but it wasn't just Crawford in the "The Glory of Their Times" with a string of uncomplimentary things to say about Cobb, but also Davey Jones, who has some extremely unflattering stories to tell. In researching my book, I came across a number of contemporary accounts of Cobb's temper and fistfights he got into with players, umpires, and civilians. On the other hand, Walter Johnson didn't have anything bad to say about Cobb, and thought he was "misunderstood." My mother found Cobb to be the perfect Southern Gentlemen. Anybody read Alexander's biography recently enough to be able to weigh in on how that treat's Cobb as a person?
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